OneShots von Kaos ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: A Werewolf Matter ---------------------------- A Werewolf Matter By CaptainKaos/Keks Beta: Batsutousai Rating: PG-13 Warnings: sap (I think) Summary: It's the end of the first school year. Sirius and James have figured out what Remus' big secret is and corner him with it... Disclaimer: Kaos doesn't own Harry Potter and related materials. They belong to the wonderful JK. No copyright infringement intended. A/N: Yeah, the second one in my new series! Hope you like it as well. James sat next to his best friend. It was another night that Remus wasn't with them. He sighed. "Don't you think it's kind of strange, Siri?" Sirius lay down on his back. "What's strange, Jamie-boy?" "Remus just leaves once a month, you know. I've looked it up... it's always the day of the full moon. Why should his mother always be ill on the full moon?" Sirius shrugged. "Perhaps she's a werewolf..." James eyes widened. "That's it!" He jumped up. "You're a genius, Sirius!" Sirius got up on his elbow and watched his friend pacing through the room. "Not that I didn't know that, James, but are you sure you shouldn't go to Madame Pomfrey? I think there's something wrong with your head." "Stop being a jerk and think about it. It's always the full moon when Remus leaves. Why should he go home when his mother's a werewolf? It would be much too dangerous for him, but the werewolf thing makes me think... What if Remus is a werewolf?" "You don't think..." Sirius seemed a bit shocked. "Of course. Remus is a werewolf. I've read a few things about werewolves. He's always tired when the full moon approaches. He has scars all over his body, probably because he's been hurting himself when he transforms. He's always in the hospital wing after the full moon. It all makes sense to me now. He IS a werewolf." "Bloody hell, you're right," the Black answered. "What shall we do about it?" "First, I say we speak with Remus." James smiled. "And then we should try and become animagi." Sirius grinned. "Just the answer I expected." He got up and came to a halt directly before his best friend. "For Remus!" He held out his hand. James grasped it. "For Remus!" They shook hands with the silent promise to do everything to help their friend. --- --- --- It was two days later when Remus came back into the dorm. James and Sirius were sitting on his bed. He smiled at them. James smiled back. "We were worried, Remy." Remus' smile grew wider. "Thanks, James, but my Mom's okay now." "At least for this month." The Black threw a brief look at his best friend, who nodded. "What will be her problem next September? I mean, school's out soon and we won't be together so I suppose you have a few months to come up with more excuses." "What are you talking about?" Remus got paler, if that was even possible. He was still strained because of the transformation and didn't know what his friends were talking about. "Remus, we're not stupid," the Potter heir answered. "We know." "Know what?" "We know what you are," Sirius said. Remus winced. "What...?" he croaked. "We know that you are a werewolf." James voice was very calm and his eyes never left the werewolf in front of him. Remus eyes filled with tears. He couldn't believe it. He had done everything Professor Dumbledore had told him so he could come to Hogwarts. Now his dream, the dream of being a normal school boy, had been burst like a bubble. James and Sirius had probably written home - at least, James probably had - and all he could do was waiting till he had to go. "Don't you have anything to say to us?" the hazel-eyed teen asked. "I go and pack," is all that Remus could manage before his tears flowed freely from his eyes. The teens on his bed seemed confused. "What are you talking about?" Sirius demanded. "Why do you want to pack?" "I have to leave the school if anybody knows. Professor Dumbledore told me so," Remus cried. He had found friends and his dream had come true, but now he had lost both in just one second. He looked up in shock as he heard his friends laugh. He dropped onto his knees and just watched them in confusion. "What...?" He didn't understand anything at all. James got up, knelt down next to him and hugged his friends tightly. "You're a jerk, Remy." He ruffled the hair of the amber-eyed teen affectionally as he loosened the hug and looked him into the eyes. "Such a jerk. Do you really think we would abandon you just because you're a werewolf?" Sirius followed James' example and knelt down on Remus' other side. He just laid his arm on the werewolf's shoulders and smiled. "You are our friend, Remy. We love you for who you are and not what you are." He squeezed one shoulder reassuringly. "Yeah. And we will always be your friends. You won't harm us. You've just a little problem once a month, mate." Remus eyes had widened. The tears fell again and he just buried his head in James' chest. The elder teen rubbed his back soothingly while the brown-haired one just whispered, "Thanks. Thank you so much." Sirius and James looked at each other, then said in unison, "There's nothing to thank us for, Remy. That's what friends are for." The End A/N: Hope you liked the second one! If you want me to write anything, just tell me and I'll try to do it. ;) See you next time Kaos ;) Hosted by Animexx e.V. (