GaaraxDeidara yaoi von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Unwanted but needed ------------------------------ Gaara & Deidara (Yaoi) 1st. Chapter: Unwanted but needed It was 10.30 am, Gaara was sitting in his bathtub and washing his hair. His head hurts. Yesterday the paper-stuff didn´t wanted to end. He fell asleep on his desk. Not what he would call comfortable. He yawned. „Oh my goodness, to be the Kazekage isn´t easy at all.“ He stood up and wrapped a towel around his hips. A knock at the door maked him turn around and ask „What the..- What do you want? I´m trying to relax!“ He shouted at the door »And I´m wearing nothing but a towel« he continued in thoughts. „Gaara-sama..It´s me, un.“ The person behind the door answered. „Dei-Deidara?“ Gaara whispered to himself. „Uhm... ok, come in, if you really want to.“ He said to the door. The door was opened and Die takes a look into the bathroom. Then he saw the Kazekage. Wearing nothing but a towel. He blushed. „Un...Should I come back later?“ He asks, trying to don´t look at Gaara and his towel. „No, just tel me, why is it so important, that you have to see me while I´m in the bathroom. If it isn´t I´ll remember myself that you are my enemy and then I´ll kill you.“ Gaara answered composed. Deidara looked shocked and stumbled back a few steps. „I...please...“ He stuttered. „What??“ Gaara asked a little bit out of nerves. „Don´t kill me, I..I just wanted to see you.“ Deidara whined. „Deidara, this is a bad situation for jokes and you know that.“ Gaara answers kinda angry. „This-This isn´t a joke, un! I´m not joking!“ Dei whined desperate. „Yeah, truly, remember, you tried to destroy my village, you kidnapped me and killed me. The only good thing you have done is reaping Shukaku out of my body. And that´s all you have done for me. And now you really want to tell me, that just came to visit me?“ Gaara pushed Dei away and ran into his room, then he shut the door in front of Dei´s nose. „Idiot!“ He shouted at Dei before the door closed finally. „What does this Guy think who he is?“ Gaara says angriely to himself. „I know what he is, a liar. I hope for him, that I´ll never see him again!“ But what was this? A new feeling hat appeared. » Just wanted to see you....« Dei´s words were flowing around in Gaara´s head. »...Wanted to see ....YOU....« „Aaaaaarrrrgh!“ Gaara put his face into his hands, his nails were scratching over his head. Water fills his eyes. „No, not because of him. He´s just a guy. My enemy. NO!“ Gaara whined, then he breaked down, his back against the wall. „Gaara?“ A voice next to his ear shocked him. „What the hell-?“ it was Deidara. „Are you ok?“ He asks the redhead. „No! Don´t you see what you´re doing to me? I don´t need more pain in my life!“ Gaara shouted at him, desperately trying to keep his feelings under control. „What?“ Dei asked him. „Go away.“ Gaara whispered, still holding his head in his hands. „Can´t I help you? I just-„ „I Hate you! You make me sick! LEAVE!“ Gaara screamed desperate and angry. Dei was shocked. And confused. He just said a few words to the redhead. He stumbled back. He was shivering, »How could this happen to me?« He asked himself in thoughts. Then he whirled around and stumbled out of the room. Gaara looked at the door. He had stopped crying. But now that Dei was gone, he felt like Dei had left a hole, where his heard should have been. He stood up. Then he noticed a letter on his table. He opened it. The lines were passing by like wind. He stopped, unable to read the last line till the end. He closed his eyes, opened them again and read: „In love, Deidara.“ Gaara started to shiver, the letter fell down. „What have i done?“ He don´t know much about Deidara, he now felt sorry for him. Gaara took on some clothes and then without thinking about it, he jumped out of the window and started searching for Deidara. Deidara endet up 1 mile outside of the village, on a little lake. He picked up a few stones and threw them into the water. „Damn! I´m so stupid. To go to him, without a doubt, if he would like me like I do to him, I hope the letter wasn´t too much for him, un.“ He said angry about himself. „I´m glad that I haven´t told him about my real feelings for him. If I would have told him about my love to him, I think he would have killed me.“ Deidara whined, desperately searching for a way out of this desaster. „Ahem...“ Deidara turned around, really shocked. It was the redhead. „Oh how long have you been standing there, un?“ Deidara asked him blushing hard. „Long enough to hear you whining about this „desaster“.“ Gaara answered without a smile. The opposite of a smile. His face looked like a face made out of stone. „So...we´re alone, kill me now. It would be an honour for me to be killed by you, un.“ Deidara whispered, his face down to the sand. „Go ahead and throw my life away, un.“ Then he was really surprised, when he was hugged by Gaara. „It would make no sense, to kill you now.“ He whispered in Dei´s ear. „Why not? Do you want to tease me, so that I´ll kill myself? Sooner or later, you gonna hate it, un.“ Deidara whispered slowly, trying to stop the tears. „I know, but I don´t want to tease you, come on, there are some questions I wanted to ask you.“ He took Deidara´s hand and pulled Dei with him. Deidara was so confused by this, that he just followed Gaara into the city. Gaara didn´t said anything, while they were running through the streets. He stopped at a restaurant and caught places in a corner. Gaara ordered something to eat and drink and then he gave Dei the first smile, he had ever given to him. „First I meant what I said about hating you..“ He started, then, Dei was going to cut the sentence off, he threw in a „ Let me finish, please.“ And Dei shut his mouth again. „....But then I realized, that was wrong. Please take this... however you´ll call it – dinner or date or whatever – as an apologize from my side. What I will say now, is, what I really mean. I never meant to hurt you. And one more thing, I will tell you after you ate a little bit. I hope it tastes well, it looks delicious...“ He pointed at the meal, a waiter had put on the table, a few seconds before. „T-thanks, Gaara-sama.“ Dei answered, blushing hard again. While eating, Gaara´s head was full of thoughts about the situation. Then he noticed that he was looking at Deidara a few times, while eating. He blushed a little and tried to be concentrated on eating. His hand was laying on the table. Suddenly, he felt Dei´s hand laying on his own. Gaara looked at him, Dei blushed. „The thing, I wanted to tell you is, that I don´t know nothing about love. How ti feels or how to fall in love with somebody.“ Gaara whispered at Dei while taking his hand back to him. The feeling, the touch had released, was like his hand burned, but another feeling felt like Gaara could fly. That confused him. „It´s all so difficult and confusing. You are my enemy, but even if I should, I could never kill you, after all you´ve done to me. I feel like in the next second, my head will explode.“ Gaara stood up and payed for the meal. „I think, I´ll go home. Maybe you can come back later. Tomorrow or so.“ Deidara followed him outside. Then, he stopped in front of the restaurant. Rain was falling. „Ha....The sky looks like it has the same mood as me. Goodbye, Gaara, un.“ He leaned forwards and gave him a little kiss on his cheek. Then he disappeared into the dark streets of Suna and left behind a confused and lonely Gaara. The redhead turned around and shuffled along vthe streets, whith hanging shoulders and a hanging head. Now his mood was as dark as the sky. He wandered through Suna for hours and hours. His clothes were wet, it was cold and the rain was still falling, like it´ll never stop. Suddenly he heard a scream. He looked up and saw four men, surrounding a fifth man. The four men were lauging and shouting at the man in their middle. „What are you? You look like a girl! What the hell are you?“ Someone screamed and threw a Kunai at the man. He fell down, the knife stuck in his arm. 2 other Kunai´s followed and one of them stroked his chest. Blood splashed around. Then, another man tried to throw a Kunai at him, but suddenly, he was chatched in sand. „Desert Coffin!“ Gaara screamed. The men were shocked, under their eyes, the sand broke every bone in the man´s body. A rain of blood fell down on them. „Leave this village or I´ll kill you all!“ Gaara said calmly. The men turned around and stubled into the dark. Gaara squated down next to the bleeding man. He had blonde, long hair. His black cloak with the red clouds was dirty and blood-drained. „What the-?“ Gaara whispered shocked. It was Deidara. „Deidara? Can you hear me?