GaaraxDeidara yaoi von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: Dark Night --------------------- Gaara & Deidara yaoi 3[b/] 3rd Chapter: Dark Night Kaboom! Dark night. Rain. Thunder and lightning. Gaara looked around. He was alone. „Oh my... I hope he isn´t outside, during this thunderstorm.“ He mumbled while standing up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He walked over to the window. The sight was bad, no wonder. He looked over to the roofs of Suna, he could see. The lightning that followed now made Gaara stumble back and gasp loud. No, it wasn´t the lightning. When the night was influenced by the lightning, he saw Dei´s face in front of his. He fell on the floor. „What the-?“ He gasped, his eyes whide opened. „You´re ok, un?“ Dei asked him smiling and jumped through the window. „No! You fucking scared me!“ Gaara hissed angrily. „Oh. Do I really look so scary?“ Dei asked, looking down on him. „N-no... i didn´t wanted to sound like that...“ Gaara whispered. He stood up and asked: „Wow, wait. What have you been doing outside, during this mad weather?“ Dei laughed. „I went to the Akatsuki´s hideout and took some clothes with me, when I went back to Suna. But I got caught in this thunderstorm.“ He grinned. Gaara looked up and down on him. „You.... look wet.“ He mumbled, not knowing what to say. „Oh, you realized it?“ Dei giggled, but Gaara could see, that he was shivering. „It has to be cold in those wet clothes. You should change them.“ He took Dei´s hand and walked right over to the bathroom. „And I think you should take a warm shower, or you´ll get sick.“ He stopped. Dei gave him an irritated look. „Why do you say this? I thought you don´t bother bout anyone else.“ Gaara thought one minute. „You thought wrong.“ He said simply, then turned around and slipped under the cover again, his feet were cold and he was only wearing boxershorts, so it was no wonder, that his hands were cold. The door to the bathroom opened again and Dei walked out. He looked relaxed and was already smiling. He was now wearing a black pyjama with.... with pink clouds on it. „Nice.“ Gaara giggled. Deidara smiled. „Thanks! Oh uhm... where do I sleep?“ Gaara, without thinking about it, raised the cover. Dei grinned and in the next moment, he was laying in Gaara´s bed. Gaara stared at the ceiling, his arms behind his head. „Hey, are you ok, un?“ Dei asked him, touching his cheek gently. A warm shiver run down Gaara´s back. „Yeah.... It´s just.... You know, this is the first time that I let someone be so close to me.“ Gaara whispered. He shivered again, when Dei rested his head on his ellbow. Dei stroked over Gaara´s chest and smiled, when he teased Gaara´s nipples and he moaned. Gaara closed his eyes, enjoying the new feeling. He moaned again, when Dei´s mouth-hand moved down to his boxershorts. The tongue was licking on his navel, while the other hand pulled down the shorts. He clenched his teeth, trying to control the moans, but couldn´t behave any longer, when Dei´s hand swallowed his full lenght and started to lick up and down it. Suddenly, Gaara sat up quickly, so Dei fell to the floor. He stood up and pulled up his boxershorts again, then he went into the bathroom and locked the door from the inside. Dei followed him and knocked. „Hey..... H-have I done something wrong, un? What´s wrong, tell me, un.“ No answer. He knocked again, louder this time. „WHAT´S WRONG, UN?“ He shouted at the door. „Go away. LEAVE!“ Gaara´s voice made Dei shiver. „N-no!“ He said, his voice was shaking. The door suddenly opened and an angry Gaara hit Dei and made him stumble back to the wall. He started crying. „Don´t cry! It wasn´t your fault, I....I´m just... not....really ready...for this..“ Dei felt hugged by the redhead. „I...I t-thought you´re angry bout me. You seemed to be, un.“. Gaara shook his head. „I... was angry about ME. Not you.“ Dei was confused. „Why?“ He asked him, looking in his aquamarine blue eyes. „I just feel like a little kid. Innocent, you know?“ He walked over to his desk and sat down. Deidara looked up, then laughed, „You remind me of when I was your age, un“ he smiled. Gaara frowned, „What do you mean?“ he asked him. „You feel like a kid.... weak... innocent... unable to do anything... just like me when I was your age, un. „Dei lifted his hand and pointed at Gaara. Gaara stood up and walked over to the window, through wich he could see the dark clouds in the stormy sky. „I... don´t feel weak. Not often. Only when you´re around me...“ he blushed a bit and smiled at Dei, turning around. Deidara smiled back, nodded „Then...Do you feel weak now, un?“. Gaara put one hand to his heart. „Only here. And I have a numb feeling in my stomach, when you speak or when I look at you.“ He gave him a weak smile. Deidara felt a slight blush spread across his cheeks. „...Well...thank you, I think, un.