OneShots von Kaos ================================================================================ Kapitel 6: Ron, the Matchmaker ------------------------------ Ron, the Matchmaker By CaptainKaos/Keks Beta: Batsutousai Rating: PG-13 Warning: sap, slash Pairing: Bill/Harry (my first one ^.^) Summary: Harry has long discovered that he’s gay and has finally got the courage to tell his best friends. What will happen? A/N: I love this pairing and I always wanted to write a fic – so you just get a one-shot. Hope you enjoy it! “Ron, Hermione, can I talk to you for a minute please?” Harry Potter sounded unnaturally shy as he addressed his two best friends, who were snogging in a corner of the common room. Hermione nodded and smiled after drawing back from her boyfriend. “Sure, Har, what is it?” “Can we go to my quarters please?” Since he became Head Boy at the beginning of the year, Harry got an extra room. He didn’t use it very often, but it was perfect for talking with his friends and when he wanted to spend some time alone. Hermione had a similar one, since she was Head Girl. “Sure.” Ron frowned and got up, pulling his girlfriend with him. In silence the famous ‘Golden Trio,’ as they were still called, went up into the Head Boy’s quarters. Ron and Hermione sat down on the couch near the fireplace while Harry took the only chair. “What’s wrong, mate?” his best friend asked and looked at him in concern. “Well... it’s kinda... weird.” Harry let out a breath. “You know that I told you that I’m not interested in Cho or Ginny anymore?” He continued as both nodded. “Well... the fact is I’m not interested in any girl, you know...” “You’re gay?” Hermione seemed a bit shocked. Ron scowled. “Where’s your problem, Mione? It’s not so uncommon in the wizarding world to prefer your own sex.” He looked at Harry. “Don’t worry about it. You know, most of my brother’s are gay too.” “Really?” The-Boy-Who-Lived-And-Defeated-Voldemort asked. “But Percy’s straight, right?” “He’s the only one. Fred and George both have boyfriends – Fred’s with Oliver Wood and George’s with Lee Jordan - but neither Charlie nor Bill have someone at the moment.” “I thought Bill was with Fleur?” Harry sounded confused. “He was – it was kind of a bet between him and Charlie about who could last longer with a girl... I think Charlie was with Tonks for a few weeks – they were in the same year in Hogwarts.” “No one with a normal brain could live with Tonks for more than a few weeks,” Harry said. They all knew that Tonks was probably the clumsiest person on the whole planet. “I don’t know,” Ron answered. “Remus seems to manage quite well. It’s probably because he’s so calm-natured.” “You’re gay?” Hermione asked again. In the Muggle world people weren’t so open-minded about love between the same gender. “Yeah, I am,” Harry answered, scowling. “Do you have a problem with that?” Hermione shook herself out of her stupor. “No,” she said hastily. “Harry, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to offend you... it was just... surprising news.” Ron nodded. “It certainly was...” He grinned suddenly. “Tell me... are you in love with someone right now?” Harry shook his head. “It’s not like I have much experience at all, Ron.” He sighed. “There was a short fling with Ernie from Hufflepuff... but he’s too much for me. I leave him to Justin alone.” “So... what kind of boy do you like?” Hermione wanted to know. Harry sighed. “A kind I’ll never find.” He laughed bitterly. “I want someone who loves me for myself, not because I’m the fucking Boy-Who-Lived. Someone who takes care of me when I’m hurt, who comforts me after one of my nightmares. Someone strong and soft at the same time. Someone with whom I don’t need to be strong all the time, someone who just takes me as I am.” He shook his head. “I’m just a dreamer, Mione. I'll never find that kind of a guy.” “Why not?” Ron asked, surprised. “Harry, there are a lot of guys in this world who will love you and who are willing to take care of you.” Harry laughed bitterly. “You know what?” He looked at his best friend. “You would probably be the perfect guy for me.” “Hey.” Hermione grinned. “I don’t share.” “And I don’t want to be shared.” Ron looked a little sad. “Sorry, Harry.” “No prob, Ron,” Harry answered. --- --- --- Ron and Hermione were sitting in