“ He asked. No reaction. Gaara picked him up and ran to his house. He opened the door and lay him down on his bed. Gaara took off Dei´s cloak and shirt, so that he could take a look at the wounds. He gasped. A long, deep cut went on from his left shoulder and down to his right hip. Gaara jumped up, stumbled into the bathroom, opened the first-aid kit and pulled out some badages. He filled up a bottle with water and started to clean the wounds with some flax-cloth. He worked until sundown. Then he sat donw on a chair with a glass of sake in his right handf. „Oh my god.“ Gaara moaned. And then, he lay his head on the table and fell asleep. Deidara woke up and gasped. A numb pain rushed through his body. He tried to get up but fell back into the bed, he was laying in. „W-where am I?“ He whispered to himself. There were bandagas around his upper body. Then he noticed Gaara, sleeping on a table, he had blood on his hands and in a bowl next to him were some bloody flax-cloth swimming in bloody water. He remembered, what had happened, when he went through the rainy streets of Suna. He had bumped into some men. That was all he could remember. A wave of pain made him shiver and he moaned in sufferring. Then the darkness catched him. He screamed, while every nerve begged for the end of this suffering. The last thing he saw until he fell back in a deadly sleep was Gaara´s milk-white face and his eyes looking scared into his. Then nothing. Words were flowing through his head. In moments of awakeness, he saw Gaara sitting next to his bed, holding his hand. When the darkness opened it´s fangs again, he heard the redhead singing quietely. Then, Deidara opened his eyes, the pain had gone mostly and only a numb knocking was left in his arm and chest. Gaara´s head lay on his stomach. He fell asleep when Dei stopped shaking and screaming two hours agou. „G-Gaara-sama?“ Deidara whispered and stroked over his head. Gaara mumbled something but continued sleeping. Deidara smiled. But suddenly, Gaara´s eyes opened and he yawned. „Hey.“ Deidara whispered smiling. Gaara stretched and smiled tiredly at Dei. „So you feel better?“ He asked, looking at the bandages. Dei´s blood penetrated through them. „Yeah... thank you for saving me.“ Deidara answered. „Glad that I could be of help after what I´ve done to you.“ Gaara whispered frozen. Dei looked at him, realizing that the suffering hasn´t gone, it just had changed it´s face. „I have to change your bandages, it´ll bleed again. Can you stand up?“ Gaara asked him while picking up fresh bandages from a table next to the bed. „Y-yeah, I think so.“ Deidara answered confused and a little bit blushing. He felt uncomfortable. Gaara took off the blood-drenched bandages. Blood was running down Dei´s upper body. He gasped, his chest looked like someone tried to cut him in two pieces. „This...this looks bad.“ Deidara whispered. „it looks more worse than it is.“ He answered, concentrated on cleaning the wound. When gaara touched his body, Dei felt like his skin burned. He blushed hard. „What´s up?“ Gaara asked Dei, realizing how red he got. „N-nothing... I´m fine.“ Dei whispered, trying to don´t look at him. Gaara smiled a little teasy. He touched Dei´s chest and moved down to his hip. „N-no, stop it, please.“ Deidara whispered with a smothered voice. „So you don´t like it? Or does it make you lose control?“ Gaara whispered grinning evily. „Both... And you said you won´t tease me. Why are you so unfair to me? Do you like it, to see me suffer like that, un?“ he whined. A tear run down his face. Suddenly, darknes surrounded him and he fell into Gaara´s arms. „Dei!“ A voice screamed in his head. Then nothing. Darkness. Pain. Suffering. „Wake up, Dei! Please wake up! I didn´t meant to push up your suffering. Don´t leave me!“ Gaara whined crying. „G-gaara. It´s ok. I take your apologize. We suffer because of our bonds. That´s just nature, un.“ Dei whispered weakly. „But you don´t know how I feel. The same feelings, the same weakness I feel for you.“ Gaara looked at him. Now he felt tears running down his cheek. „Wounds of the body may heal, you can help them with medicine. But for wounds of the heart, there is no medicine and sometimes they´ll never heal.“ Gaara whispered. „Oh Gaara-kun.“ Gaara whispered, his voice full of tears. Dei leaned forwards and hugged him. »But there´s one thing that could heal a wound of the heart. It´s love, Gaara« Gaara thought. He remembered the day when his uncle Yashamaru told him about love, a few hours before he tried to kill him. „Love.“ He whispered in Dei´s ear. Suddenly, Deidara digged his fingers in Gaara´s back. „Urgh.“ He moaned. Then he jumped out of the window. „D-don´t try to find me, please, it might be dangerous to try, un!“ He shouted at Gaara, then he disappeared into the darkness. Gaara was shocked. And confused. Without thinking, he started searching for Dei. And he found him, but before he catched him, he stubled and fell down. Blood started to run down his ellbows and knees. But he didn´t really noticed it. He cut Deui´s way off and faced him. „What the hell are you doing?“ Gaara asked him angrily. „Go out of my way, please, I don´t want to...“ Dei started, then he noticed the blood on Gaara´s hands. „W-what is this? Blood? Show me your hands, please.“ Dei asked him, a red shine in his eyes. Totally confused, Gaara showed him his handfs. Then he gasped. Dei took his right hand and licked away the blood. „What the hell-?“ Gaara whispered. »He´s a vampire!«. He moaned, overwhelmed with feelings. » I can´t help me, but I like this.« He thought. He pulled out a kunai and cut his left arm. Blood splasehd out of it. „What... what are you doing?“ Dei asked him tangled. His mouth red by blood. „Here, take this.“ Gaara whipsered quietely. „ like that?“ Dei asked him while licking Gaara´s bloody arm. „I...I don´t know if I like it, it´s a good feeling, but already confusing.“ He opened his cloak and cut his chest, the blood that splashed out of it, run over Dei´s face. Dei moaned a little, a blood red shine appeared in his eyes. Gaara´s blood was thundering in his ears. He grinned a little, his eyes closed. An odd sound from his throat made Dei look up from Gaara´s chest. „Ha-ha. You look so relaxed, like I would give you a massage.“ Dei grinned. He looked so scary, with a maniac look in his eye, blood rinning out of his mouth and over his chin. His hands on Gaara´s hips were bloody, too. Then, Gaara surprised him, when he whiped away some blood from his chin and tasted it. „Hm... not bad.“ Dei could see his throat whip, when the blood ran down it. Dei picked up the kunai and moved it under his chin, on the right side of his neck. „Wha-?“ Gaara wispered confused. „I want you to feel you, licking my blood away.“ Then he cut his neck. Blood started to ran down his neck and into his clothes. Gaara leaned forwards and pressed his mouth agains Dei´s neck. Dei moaned relaxed in Gaara´s ear. „Now I know, how you felt when I licked your blood away. Please...Don´t stop.“ But Dei usually didn´t had to say that. Gaara wouldn´t have stopped, his eyes closed, blood running over his chin. Then, suddenly, Gaara bite Dei´s neck, his teeth had grown fast. „ you´re like me.“ Dei whispered smiling evily. „Yeah... But I don´t make you as faint as you make me... You look so... something between scary and hot.“ Gaara´s voice vibrated shivering. He had already blood in his mouth and his throat. „But everything good has an end. I have to keace, now. I´ll come back tomorrow or in a few days, un.“ And then, he jumped backwards, smiling at Gaaram when he disappeared into the night. Now that Dei had gone, the pain thundered through his veins. He got on his knees, holding his arm and chest. »I---should go home...« He tried to get up on his feet again. Gaara stumbled through the streets, it was close to midnight, so nobody saw him. He reached his home, opened the door.... And fell down on the floor. When he woke up, the sun had raised. But he wasn´t at home. It was a white, clean room. He turned his head to the left and saw a few medicine bottles on the table, standing next to the bed. „The...the hospital.“ He whispered to himself. He closed his eyes again. „I´m so done.“ He moaned.... „So... you are awake, un?“ Someone asked. Gaara opened one eye weakly. Then he gasped. „Dei... Deidara.“ Deidara leaned forward and smiled. „You don´t seem to be lucky about seeing me.“ Gaara looked at Dei, insecure if he was joking. „Hell, I am not lucky to be in the hospital, How could I`? The questions, how can I avoid annoying questions about my wounds?“ he put his hands on his face and shaked it. „Oh, that´s not a problem, nobody knows, that you´re here.“ Deidara grinned. „What the fuck-?....Nobody knows I´m here, right? You took me here.“ Gaara fell back into his pillow. „Hu.... Ok, now I feel a lil bit better.“ He closed his eyes and fell asleep fast. -End 1st. Chapter- Kapitel 2: The Liars Nightmare ------------------------------ Gaara & Deidara yaoi 2nd Chapter: The liars nightmare „Hold the line! Stay at my side!“ The night was full of smoke and fire. Bodies were laying on the battlefield. It was the second day of the fight, Suna was involved in. „Sire, the enemies are moving again. Tell us, what to do, please.“ Someone asked Gaara. He was standing on a Mountain, watching the dark desert. „Send the Chuunin. I´ll help them, in case there´s any worse trouble.“ Gaara pulled up one arm and made one sighn. He saw the troops move against the enmy. Then, an explosion lightened the scene through the dark night. „What the-?“ Gaara gasped. „I...I know that explosion sound.“ He tried to see more of the field and sent out his third eye. „Sire! One of the Akatsuki-members has entered the battlefield! His name is –„ „Deidara.“ Gaara turned around and looked in the scared eyes of the shinobi, wich was send to pass the message on him. „He´s mine. If you catch him, try to keep him alive or you´ll be the one that dies.“ Gaaa hissed, trying to sound angry. „But...“ „This is an order.“ He jumped down the mountain and ran over the battlefield. His sand armour protected him a few times. „Ryuusa Bakuryu!“ He screamed while making hand signs. The sand avalance he had built washed away most of the enemie´s soldiers.Then he saw him, a few meters over the ground, on one of his self-made birds, he was at throwing bombs on Gaara´s troops. Gaara jumped on his chakra-sand and flew up to Deidara. „Hey Deidara! Your real enemy is over here!“ He screamed, when he was close to him. Deidara turned around his – not uninteresting, really good-lookling – and focused on Him. „Ah, I see. The Kazekage had entered the battle. Nice, really nice, un.“ Dei´s voice was full of sarcasm, but there was also a little bit of true happieness in it. „Long time no see, old friend.“ Gaara whispered without smiling. „So... now we´re stuck in the situation of killing eachother or act like that. I´d prefer acting. I don´t want to kill you, un.“ Deidara said to him, smiling evily. Suddenly Dei was surrounded by sand. He threw a clark-detonation, trying to escape. It was only theater, but it should look as real as possible. Gaara pressed his hands together and caught him. He moved down to earth and started to walk over to the mountain, he stood before. When he arrived, he ordered a horse. „I will go back to Suna.“ Gaara said to his general. „Yes, sir. The battle is now under control. But we´ve lost some Chuunin and one Anbu.“ Gaara talked to the general a few minutes, then he left the tent. He get on the horse and Dei took place behind him. „May I wrap my arms around your hips?“ He asked him, whispering in his ear. „uhm... yeah. It´ll be a long ride back to Suna.“ He took one last look at the battle, then pressed his feet at the horse´s sides and shouted „Go!“. In tome when Dei had his arms wrapped around his hips and leaned his head on his back, the feeling, that had appeared before, when he met Dei first, had come back. „Dei. Wake up.“ A voice whipsered in his ear. He opened his eye, then smiled, when he realized Gaara. „Hey.“ Dei whispered yawning. „Come on, stand up, there are already a few miles left until Suna.“ He helped Dei up and started walking. „Hey, wait!“ Gaara stopped and turned around, looking at Dei confused. „...Yes...?“ Deidara walked towards him, stopped and then he hugged him. „Wha-?“ Gaara took one step back. „I...I missed you, Gaara.kun, un.“ Deidara whispered slow,ly. „Hey...uhm...are you crying?“ Gaara asked him insecure. „N-no.. I just... Something flew in my eye.“ Deidara looked away fast, blushing. „Yeah... I see.“ Gaara continued walking. Dei got on the horse again and followed him. „Why do you walk, un? We have a horse.“ He asked Gaara. „Why do you ride?“ Gaara asked back. A long time, there was silence. »He´s such a gorgeous boy.« Deidara thought while watching Gaara walking. „You are staring at me.“ Gaara said motionless, not turning around to him. „N-no, I´m not!“ Dei shouted, desperately blushing and stuttering. „I can feel it.“ „Baka!“ Dei grumbled.“ You don´t know nothing about me!“ „Yeah, truly, but i know one thing. I released a demon inside of you, I can´t keep control over.“ Gaara tool a look to the side on Dei. „What the hell are you talking about, un?“ Deidara hissed. Suddenly, Gaara got on the horse, closely behind him. „You´ll understand, what I mean. Deidara made the horse turn over in a fast gallop. His face was bvurning. Gaara had his left arm wrapped around his chest and the right one around his hips. „G-gaara-kun?“ „Yes?“ „I wonder why you´ve been hated. Was it, because nobody knows your feelings and how you really are?“ Dei asked him concious. „Do you know, how I really am? Do you know, how I really feel?“ Gaara asked him frozen. „No, but I think you´re lonely and you feel cheated.“ Deidara whispered slowly and a little bit insecure. „Yeah. You might be right. But even if itßs true my uncle knew it and he tried to kill me. It´s not because of they don´t know how I feel or who I really am. It´s because of what I´ve done. You know it, but you don´t show me your motionless, cold side. That makes you special to me.“ Gaara mumbled in Dei´s ear. „Uhm...yeah...un.“ Dei whispered, too deep in thoughts to answer. (timeskip) „Arrrgh, I´m hungry.“ Gaara grumbled after a few hours traveling through the desert. Dei smiled, trying to look innocently, when Gaara´s eyes turned red. „Don´t eat the horse, un.“ His eyes truned back to blue again. „We´re now close to suna.“ He pointed at the huge wall in front of them. When Suna was really close, Gaara went quieter and quieter. „Hey, un, what´s wrong?“ Deidara asked him. He jumped down on the ground and started walking next to the horse. „What?...Oh, it´s nothing. I´m fine.“ Gaara stopped the horse and went down slowly. He was at walking straight on, but Dei grabbed his arm and stopped him soflty. „You are a bad liar. I can see, that you´re not ok. Please tell me, what´s wrong.“ He was confused, when he saw Gaara´s wet face. Normally, Gaara was motionless and cold. „W-when we´ve reached Suna, you´ll be tortured and we won´t see us a long time. I don´t want that, but I have to act like you´re my enemy.“ He leaned on to Dei and tried to get back the control over his feelings. „I-...I can take it. I can wait... and bleed. Just...please, promise that I´ll see you again, un.“ Dei whispered with a scratchy voice. „If you don´t I´ll die. I...I really love you, un...“ When Gaara heard that, he froze, now motionless again. He continued walking quietely. When Deidara called him, there was no answer, no reaction. So Dei followed, unable to stop him. „What the fuck is wrong? I can´t do anything against my feelings!“ Dei shouted, whining desperately. „Your feelings? Now you´re the liar! Don´t lie to me! You´re only joking.“ Gaara started walking faster. „What happened to you? Where´s the real Gaara? I thought you´d like me!“ Gaar grumbled, when Dei said that and appeared next to him. „I am the real Gaara. And nothing happened.“ »Don´t fall in the trap of love« He remembered the things, he told himself, years and years ago. „That´s enough. I´m outta here, un. I didn´t thought of you, being a liar like this. I hope for you that we´ll never meet again.“ He made a hand sign and flew away on the back of a big white bird. „Hey! Wait! Don´t...leave... me...“ Gaara´s voice went quieter and died. He entered Suna alone. Not saying anything to anyone. He opened the toor to his home and sat down on his bed. He took a look around. It was so empty. He was empty. He fell back and while staring at the ceiling, sleep caught him. Nightmares were hunting Gaara. He could see a bloody Deidara, stretching his arm and trying to catch him. „“ Gaara couldn´t move or scream, the nightmare Deidara caught him, his blood was splashing in Gaara´s face, his eyes were whide opened. Dei grabbed his throat with one hand and pulled him closer. „I will...never... forgive you.“ Then, one half of his face splittered and fell down. The other half followed. Now there was a snow white skull instead of meat. Blood was running down the skull, running out of his eyes, like bloody tears. The skull opened his mouth and a cold embrace caught gaara. It was pure torture, more worse than dying. „Gaara.“ „No! Go away!“ „Gaara, wake up!“ He opened one eye and... darkness. But he could see the full moon. And a human´s shadow. „Who is it?“ Gaara asked slowly, half asleep. „It´s me, Deidara, un.“ Gaara nodded sleepily. „Yeah...ok...Wait! WHAT?“ he jumped up. „Calm down, please. I didn´t clib through your window. Just to be caught and killed, un.“ Deidara whispered. „I should kill you.“ Gaara hissed. „I killed myself, when I flew away and left you, un.“ Gaara walked over to the window. „You would have tone better, if you wouldn´t have come back.“ He whispered frozen. Suddenly, he felt embraced by Dei from behind. „I know, but I couldn´t leave you alone.“ He kissed Gaara´s ear and rested his head on his shoulder. Gaara blushed. „Would you please let me go?“ Gaara whispered, but he didn´t meant it. „I“ Dei giggled in his ear. „I feel so... confused... I hate you... and I think I love you...both in once.“ Gaara mumbled. „Oh... you love me, un? That´s new to me.“ Dei tried to sound calm, but he was smiling over the whole face. Gaara turned around and then he kissed Dei. He closed his eyes and explored Deidara´s mouth with his tongue. Gaara licked over his teeth and poked Dei´s tongue with his own. Dei moaned a little His hands were stroking over Gaara´s back and through his red hair. He embraced him and licked over his own lips, trying to catch every Sabaku-taste that was left on his lips. „Wow... you´re a damn good kisser, Dei-kun.“ Gaara smiled. » he´s smiling« Deidara thought really excited. „Xeah, un... just practice.“ He giggled, rubbing his neck, blushing. Gaara sat down on his bed. „See when you wake me up, I had a worse nightmare. He whispered shivering. „Please tell me.“ Deidara sat down next to him on the bed and stroked over Gaara´s hand. So Gaara told him about the nightmare as good as he could remember and explain, what he saw. „...And then you woke me up.“ Gaara had talked fast, but now his voice shivered and died. He leaned on Dei and whispere „Thank you, Dei-chan.“ „You can sleep now...I´ll be there, if you need me, un.“ Gaara stood up and took of his Kazekage-cloak, shirt and shoes, well knowing that Dei was watching him. He yawned. „Good night, Dei-chan.“ He pulled the cover over him, so that only his face wasn´t under it. „May I give you a good-night kiss?“ Dei asked him smiling. „I have to ask you, you look so cute.“ Yeah... if you want to.“ Gaara yawned. Dei leaned forwards and kissed the „Love“-kanji on his forehead. -End 2nd Chapter- Kapitel 3: Dark Night --------------------- Gaara & Deidara yaoi 3[b/] 3rd Chapter: Dark Night Kaboom! Dark night. Rain. Thunder and lightning. Gaara looked around. He was alone. „Oh my... I hope he isn´t outside, during this thunderstorm.“ He mumbled while standing up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He walked over to the window. The sight was bad, no wonder. He looked over to the roofs of Suna, he could see. The lightning that followed now made Gaara stumble back and gasp loud. No, it wasn´t the lightning. When the night was influenced by the lightning, he saw Dei´s face in front of his. He fell on the floor. „What the-?“ He gasped, his eyes whide opened. „You´re ok, un?“ Dei asked him smiling and jumped through the window. „No! You fucking scared me!“ Gaara hissed angrily. „Oh. Do I really look so scary?“ Dei asked, looking down on him. „N-no... i didn´t wanted to sound like that...“ Gaara whispered. He stood up and asked: „Wow, wait. What have you been doing outside, during this mad weather?“ Dei laughed. „I went to the Akatsuki´s hideout and took some clothes with me, when I went back to Suna. But I got caught in this thunderstorm.“ He grinned. Gaara looked up and down on him. „You.... look wet.“ He mumbled, not knowing what to say. „Oh, you realized it?“ Dei giggled, but Gaara could see, that he was shivering. „It has to be cold in those wet clothes. You should change them.“ He took Dei´s hand and walked right over to the bathroom. „And I think you should take a warm shower, or you´ll get sick.“ He stopped. Dei gave him an irritated look. „Why do you say this? I thought you don´t bother bout anyone else.“ Gaara thought one minute. „You thought wrong.“ He said simply, then turned around and slipped under the cover again, his feet were cold and he was only wearing boxershorts, so it was no wonder, that his hands were cold. The door to the bathroom opened again and Dei walked out. He looked relaxed and was already smiling. He was now wearing a black pyjama with.... with pink clouds on it. „Nice.“ Gaara giggled. Deidara smiled. „Thanks! Oh uhm... where do I sleep?“ Gaara, without thinking about it, raised the cover. Dei grinned and in the next moment, he was laying in Gaara´s bed. Gaara stared at the ceiling, his arms behind his head. „Hey, are you ok, un?“ Dei asked him, touching his cheek gently. A warm shiver run down Gaara´s back. „Yeah.... It´s just.... You know, this is the first time that I let someone be so close to me.“ Gaara whispered. He shivered again, when Dei rested his head on his ellbow. Dei stroked over Gaara´s chest and smiled, when he teased Gaara´s nipples and he moaned. Gaara closed his eyes, enjoying the new feeling. He moaned again, when Dei´s mouth-hand moved down to his boxershorts. The tongue was licking on his navel, while the other hand pulled down the shorts. He clenched his teeth, trying to control the moans, but couldn´t behave any longer, when Dei´s hand swallowed his full lenght and started to lick up and down it. Suddenly, Gaara sat up quickly, so Dei fell to the floor. He stood up and pulled up his boxershorts again, then he went into the bathroom and locked the door from the inside. Dei followed him and knocked. „Hey..... H-have I done something wrong, un? What´s wrong, tell me, un.“ No answer. He knocked again, louder this time. „WHAT´S WRONG, UN?“ He shouted at the door. „Go away. LEAVE!“ Gaara´s voice made Dei shiver. „N-no!“ He said, his voice was shaking. The door suddenly opened and an angry Gaara hit Dei and made him stumble back to the wall. He started crying. „Don´t cry! It wasn´t your fault, I....I´m just... not....really ready...for this..“ Dei felt hugged by the redhead. „I...I t-thought you´re angry bout me. You seemed to be, un.“. Gaara shook his head. „I... was angry about ME. Not you.“ Dei was confused. „Why?“ He asked him, looking in his aquamarine blue eyes. „I just feel like a little kid. Innocent, you know?“ He walked over to his desk and sat down. Deidara looked up, then laughed, „You remind me of when I was your age, un“ he smiled. Gaara frowned, „What do you mean?“ he asked him. „You feel like a kid.... weak... innocent... unable to do anything... just like me when I was your age, un. „Dei lifted his hand and pointed at Gaara. Gaara stood up and walked over to the window, through wich he could see the dark clouds in the stormy sky. „I... don´t feel weak. Not often. Only when you´re around me...“ he blushed a bit and smiled at Dei, turning around. Deidara smiled back, nodded „Then...Do you feel weak now, un?“. Gaara put one hand to his heart. „Only here. And I have a numb feeling in my stomach, when you speak or when I look at you.“ He gave him a weak smile. Deidara felt a slight blush spread across his cheeks. „...Well...thank you, I think, un.“ He lifted one hand and waved Gaara over, summoning to come closer. Gaara frowned again, then relaxed a little. He walked over to Dei and stopped one step away from him. Dei grinned, blinking slowly, „Gaara.... do you love me, un?“ he said, almost naturally. Gaara couldn´t look at Dei, so he looked down to the floor „I...I think I do, yeah...“ he whispered slowly, a blush spread over his cheeks. Deidara cupped Gaara´s chin and lifted his head up so he would face him „Gaara give me your answer....either yes or no, un.“ He said, now looking serious. Gaara felt uncomfortable. He sat down and hugged his knees, thinking about what to say. Deidara sighed „If you don´t have an answer now.... I can ask again later, un.“Gaara looked up to him, a twinkle in his eyes, „No.... I mean... I have an answer“ he whispered. „And what might that be then, un?“ He raised an eyebrow, awating the answer.Gaara stood up and gave him a slight kiss. „I do love you.“ He whispered in Dei´s ear. Deidara grinned, laughing quitely. „Glad to hear it, un.“ Gaara looked at him and stroke over his cheek. „So now... may I ask you, what you feel for me?“ he smiled. „All I can say is that I love you back. But, I can´t describe any other feelings... because not even I know what they are, un.“ He blushed again, not really sure if he should have said that. Gaara hugged him gently, enjoying the feeling of the butterflys in his stomach, „Thank you.“ his voice died. „I´m sorry I rushed you... I shouldn´t have done that so suddenly. You don´t hate me then do you, un?“ Deidara hugged him back tightly. Gaara laughed, „No, how could I?“ He said, his hand was stroking through Dei´s hair. He chuckled and looked at Gaara´s eyes „Thank god for that.... I thought you hated me, un.“. „I´ll never hate you.“ Gaara whispered, smiling „You´re the best thing that could ever happen to me.“ . Deidara placed one finger on Gaara´s lips, „Is that so, un?“ he smirked. Gaara blushed, a warm shiver run over his back „Yeah. It is.“. „Then you won´t mind if I do this, un“ he whispered and replaced his finger with his own lips, pressing his against Gaara´s gently. Gaara deepened the kiss and closed his eyes. He mumbled something sweet and smiled into the kiss. Deidara deepened the kiss, too, licking over Gaara´s lips, asking for permission to slip his tongue into his mouth. Gaara opened his mouth and let Dei´s tongue explore his mouth. He poked Dei´s tongue with his own. Dei laughed quietely into gaara´s mouth, deepening the kiss further. He placed both his hands on either side of Gaara, one on each hip. Gaara pressed himself on Dei, one hand on his shoulder the other hand on his neck. His cheeks were burning red. Deidara opened one eye slightly, smiling into the kiss. Thinking to himself »He´s enjoying himself then...« he closed his eye once again, enjoying the kiss and keeping it as long as he could. Gaara moaned quietely into the kiss and scratched over Dei´s back. It was Deidara´s turn to moan now, as pain shot down his back faintly. He wrapped his arms around Gaara, digging his own nails into Gaara´s back. Gaara moaned again, enjoying the faint pain in his back and the feeling when he got pressed on Dei closer. Deidara broke the kiss. Painting and gasping for air. „Wow... when you really kiss, un.“ He laughed. Gaara blushed „T-thank you... I think that was a complement, wasn´t it?“ he grinned a bit and rubbed his neck. „Yes, indeed it was, un“ He smiled a bit, cheerfully, back at Gaara. Gaara smiled and stared at Dei´s eyes, unable to look away. „If you take a picture, it´ll last longer, un.“ He laughed, poking Gaara´s nose. Gaara blinked, „Erm... sorry... I just...“ he blushed a bit, „I got lost in your eyes.“ He looked at the floor. „You know that this is one of the oldest complements in the book.“ Deidara snorted. Gaara looked at him, confused, „Uhm.... sorry.“ He whispered. „it´s just... everytime when you´re around me, I can only think about things like that, even if they sound like the oldest complements in the world.“ He looked away. Deidara smirked. „You´re cute... when you can´t think of anything logically to say. It´s really cute, un.“ Gaara blushed. „I´m not good at giving complements at the same time.“ He rubbed his neck, feeling uncomfortable again. „I don´t mind... it makes me laugh, un“ he gave Gaara a quick kiss on the lips, smiling as he did so. „I make you smile? Is that good or bad?“ He asked, smiling insecurely. „Of course it´s good. Everyone needs to laugh once in a while.“ He beamed, chuckling at Gaara´s insecutity. Gaara nodded, smiling „I seem to be really insecure bout... love and stuff...“ he mumbled, yawning. Deidar paused to think, „Well, you´re quite young... and you have a lot of time to learn about these things, un.“ He said, scratching his head. Gaara nodded, leaning on Dei´s chest and listening to Dei´s heart, feeling safe now. Deidara, sighed, placing one hand on Gaara´s head and petting him slowly, „You´re like... a little brother... a little brother I never had, un“ Deidara laughed quietely. Gaara frowned. "Like a little brother? I never thought about fucking Kankuro..." He felt bad, when the words were out of his mouth, but it was already too late. „oh... I´m sorry.“ Deidara sighed, looking away, „You´re lucky to have a family to be with....“ he said quietly, but loud enough for Gaara to hear it. „I....I didn´t wanted to say that...“ Gaara stuttered, „I don´t know how it feels to not have any family.... but I know how it feels to be unwanted and hated.“ He whispered, hugging Dei again. „Yes... you should be grateful to the people you have. I´m grateful that I know you... because you´re nice and cute and well... I love you, un“ he didn´t move as Gaara hugged him, staring down at the floor. Gaara raised Dei´s head, lifting it up with his hand under his chin. "I love you, too. And you mean the world to me." He whispered, feeling like Dei´s eyes were burning in his own. „That´s nice to hear, un.“ He whispered, leaning close to Gaara and kissing him gently. Gaara kissed him back, a silent smile in his eyes. He stroked over Dei´s cheek, back to his neck and down his back. Deidara leaned slowly against Gaara, pushing him backwards as he deepened the kiss like before. Gaara opended his lips, so Dei could slip his tongue in his mouth again and closed his eyes. Deidara explore dGaara´s mouth, tasting every corner as he placed both hands on Gaara´s hips. He moaned quietly, enjoying the warm shiver, that was running down his back and he pressed himself closer on Dei´s body. Deidara muttered something to himself about his age, but carried on. He quickened the pace of the kiss, moving right against Gaara. Gaara sat down on the bed, keeping the kiss going. He moaned again, feeling Dei´s body rubbing on his own. Deidar atried not to break the kiss. His heart was beating against his chest madly. He shouldn´t panic. If he did, he´d probably run... but he wasn´t going to. He was here now and wasn´t going to run...not yet anyway. Gaara broke the kiss. "Y-your heart is... beating so loud that... I can hear it...." he gasped, catching breath.“t-that´s only because.... you make me excited, un.“ Deidara smirked slowly, looking down at Gaara like he was in control. "Do I......?" Gaara grinned a bit, then he raised his hand, put it on Dei´s chest and moved it down to his stomach. Deidara blushed slightly at the touch, then nodded, „Yes... you do, un.“. Gaara noticed the touch and slipped one hand under Dei´s pyjama-shirt. He explored Dei´s thin but well-trained body and looked at his face, to see the reaction. Deidara flinced, trying not to giggle, „I´m ticklish, you bitch, un“ he grinned. Gaara made a pout like Dei said something bad. He looked up to Dei´s eyes and blinked.Deidara looked down at him, „Did I said something wrong, un?“. „I´m not a bitch...“ Gaara whispered, but he had a twinkle in his eyes. „Of course you´re not...“ Deidara grinned, „But I can call you one, un.“. "Not »a bitch« or »one«..... I´m your bitch." he grinned and kissed Dei softly. „Hmmmmmm...“ Dei hummed, „Sounds good to me, un.“ He smirked. Gaara touched Dei´s cheek gently, "what do you think? Am I a good bitch for you?" he asked him, licking Dei´s ear. He relaxed and nodded slowly, „Yes... yes you are, un.“ "Thank you." Gaara whispered in Dei´s ear. He nibbled on it softly. Deidara wiggled, „That bloody tickles, un. Is that your goal in life, to tickle me to death,un?“ Gaara grinned, "Sure. I like it, when you laugh. Sounds so beautiful." he laughed quietly and kissed Dei again. Deidara leaned closer into the kiss, smiling against Gaara´s lips as he thought. He was thinking about love, and what exactly it meant to him. Gaara, sitting on his bed, pulled Dei down on it, so they were both laying next to eachother. He wasn´t really thinking about what he was doing. Deidara blinked, raising one eyebrow. Now he was just plain concious. What exactly was going through Gaara´s head? Gaara opened his eyes, then he realized in wich situation they were, on the bed, laying close to eachother, kissing. He sat up, blushing, "Uhm.... oh fuck..... I didn´t wanted to do that, Dei." he stuttered, red like a cherry. Deidara smirked, „It´s no problem at all, un“ he poked Gaara´s bright red cheeks and laughed. „I just..... don´t really know what to do, I mean, you´re here and.... who tells me that you´re already here, when I wake up in the morning?“ Gaara whispered, looking at him. „If you loe me, then you´ll trust me, un.“ He gave Gaara a quick kiss on the cheek and closed his eye. Gaara nodded, feeling tired again. He sighed, fell back on the bed and closed his eyes. He mumbled, "I really do love you, Deidara-chan, yeah." then he fell asleep next to him. Kapitel 4: Problems? -------------------- Deidara sighed and rolled around, when he heard a soft voice, „Hey, Deidara. Don´t you wanna stand up today?“ the voice whispered and when Deidara blinked and sniffled, he could smell fresh bread and hot tea. He sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, „Damnit, Tobi, what the-...“ he paused and looked around, then laughed, when he saw Gaara´s face, „Oh, I thought I had a weird dream, un“ He giggled and swung his legs out of the bed, „You look funny, Deidara. Your hair is... poofy.“ Gaara smiled softly and raised both arms. He was sitting behind his desk, the breakfast was standing on it. He was already in his normal clothes, the blood red cloak and trousers. Deidara grumbled, „I hate my hair in the morning, un.“ But he stood up and walked over to Gaara, sitting down on his lap, „hmm... do you always get so much breakfast, un?“ he asked and looked at the desk, grinning. Gaara picked up a cherry, out of a bowl and slipped it into his mouth, „Wait... you get cherries for breakfast, un?“ Deidara raised one eyebrow and giggled, „Yeah, why not? I love cherries.“ Gaara answered, eating another one. Suddenly, Deidara pressed his mouth against Gaara´s and ‚stole’ the cherry out of his mouth. He grinned and swallowed it, „Thank you, un. It´s delicious.“ He said. Gaara growled and picked up a sandwich with cheese, tomatoes and salad on it. He began to eat and stroke over Dei´s back. „Any plans for the day?“ Gaara asked him and frowned, thinking about how many work he had to do. „Well... I think I will go out and visit a friend, un“ Deidara said, while eating an egg. „A friend? Does he or she have a name?“ he asked Deidara and blinked. „Sure. His name is Akari.“ Gaara gasped, „The Akari? Akari Akogare, the white lion of the forest?“ he asked, a sharp sound in his voice. „Ehm...yes. I didn´t know how famous he is in Suna, but yes, Akari Akogare, un.“ Deidara answered, a bit insecure about how Gaara reacted. The Kazekage kept quiet, lost in his thoughts, „Okay, but please be careful.“ He mumbled after a while, „when will you be back?“ he asked. „I will be back... one hour after sundown.“ Deidara answered and stood up. He went into the bathroom and put on fresh clothes. When he came back into Gaara´s room, Gaara didn´t look up, the table was now full with documents and he was writing a letter, looking concentrated on his words. If he had realized Deidara, he didn´t showed it to him, so Deidara sighed, mumbled a „goodbye.“ And left the house. Out of the city, he created a clay bird, hopped on it´s back and flew off to the forest, a few miles away from Suna. He had left his Akatsuki cloak in gaara´s room, so he was only wearing the net shirt and the black trousers. It was a warm, sunny day, so it wasn´t too cold. The bird landed on a hill, so Deidara could see the forest in the shadow of the dead vulcan. And he could see the white lion of Suna, Akari. He was called the white lion, because he was able to change in a white lion with a scar on his left eye, wich was white with a black cat pupil, the other one was totally black. But it was only one of his four transformations, Deidara had seen on him. One was a big black lion, then the white one, a black wolf with red eyes and then his special form, the white lion with batwings. He was called the white lion of Suna, because in times of the last Kazekage, Gaara´s father, he attacked Suna alone, but killed fifty-six Chuunin and three Anbu. He also catched two men and nobody saw them after Akari took them to his lair. The story of the attack also says, that the Kazekage fought with him, survived and left him the scar, but couldn´t kill him. This guy was now standing a few meters away from Deidara. He, still in his lion form, bowed and closed his eyes, changing back into human. He was tall, about two heads over Deidara and was only wearing trousers, because he hated shirts. He had a black tribal tattoo on his left arm and chest part and white long hair. He walked over to Deidara and gave him a hand kiss, smiling, „Welcome, Deidara of Iwagakure.“ He said with a deep, soft voice. „Ehm... well... thank you, Akari.“ Deidara answered, a little bit confused by him, „So why are you here?“ Akari asked him and frowned, „You sounded a bit... excited, when I talked with you the last time.“ Deidara looked to the ground, „I... I met someone and-...“ but Akari raised one hand, to show Deidara to be quiet, „You love him, right?“ he said, sadness in his voice. „Yes.“ The blonde answered, „But there´s something else. It´s the new Kazekage. his son.“ When Akari heard that, he growled and a dangerous glime spread over his eyes. He grabbed Dei´s throat and pressed him against a near tree, „You...“ he growled, never minding he could kill Dei, who was coughing and trying to get free, his nails scratched over Akari´s hand and made it bleed. „You will go back to him and tell him that you have to go to the Akatsuki hideout to see if everything´s alright there. And then you will come back and act like you never loved him, did you understand me?“ he hissed, waiting for Dei to give him a sign. „Y...yes. I understand....“ he gasped and Akari released him, so he fell on his knees. „Good. If you don´t do what I told you, I will come back and kill everyone out of Suna, including the new Kazekage.“ He turned around, made one step away and changed into the lion again. „The white lion of Suna will rise and cause pain. Chaos and suffering will come to Suna and it will be all your fault if you fail.“ Deidara waited until the lion was out of sight, then he stood up and leaned his back against the tree, burying his head in his hands. „Why does this always happen to me?“ he sobbed, tears were running down his cheek. He bowed his knees and sat down on the grass, hugging his legs. In this position, he waited until sundown. When Gaara heard the door to his office being opened, he looked up. „Why didn´t you knock, I said-„ then he stopped, when he realized that it was Deidara. „Oh... what´s up? Are you okay? You look a bit... confused.“ Kapitel 5: Lies --------------- Deidara rubbed his left arm. He felt really uncomfortable. „I...I got to go to the hideout, un. I´m bothered that something had happened there. I won´t take long, un.“ He swallowed and it hurt. Gaara sighed but nodded, „ I understand.“ He felt that something was wrong but said nothing. He stood up and walked over to Dei. „I will miss you, you know?“ he said innocently, smiling slightly. „Don´t miss me too bad, un.“ Dei answered softly, still having the sour taste of the lie on his mouth. „May I kiss you goodbye?“ Gaaara asked, coming closer, a slight blush on his phale cheeks. „Sure, un.“ The blonde answered. Gaara pressed his lips against Dei´s softly, it was only a brief kiss, only the small and gentle touch of sensitive skin. Deidara hugged him, trying to fight back his tears. Then, without another word, he walked out of the door, closed it with shaking hands... and started running. [timeskip] Gaara was still sleeping, when Deidara sneaked into the room and sat down on a chair. Only a few minutes later, Gaara woke up and focused on Dei, blinking. „Deidara!“ he shouted out, suddenly really awake. Jumping out of the bed, he wanted to go to him and hug him, but Deidara just raised one hand, „No.“ He simply said, clearly. „What´s wrong with you?“ Gaara asked pouting, bot bothered and childishly upset.“ „I lied to you. I said I would love you, but I cannot forget about how you smashed my arm and that Danna got killed because your friends tried to save you, un. To be honest: I never had any ghood feelings for you. I hate you. You are still cold, you may wrap me in your arms, but you just chill me to the bone, un.“ While talking, his look changed, his eyes got cold and darker. „You... no... that can´t be true! Please, please tell me that you´re lying!“ Gaara gasped desperately. „I mean it. Every. Single. Word.“ Now Deidara´s voice was as cold as his eyes. Gaara just stared at him, unable to say anything. Tears formed at the tip of his eyes. He had just realized that everyone who said he´d like or love him just lied to him and made him suffer. „Get out!“ he shouted, sobbing, „I´ve become what I am because of people like you, who told me they´d like or love me and lied to me. I don´t need another bastard in my life so get out of it.“ he whispered, his voice empty, underlinded by his sobs. Deidara shighed and stood up, „Don´t make such a scene, there´s no need to act like you´d really feel bad ´bout me leaving you.“ He said before he left the room, slamming the door. Kapitel 6: Fight for your Love ------------------------------ For one moment, Gaara sat in his bed, feeling how an empty feeling creeped up inside. He looked at his hands, they were shaking and a curtain of tears made the world fade away. He told himself not to cry, but stood up under sobs. Picking up his clothes, he made his way into the shower. Gaara pulled the milky glass walls around him, which hide him from the world. He turned on the water and started crying, even if he didn´t wanted to. Even if Shukaku wasn´t there any more, he could hear his voice, the dark growl inside his head, » I told you before, I´ve warned you, don´t fall in the trap of live. It will gain you nothing but you will loose everything.« Gaara cried out in pain, pressing the left side of his face against the cool glass. » He did, what Yashamaru did to you. What your father did to you. What Rock Lee did to you and also this kyuubi-brat, you called your friend, they all left you... alone.« he raised his fist and slammed it against the glass, a scream rose inside him, the beast woke and roared, feeding on his anger, feeding on his pain. He fell on his knees, his arms on his upper legs, the hands lying on the inside, barely touching his flesh. His head was hanging down and he raised it slowly. The look in his eyes was the same one, he hand´t worn since he got influenced by Shukaku. Gaara took one deep breath, clenching his teeth. The scrwam explpded and came out of his throat like a fireball. The glass walls shattered and burst into pieces. In a rain of blinking piece,s Gaara stood up and walked out of the shower. The faint, iron smell of fresh blood followed him and he left bloody footprints on the ground. He dressed and packed some weapons. Six Shuriken and two Kunais, the Kalebasse with the chakra-influenced sand and a few detonating-traps. He went up on the roof and started towards the forest, because he knew where the blood will saturate the ground. Meanwhile, Deidara sat on a rock nearby the waterfall and waited in tears. „He is coming, the scent of this jinchuuriki is drenching through the air.