“ He lifted one hand and waved Gaara over, summoning to come closer. Gaara frowned again, then relaxed a little. He walked over to Dei and stopped one step away from him. Dei grinned, blinking slowly, „Gaara.... do you love me, un?“ he said, almost naturally. Gaara couldn´t look at Dei, so he looked down to the floor „I...I think I do, yeah...“ he whispered slowly, a blush spread over his cheeks. Deidara cupped Gaara´s chin and lifted his head up so he would face him „Gaara give me your answer....either yes or no, un.“ He said, now looking serious. Gaara felt uncomfortable. He sat down and hugged his knees, thinking about what to say. Deidara sighed „If you don´t have an answer now.... I can ask again later, un.“Gaara looked up to him, a twinkle in his eyes, „No.... I mean... I have an answer“ he whispered. „And what might that be then, un?“ He raised an eyebrow, awating the answer.Gaara stood up and gave him a slight kiss. „I do love you.“ He whispered in Dei´s ear. Deidara grinned, laughing quitely. „Glad to hear it, un.“ Gaara looked at him and stroke over his cheek. „So now... may I ask you, what you feel for me?“ he smiled. „All I can say is that I love you back. But, I can´t describe any other feelings... because not even I know what they are, un.“ He blushed again, not really sure if he should have said that. Gaara hugged him gently, enjoying the feeling of the butterflys in his stomach, „Thank you.“ his voice died. „I´m sorry I rushed you... I shouldn´t have done that so suddenly. You don´t hate me then do you, un?“ Deidara hugged him back tightly. Gaara laughed, „No, how could I?“ He said, his hand was stroking through Dei´s hair. He chuckled and looked at Gaara´s eyes „Thank god for that.... I thought you hated me, un.“. „I´ll never hate you.“ Gaara whispered, smiling „You´re the best thing that could ever happen to me.“ . Deidara placed one finger on Gaara´s lips, „Is that so, un?“ he smirked. Gaara blushed, a warm shiver run over his back „Yeah. It is.“. „Then you won´t mind if I do this, un“ he whispered and replaced his finger with his own lips, pressing his against Gaara´s gently. Gaara deepened the kiss and closed his eyes. He mumbled something sweet and smiled into the kiss. Deidara deepened the kiss, too, licking over Gaara´s lips, asking for permission to slip his tongue into his mouth. Gaara opened his mouth and let Dei´s tongue explore his mouth. He poked Dei´s tongue with his own. Dei laughed quietely into gaara´s mouth, deepening the kiss further. He placed both his hands on either side of Gaara, one on each hip. Gaara pressed himself on Dei, one hand on his shoulder the other hand on his neck. His cheeks were burning red. Deidara opened one eye slightly, smiling into the kiss. Thinking to himself »He´s enjoying himself then...« he closed his eye once again, enjoying the kiss and keeping it as long as he could. Gaara moaned quietely into the kiss and scratched over Dei´s back. It was Deidara´s turn to moan now, as pain shot down his back faintly. He wrapped his arms around Gaara, digging his own nails into Gaara´s back. Gaara moaned again, enjoying the faint pain in his back and the feeling when he got pressed on Dei closer. Deidara broke the kiss. Painting and gasping for air. „Wow... when you really kiss, un.“ He laughed. Gaara blushed „T-thank you... I think that was a complement, wasn´t it?“ he grinned a bit and rubbed his neck. „Yes, indeed it was, un“ He smiled a bit, cheerfully, back at Gaara. Gaara smiled and stared at Dei´s eyes, unable to look away. „If you take a picture, it´ll last longer, un.“ He laughed, poking Gaara´s nose. Gaara blinked, „Erm... sorry... I just...“ he blushed a bit, „I got lost in your eyes.“ He looked at the floor. „You know that this is one of the oldest complements in the book.“ Deidara snorted. Gaara looked at him, confused, „Uhm.... sorry.“ He whispered. „it´s just... everytime when you´re around me, I can only think about things like that, even if they sound like the oldest complements in the world.“ He looked away. Deidara smirked. „You´re cute... when you can´t think of anything logically to say. It´s really cute, un.“ Gaara blushed. „I´m not good at giving complements at the same time.“ He rubbed his neck, feeling uncomfortable again. „I don´t mind... it makes me laugh, un“ he gave Gaara a quick kiss on the lips, smiling as he did so. „I make you smile? Is that good or bad?“ He asked, smiling insecurely. „Of course it´s good. Everyone needs to laugh once in a while.“ He beamed, chuckling at Gaara´s insecutity. Gaara nodded, smiling „I seem to be really insecure bout... love and stuff...“ he mumbled, yawning. Deidar paused to think, „Well, you´re quite young... and you have a lot of time to learn about these things, un.