Hermione's room. “What are you doing, Ron?” the girl asked curious. “Writing to my eldest brother,” he answered. “You know, he likes Harry a lot, but always thought he didn’t stand a chance. Hell, he didn’t even consider that Harry could be gay at all. I think they would be perfect together, Mione. And I certainly want them both to be happy. I mean it’s a chance I’m willing to take – and I hope both of them have the same opinion.” “What are you planning, Ron?” Hermione said. She thought he had a great idea and was certain to help him with it. “I'm going to write to Bill and tell him that I will arrange a date with Harry for him for the next Hogsmeade weekend.” “And you think that will work?” “I hope so, Mione, I hope so.” --- --- --- “Yo, Bill. Pig’s here with a letter for you,” Charlie Weasley called. He was currently on vacation and had decided to visit his family for once. Bill came downstairs and snatched the letter from his brother’s hand. “Why would Ron want to write me?” he asked curiously and opened the letter. Charlie was looking over his shoulder. ‘Dear Bill, You’re probably wondering why I’m writing to you. Well it’s because of Harry. He told me and Mione one of his greatest secrets – he’s gay. And then he described to us what a kind of person he’s looking for and I thought of you. I know that you like Harry more than you’re letting him see. That’s why I want to ask you to meet Harry next Saturday at 2 p.m. in front of the Three Broomsticks. I mean, if you are interested in him in this manner. I’m not so certain but I hope so. Bill, Harry deserves to be happy for once and to find a person who sees him and not the Boy-Who-Lived. I’m sure you could be this person. So, send a reply back with Pig about whether or not you'd like to meet with him. Ron’ “That’s a surprise.” Charlie laughed. “Seems our younger brother can be more sensitive than any of us thought. He certainly figured out that you’re in love with Harry.” Charlie smiled. “So, are you going to meet him?” “I don’t know. You’re right, I like him, but he’s way too young.” “Just on paper. You know yourself that Harry is far more mature than the others in his year. Bill, just try it. If it doesn’t work out, you’ve nothing to regret. But you will regret it, if you don’t go on date with him when you have the chance. You will always ask yourself: ‘Could it have worked? Could we be a couple?’ And I know that you certainly don’t want that.” “Yeah, but... what if it goes totally wrong. What if Harry’s not interested and our friendship is destroyed because of it?” “Bill!” Charlie shook his head. “You’re exaggerating. You will both be very happy to have each other.” “You sound so sure.” “Hell, even RON recognized it. If you don’t tell him you'll come, I will. And I will force you on that date.” “Okay, okay. I’ll do it!” --- --- --- “Harry, I have big news for you,” Ron said importantly as he said down next to his best friend, who was reading his book. “And that would be?” Harry asked and looked up at his friend. “I’ve got a date for you – and before you say anything, it is someone who already knows you and likes you for just being Harry. Don’t worry, you know that I never want to hurt you.” “Ron, I don’t want to go on that date.” “Why not?” “It’s wrong. I don’t even know who it is.” “Harry, you have to go. I already told him you would meet him on Saturday at 2 p.m.. Come on, Harry, it is our last Hogsmeade weekend before Christmas. You have to go – you need to buy some presents for my family and you can meet with the person I choose. Please?” “Ron...” “Thank you so much, Harry. He will be so glad to finally get a chance with you. You won’t be disappointed.” He got up and hurried back to the owlery. “I wish I could be as enthusiastic as you are,” Harry murmured before returning to reading his book. --- --- --- “You want to go on a date wearing THIS?” Seamus sounded totally shocked. “You can’t be serious, Harry! That’s... so... indescribable.” “They're the newest clothes I have,” Harry answered, shrugging. He couldn’t figure out how Dean and Seamus found out about his date, but he didn’t care. He just want the day to be over. “Seamus is right,” Dean stepped in. “You can’t wear that.” Hermione and Ron looked at each other, then at the other two Gryffindor boys. “Styling time,” they all chorused as they began to pick up clothes. An hour later, Harry was finally ready for the date. He was wearing tight blue jeans – which belong to Seamus. Over the jeans he wore a tight dark green shirt which matched his eyes. He got a pair of Dean’s black Nikes and was wearing a black coat over everything. He didn’t feel very comfortable in the clothing, though. “Are you sure it’s okay?” he asked. “You look splendid,” Hermione answered and looked at her watch. “But we have to go... Your date's going to be there in half an hour and, since you don’t know the other person, you have to be the first one there.” “If you think so,” Harry shrugged slightly and let himself being dragged away by his so-called friends. --- --- --- It was 2:10, and Harry’s mysterious date hadn’t appeared yet. Harry was more than pissed. He'd been standing in front of the Three Broomsticks for about twenty minutes and it was cold as hell. If this stranger didn't show up in the next five minutes, Harry would return to Hogwarts. “Wow, Harry! You look absolute hot!” a voice said from his right. Harry looked in the direction and his eyes met Bill’s. “Bill, what are you doing here?” he asked and smiled. He liked the eldest Weasley brother. “I’m sorry for being late.” Bill bent down and gave a dropped a small kiss on Harry's cheek. “Charlie wanted to style me for our date and once he’s started, he won’t find stop. Have you waited long?” “Wait a moment...” Harry’s eyes became wide. “You’re my date?” “You didn’t know?” Bill seemed a bit ashamed. “I thought Ron told you.” “He just said it was someone who already knew me as Harry. He never told me who it actually is. He didn’t even let a thing slip.” Bill laughed. “He seemed to becoming more intelligent in his relationship with Hermione.” He shook his head. “Well are you disappointed now?” Harry laughed too. “Not really, but I honestly didn’t expect this. So what would you like to do?” “Whatever you want to do. Perhaps we can do some Christmas shopping – I haven’t got presents for any of my brothers – and you probably know the Twins and Ron better than I do.” “Sure.” He blinked. “Then you can help me pick out presents for your parents and Charlie. I really don’t know what to get them.” “I have the same problem every year. But they aren’t expecting anything from you.” “I know. But I’m invited into your home – I could at least get everyone a present.” “Okay, you’ve got a point. So let’s get going.” He put his arm around Harry’s shoulder and the two really got into their shopping. They were joking, laughing, fake-fighting, laughing, talking... it was a nice afternoon for both of them. As it started getting darker, Bill suggested they get back to the castle. Harry sighed. “I don’t want to go.” Bill smiled. “You have to.” He ruffled Harry’s hair. “Come on, little Potter, let's get you safe and sound into the castle before the evil and dark Lord Voldemort comes and takes you away from me.” Harry shook his head. “You’re an idiot, Bill.” Bill laughed and together they walked to the Hogwarts’ gate. Bill looked down at Harry in front of the school and smiled. “We should do that again,” he said. Harry nodded. “Sure.” He smiled. “But first we see each other on Christmas.” “I can’t wait!” Bill leaned down and kissed Harry on his cheek again. “I’ll see you then,” he said quietly before he turned and left Harry standing there – watching after him, a brilliant smile on his face and his hand on the cheek Bill just kissed. Ron’s plan seemed to be working. --- --- --- “It’s Christmas’ Eve!” Ron started shouting as soon as they arrived at the Burrow. Harry and Hermione were looking at each other, then at Ron. “He’s crazy!” Harry murmured. Hermione agreed. “Do you think it will get better?” “Probably not!” Harry grinned. “But you’re the one who’s in love with him.” “Yeah. Somehow I think it wasn’t such a good idea!” She grinned. “What are you three waiting for?” Charlie appeared behind them. “It would be great if you don’t block the doorway with your bickering.” Harry turned around and grinned. “Hello Charlie, Viktor. You too are together now?” “Yeah.” Charlie grinned. “So what about your love life?” Harry stuck out his tongue. “As if I'd tell you of all people.” He grinned. He finally entered the Burrow, Charlie and Viktor right behind him. They first got their luggage upstairs, then came down again. Upon entering the kitchen, Harry was enveloped in a bone-crushing hug from Mrs. Weasley. ”Harry, my dear boy. How are you doing?” She looked him over. “Oh, you’re looking wonderful. It’s so good to see you again, my boy. Are you hungry?” Harry laughed. “I’m fine, Mrs. Weasley.” He smiled at his surrogate mother. “I certainly am.” He broke free from her arms and settled himself at the kitchen table where Lee, George and Bill were currently playing some kind of weird card game. “Hey, Harry,” Bill was the first to greet the new occupant. “How are you holding up?” “Just great, Bill.” He grinned. “What are you all doing?” “We’re playing wizarding poker,” George explained. “Fred and Oliver will arrive this evening too. Neville’s already upstairs with Ginny. I was kinda surprised you were invited too, since Mum told us only her children and their respective halves are invited.” Bill rolled his eyes. “Mum sees Harry as one of her children, George. She probably adopted him the minute she knew he was an orphan. You know her.” George laughed. “Yeah, I figured it out myself, thank you very much.” “He didn’t,” Lee piped in. “I had to explain it to him.” “Oh, shut up, Jordan,” George growled. “Sometimes I fucking hate you.” Bill, Harry and Lee laughed. Not long after the whole kitchen was filled with laughter, bickering and family bonding, as the rest of the Weasley clan was entering one by one. --- --- --- “I’m going outside for a bit,” Harry said as he get up from the table. “It’s kind of hot in here. Anyone want to come with me?” “Me,” Bill immediately stated as he got up. “I’ll get my coat and everything, then we can go outside.” Not long after, Bill and Harry were taking a walk through the snowy landscape. Harry smiled as he looked around. “I love it here,” he said quietly. “I’m always welcomed here. At the Burrow, I mean. There are other people who would also welcome me, but I don’t feel as happy as I do here.” Bill looked at him. “I can understand. That’s why I come back so often. I mean, Mum can be a monster and you already know that, but she’s the greatest mother in the world. Dad’s great too. And I wouldn’t know what I would do without my siblings – especially Ron and Charlie!” Harry seemed surprised. “I didn’t know you had such a great connection with Ron.” He frowned. “He’s so much younger than you are.” “He is and we don’t have,” Bill whispered as he leaned forward. “But he gave me the one thing I most desired on this world.” Bill closed the distance between them and put his lips on Harry’s. It was a soft and short kiss. Before Harry could realize it, it was over. “I’m in love with you, little Potter,” he softly said. His hand lay down on Harry’s cheek. Harry was in shock. Bill loved him? He was really confused. No boy had loved him before – how should he react now? He looked up and into the brown eyes of the eldest Weasley brother. All he could see there was affection and love, but hope was also shining out. “Bill...” he whispered. A small smile appeared on his lips. “I think I’m in love with you too!” He answered, before he put his arms around Bill’s neck and pulled the slightly taller wizard in a loving kiss. --- --- --- As soon as they went back into the Burrow, they realized that the family had moved into the living room. They were sitting in couples: Ron with Hermione, Neville with Ginny, Fred with Oliver, George with Lee, Charlie with Viktor and Arthur with Molly. “Did you two have a good time?” Ron asked curiously. There was a glint in his eyes. Bill nodded. “Thank you,” he just said. It was funny to see how not only Ron’s eyes got wide, but also Charlie’s and Hermione’s. He pulled Harry over to the couch, sat down and pulled the younger wizard on his lap. Harry smiled and made himself comfortable on the other’s lap. He could feel the eyes on them, the stunned silence. He looked up at Bill. “Let’s give them a show,” he joked, then put his head down and crushed his lips against Bill’s. Bill was quite eager to comply. Among the catcalls and the congratulations, the two of them just looked at each other with a smile on their faces. They had truly found someone to love. The End A/N: Thx for Bats for betaing it again! Well... I’M running out of ideas – perhaps you have some more for me! Hosted by Animexx e.V. (