“ Akari said, suddenly standing behind the blonde. „He... he isn´t a jinchuuriki any longer...“ Deidara answered through sobs. „Trust me, he is. Or did you really believe such a mighty demon like Shukaku would give up that easy? You never pulled Shukaku out of him. And his anger is feeding Shukaku´s power. Eiter I kill or he kills me.“ The vamp said calmly. „You... you can´t... kill him... never.“ Dei sobbed and turned around, fear and desperation in his eye. „Shapeshifters don´t know the word ‚never’.“ Akari answered motionless. „I will not leave until both of you are either dead or alive. I still don´t want to loose Gaara, neither do I want to loose you. I´m greedy like that.“ And he leaned back against the rock, into the shadows. Akari froze on the spot. „His beast just changed. He is not Shukaku´s jinchuuriki anymore. It has grown stronger, darker.“ He shovered and looked around. Gaara could see the clearing in the forest and ran faster, growling unde rhis breath. He stopped immediately between the last trees and walked out of the shadows slowly, a calm expression in his movements. A sharp, monstrous pain shot through his chest and he pressed his hand on the hurting spit. „Hnnng...“ he closed his eyes and opened them again. When he saw the white-haired man, he knew that it was Akari, the White Fang of Suna. He felt a sudden rush of rage overwhelm him, as black as the night, too strong to fight it. The pain changed and Gaara raised his shirt. What he saw was a growing black spot with red stripes, growing and spreading over his whole body. The red stripes rushed over his body like a labyrinth, glowing crimson red. His eyes started to glow yellow and orange, with cat pupils. Long fangs grew out of his mouth and his nails grew to claws. New muscles built up and made him grow a few inches. Deidara gasped. He could feel the rage like waves of head. It wouldn´t have wondered him if it would have burned the ground around Gaara. Akari watched him, slightly impressed by his change. „seems like you gained some of the kyuubi´s power, when fucked this brat of a jinchuuriki before you did Deidara.“ All he earned was a growl and a flash of teeth. Seconds later, Deidara could watch his lovers fight. During the battle, Akari swung his sword too fast for Gaara to block with his Kunai, so he raised his bare arm. It was like Akari tried to hit and break massive Stone or metal. He was shocked and that gave Gaara the time to slit Akari´s sword-arm, so the weapon fell to the ground useless, in a rain of blood and got stuck in the earth. He attacked again and grabbed Akari´s throat. Akari struggled against the cold hands, but couldn´t escape. With his free hand, Gaara formed six seals and a blood red, rotating ball formed at the tips of his middle- and index-finger and his thumb he ahd put together after working the seals. „Die.“ Gaara hissed and rushed his arm forewards. Trying to do the impossible, Akari raised his hand to catch the ball. He closed his eyes and begged for a miracle. The next thing he could hear was the angry and surprised scream of his enemy. The he felt blood splashing, marking his skin. But he didn´t feel pain. He opened his eyes and blinked surprised. Gaara gasped and stumpled back, his look changed back to normal. He cried out in emotional pain, when his hand slid out of the other´s body and Deidara fell into his arms with a dry sigh. „Deidara!“ both shouted his name. He opened his eye and smiled at them weakly, blood running down his lips and chin. „Forgive me, Gaara-chan, Akari-san, un. I...“ he coughed and spit blood, „I was the reason for this fight, now... now I ended it, un.“ His eye focused on Akari, „A-akari... I´m sorry to tell you... tell you this, but I love Gaara more than anyone or anything else, un... I can´t love you the way you... you love me... for-forgive me, un.“ It was hard for Akari to understand his words, because he was coughing and breathing heavily. „And...Gaara-chan...I´m sorry that I hurt you bad, un... I just didn´t know it any better. Don´t – don´t hate me, please, un.“ A lonely tear made it´s way down his cheek. „Don´t die. Please don´t leave me.“ Gaara whispered. Akari grabbed Dei´s hip with one and his back with the other hand. Gaara looked at him, „What are you doing?!“ he whispered scared. „Don´t worry, I cans till save him... for you.“ Akari lay Deidara down on the ground in front of him and put one hand on his bleeding chest. It started glowing green and blue. „I know this jutsu. You were one of Elder Chiyo´s students, weren´t you?“ Gaara asked surprised. „Yeah. But that was long ago. Short time after she created this jutsu for Sasori no Akasun to save his parents.“ Deidara blinked „Danna,un?“ he whispered, then lay still. Akari clenched his teeth, feeling his energy leaving him. „Gaara, I´m sorry for what I´ve done to you. I told Deidara to tell you that he doesn´t live you and lie to you. It´s all my fault. I underestimated your love and underestimated you.“ He smiled at him. „this smie is worth to forgive you what you have done.“ Gaara answered and smiled back. „I know you think my father killed your friend, but that´s not true. When I was six, my uncle tried to kill me one evening, when I sat on the roof of the Kazekage´s house. Your friend was there, too. My uncle used detonation notes to kill me, he blew himself up trying, but the sand interfered. Sadly, your friend was too close to the explosion. So it wasn´t my father, but my uncle who killed your friend.“ He said, a touch of regret in his voice. „So it stays in your family. But I think you didn´t wanted it to happen, so let´s bury our fights, okay?““ Akari managed to smile, even though the life-transferrin technique was burning him out. Gaara nodded and smiled back, „Let´s leave the past behind.“ Then he looked at Akari´s face, „Can I help you whith this?“ he pointed at his glowing hands. „Sure, thanks. Put your hands on mine, then concentrate on your energy make it move into your hands. I will help you.“ Gaara did as he was told and concentrated the best he could. Immediately, he could feel how the technique swallowed his piwer. „He is not dead yet, but when I started, he was barely breathing.“ They sat and waited, begged that it wasn´t too late. Deidara coughed and blinked, the world was rotation, but stopped slowly. He felt hands on his chest and tried to focus on the owners. „Akari-san. Gaara-chan.“ He mumbled. „I´m so tired. Are you two okay?“ he sat up and hugged them both. When he moved away, he got surprised, when he saw tears in their eyes, but they were smiling. Akari stood up and put his swort back in it´s holder on his back, „I will leave you now. Trying to find a place to rest and meditate. Goodbye. I´m glad I´ve met you, Gaara Sabakuno, Kazekage-sama of Suna.“ He bowed, turned around and vanished. Deidara looked at Gaara, his face was motionless like always. „Let´s go home.“ Gaara said, stood up and helped Dei standing up, too. Kapitel 7: He Is Burning ------------------------ The cold, mercyless wind kept blowing over the land, taking icy showers of fine rain with it. If someone would´ve tried to look from one side of Suna-gakure to the other sode, he would´ve seen less than one quarter of it. The village´s houses were drowning in foggy rainfalls. Not even a homeless soul was outside. The village looked heartlessly empty. But in the twilight of the tempest, two lights were gliming, coming from the Kazekage´s office. Gaara and Deidara were sitting on the only table in the room, drinking green tea. And the atmosphere got stuck between frozen and neutral. Nothing to wonder about, after what had happened between both of them. Gaara was staring at Dei´s hands, wrapped around his cup, while Dei was looking out of the window, his eye had a bothered twinkle in it. After some time had passed, the redhead sighed and looked at Dei´s eye directly, so the other one was forced to resume his look. „I... can´t say that I´m still angry . Things are going to to happen, we have no control over and those things happen because of what already had happened. We´ve all done mistakes and I´m okay with one apologize from your side, if you accept mine.“ He said clearly, waiting for a response. „Why are you that calm again, un? Two days before, you were about to kill Akari-san and me, right, un?“ Dei raised one eyebrow. „And why do you apologize for something that´s not your fault?“ Deidara touched Gaara´s left hand gently. „I´ve had a... conversation with Akari. He told me a lot. I regret being such a monster. The real beast is not Shukaku. He´s just... a pet. And I apologize for hurting you, making you suffer and nearly killing you. Is that a good reason?“ he smiled slighty, his hand in Dei´s felt warm and the feeling of being safe came back to Gaara. „Yeah. You´re right. And I apologize for hurting you, too, making you suffer, lying to you, cheating on you and causing pain, un.“ He was about to stand up and walk around the table to sit down on Gaara´s lap, but a sudden wave of burning, murdering pain shot through his mind and made him fall on his hands and knees, moaning and seeing stars. „A-Akari-san...“ he hissed nearly unconscious. The he felt Gaara´s arms around him and his voice in his ear, telling him that everything will be okay. „N-no... Akari-san...he is... dead, un?“ It wasn´t a question. It was his mind, not accepting the fact of Akari being dead. „He is burning..“ Deidara mumbled, then slowly his voice turned louder and louder. „He is burning, he is burning. He. Is. Burning. HE IS BURNING!“ He screamed, over the voice in his ear, wich was telling him to calm down. „Shhh...“ Gaara whispered, wrapping his arms tighter around his lover. It took Deidara ages to calm down a little, so he ended up sobbing against Gaara´s chest. „Why did he had to die?“ he mumbled through his sobs and looked at the redhead, his eyes begging for an answer. All by a sudden his eyes cleared he frowned. „We have to find him, see if he´s really dead and if so, we have to bury him. Please... let us go and search for him. It won´t be too difficult, but you must trust me. I can find him with my vampire abilities. Please.“ He begged, clinging on to Gaara. „Sure, but... it´s cold, wet and stormy outside. We need other clothes than these.“ He pointed at Deidara´s net shirt. Dei nodded. He hated being sick, so he agreed, even if it took some time to get matching clothes. He grinned at Gaara. „Looks nice, un.“ Meaning the sand-coloured cloak, gloves trousers and shirt. Gaara smiled and nodded. „than you. You don´t look bad, either.“ The smile turned into a grin and he gave Dei a slight kiss on his cheek. „Let´s go.“ Meanwhile they were running through the desert, Gaara had to follow Deidara´s nose, because he was able to smell Akari´s scent. „Hey Deidara, would you please tell me what Akari smells like?“ the redhead asked after hours of running. „uhm... that´s a good question, un.“ He paused to think. „He smells like the forest on a sunny summer morning, like the little white Simbelmyne, growing on the grass nearby a clear, cool river. He smells like... pure, perfect nature.“ Deidara smiled at him but Gaara frowned. „it´s not like I like his smell more than yours, Gaara-chan, but both af you are as different as day and night and so are your smells, un.“ Gaara thought about what Deidara said about Akarißs scent and noticed a faint, matching smell. „I can smell him, too. But not that strong.“ He grinned proudly. „Good! Hey don´t you want to know what you smell like to me, un?“ Deidara sked smiling. „Tell me.“ Was the answer. „Like the sweet smell of honey, a touch of roses, a fingertip of fine, cool sand and a thousand thunderstorms over a blooming, green forest, un!“ Dei whispered blushing. But he wasn´t the only one blushing. „Uhm... thank you.“ Gaara mumbled a little bit insecure under his blush. The worst thing about the curret situation was that Gaara´s mind turned pervy, when he took a closer look at the wet Deidara, who looked really hot in the pouring rain. „What´s up, un?“ Dei asked him, noticing his look. „Hu? N-nothing.“ Deidara laughed. „You´re cute, when you blush. Looks like a cherry, un.“ Gaara remembered something. „Hmm... I like cherries... and I remember that you like them, too. Even for breakfast, remember?“ Deidara looked at him, confused. Then he made a surprised sound and blushed even harder. „He... yeah, I remember...un.“ „Nice colour.“ Gaara sniffled and blinked. „I can smell him a bit better now.“He´s north east from here. Did you notice the change of his scent?“ he looked in the direction where he could smell the shapeshifter. „Yeah.. it smells like... a burned tree and leaves, un.“ Panic entered his eye, automatically they started running faster than before. „it´s getting warmer“ Gaara said, when they were close to a mountain. Deidara only nodded. Both of them knew that this wasn´t normal heat. „There´s a fire burning.“ Deidara mumbled weakly. His face turned deathly pale. When they came around a curve, black smoke stole their sight and made them cough and breathe heavily. „Do you see that?“ Gaara asked, still coughing and pointed at the light on one side of the mountain. The smike was coming from over there. „Be careful, the tempest made the stones slippy.“ He said to Dei. The blonde nodded and they both made the way up to the flames. „How do we get inside there?“ Deidara asked. Gaara raised his hands and formed a bowl. Sand flew up and formed the same bowl, only much bigger. Gaara catched rain in it and put the flames out. Deidara let out a loud scream ,when he could see the place, where the flames had been before. He pointed at something. Gaara focused on the shown spot... and gasped. Out of the still smoking rest of burned wood, a humand hand reached out. Well, it looked like it was reaching out, but the skin was black, the hand looked like there was no flesh left, only skin and bones. „I-is that... Akari-san, un?“ Deidara asked slowly. - At the accordingly temperature, everything burns. Wood. Clothes. Humans. At 250 degrees, flesh gets on fire. The skin turns black and bursts. The subcutaneous grease film starts to melt like butter in a hot pan. Shortly after, the whole body burns. Coming from the arms and legs, the fire spreads over the whole torso. The sinews and muscle fibres tighten, so it looks like the burning limbs are moving, just like there´s still life in them. At least, the inner vitals will be destroyed. Shrouded in wetness, they are still remained, even if the whole body is already destroyed. But the bones are something different. They maintain to the strongest, hottest fire. They stay in their usual form, even if they are as black as coal. But they are only a fragile shade of themselves, that gets blown away easily. In the end, the last bastion of life is only ashes. - Deidara jumped over to the spot and started to pull the still smoking pieces and sheets of wood and stones away from the hand. Never mind that the stones and wood were still hot, he grabbed them with his bare hands and threw them away. The only thing he didn´t touched was the human body, he was about to find under the debris. Shortly after he began, Gaara joined him but because of his sand armor that was always protecting his body from damage, he couldn´t get burned or hurt anyways by the debris. It took them quiet a long time to set the place around the corpse free and when they looked up from the debris they put aside, Deidara let out a moan and nearly fainted. The way the body lay there, it loked like an embryo. A black embryo with one hand reaching out for help. The penetrating stench of burned skin was still drenching through everything. But the worst thing about the whole scenery was the face of the corpse. The jaw-bones were bigger, broader than a woman´s jaw-bones. Because of the loss of fat around the skull, the head isn´t burning that good, so if the corpse is found still burning and the fire is out shortly after, someone might still recognize some parts of the face. Of course did the hair burned down quickly, the eyeballs did either explode, crumble together and burned down or the skin popped open and the liquid inside it oozed out. But bones do save their own story. Gaara took a closer look at the left eye. Deidara was standing in the background, sobbing and shaking. At the cheekbone and left part of the forehead, there was a scratch. Like the scar, Akari wore, when Gaara saw him. He sighed and stood up, turned around and faced the blonde. „Deidara... I´m... I´m sorry... It... seems to be Akari-san...“ he started, but Deidara screamed in pain and fell into Gaara´s arms, crying and screaming, drumming on Gaara´s chest with his fists. Both of them went on their knees and Gaara, trying to hide his emotions tried to calm Deidara down a bit, hugging him tightly, letting him hurt him with his drumming. But it didn´t work. He suddenly had a flashback of the conversation they both had. He couldn´t help but feel how his head got hot and the first tears blinded his eyes and started to run down his cheeks. He couldn´t help but... miss Akari. Miss him alot. And seeing his precious blonde cry, suffer that much made him even more sad. They both felt how Akari got ripped out of their lifes, but the memory was still left in their both hearts and made it even worse. -The End- Hosted by Animexx e.V. (