Gone away von SeiyaKou* ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- I sit here with the darkness enveloping me again. The light has gone away from me. Will it ever return? Fate. That is what I believe that showed me you. But fate can be cruel It can let you taste the sweetness of bliss then rip it away from your hands. In one moment you’re happy, the next you wish you were dead. Death would be better then this that I’m left with. The emptiness. It´s consuming me once again. I fear it, yet also welcome it to turn my heart to stone once again. I wait to cease feeling these emotions, but they don’t stop. I keep feeling for you. Even though I know you feel nothing for me. I still continue to feel for you. I would still die for you. As a fleeting last attempt I try everything to not let you go from my embrace. I can still remember your sweet voice. Saying these three words that are only for me “ I love you” I hear these words still, but only when I replay your sweet voice in my mind over and over. The dagger twists more in my heart. I long to die, to escape from this. Can you not see how much I’m hurting? All the happiness I show is a mask. Underneath I’m always crying. Crying for you, to love me once again. Please, I don’t want to lose you. I LOVE YOU, Edward. Why… What did I do wrong? What did I do to make you go? I´m sorry. I’m so eternally sorry… But you don’t come back. I continue to cry here. Alone Slowly dying. With the emptiness enveloping me. Will the light ever shine with me again? That would be a dream. S.K.* 07.01.2009 Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)