“ He said, scratching his head. Gaara nodded, leaning on Dei´s chest and listening to Dei´s heart, feeling safe now. Deidara, sighed, placing one hand on Gaara´s head and petting him slowly, „You´re like... a little brother... a little brother I never had, un“ Deidara laughed quietely. Gaara frowned. "Like a little brother? I never thought about fucking Kankuro..." He felt bad, when the words were out of his mouth, but it was already too late. „oh... I´m sorry.“ Deidara sighed, looking away, „You´re lucky to have a family to be with....“ he said quietly, but loud enough for Gaara to hear it. „I....I didn´t wanted to say that...“ Gaara stuttered, „I don´t know how it feels to not have any family.... but I know how it feels to be unwanted and hated.“ He whispered, hugging Dei again. „Yes... you should be grateful to the people you have. I´m grateful that I know you... because you´re nice and cute and well... I love you, un“ he didn´t move as Gaara hugged him, staring down at the floor. Gaara raised Dei´s head, lifting it up with his hand under his chin. "I love you, too. And you mean the world to me." He whispered, feeling like Dei´s eyes were burning in his own. „That´s nice to hear, un.“ He whispered, leaning close to Gaara and kissing him gently. Gaara kissed him back, a silent smile in his eyes. He stroked over Dei´s cheek, back to his neck and down his back. Deidara leaned slowly against Gaara, pushing him backwards as he deepened the kiss like before. Gaara opended his lips, so Dei could slip his tongue in his mouth again and closed his eyes. Deidara explore dGaara´s mouth, tasting every corner as he placed both hands on Gaara´s hips. He moaned quietly, enjoying the warm shiver, that was running down his back and he pressed himself closer on Dei´s body. Deidara muttered something to himself about his age, but carried on. He quickened the pace of the kiss, moving right against Gaara. Gaara sat down on the bed, keeping the kiss going. He moaned again, feeling Dei´s body rubbing on his own. Deidar atried not to break the kiss. His heart was beating against his chest madly. He shouldn´t panic. If he did, he´d probably run... but he wasn´t going to. He was here now and wasn´t going to run...not yet anyway. Gaara broke the kiss. "Y-your heart is... beating so loud that... I can hear it...." he gasped, catching breath.“t-that´s only because.... you make me excited, un.“ Deidara smirked slowly, looking down at Gaara like he was in control. "Do I......?" Gaara grinned a bit, then he raised his hand, put it on Dei´s chest and moved it down to his stomach. Deidara blushed slightly at the touch, then nodded, „Yes... you do, un.“. Gaara noticed the touch and slipped one hand under Dei´s pyjama-shirt. He explored Dei´s thin but well-trained body and looked at his face, to see the reaction. Deidara flinced, trying not to giggle, „I´m ticklish, you bitch, un“ he grinned. Gaara made a pout like Dei said something bad. He looked up to Dei´s eyes and blinked.Deidara looked down at him, „Did I said something wrong, un?“. „I´m not a bitch...“ Gaara whispered, but he had a twinkle in his eyes. „Of course you´re not...“ Deidara grinned, „But I can call you one, un.“. "Not »a bitch« or »one«..... I´m your bitch." he grinned and kissed Dei softly. „Hmmmmmm...“ Dei hummed, „Sounds good to me, un.“ He smirked. Gaara touched Dei´s cheek gently, "what do you think? Am I a good bitch for you?" he asked him, licking Dei´s ear. He relaxed and nodded slowly, „Yes... yes you are, un.“ "Thank you." Gaara whispered in Dei´s ear. He nibbled on it softly. Deidara wiggled, „That bloody tickles, un. Is that your goal in life, to tickle me to death,un?“ Gaara grinned, "Sure. I like it, when you laugh. Sounds so beautiful." he laughed quietly and kissed Dei again. Deidara leaned closer into the kiss, smiling against Gaara´s lips as he thought. He was thinking about love, and what exactly it meant to him. Gaara, sitting on his bed, pulled Dei down on it, so they were both laying next to eachother. He wasn´t really thinking about what he was doing. Deidara blinked, raising one eyebrow. Now he was just plain concious. What exactly was going through Gaara´s head? Gaara opened his eyes, then he realized in wich situation they were, on the bed, laying close to eachother, kissing. He sat up, blushing, "Uhm.... oh fuck..... I didn´t wanted to do that, Dei." he stuttered, red like a cherry. Deidara smirked, „It´s no problem at all, un“ he poked Gaara´s bright red cheeks and laughed. „I just..... don´t really know what to do, I mean, you´re here and.... who tells me that you´re already here, when I wake up in the morning?“ Gaara whispered, looking at him. „If you loe me, then you´ll trust me, un.“ He gave Gaara a quick kiss on the cheek and closed his eye. Gaara nodded, feeling tired again. He sighed, fell back on the bed and closed his eyes. He mumbled, "I really do love you, Deidara-chan, yeah." then he fell asleep next to him. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (