Get that! von abgemeldet (The Dir en grey x-mas Fic) ================================================================================ Kapitel 6: Get me if you can ---------------------------- The morning before Christmas eve Shun's sister pointed at Kaoru speechless and Shun's mother and Shun gazed at Kaoru who gazed at the girl. "That is... this is... You are..."- "Yeah?" Kaoru arched his eyebrows. "You are Niikura Kaoru, dammit!"she squealed. "You're guitarrist of Dir en Grey! I have all of your records! All of your interviews!" She jumped to Kaoru, who pulled the blanket a bit closer and snuggled up to Shun. "May I have your autograph? I adore you, and Kyo and Die and Toshiya and Shinya..."She didn't seem to have the need of catching any breath. Shun gazed at his sister and then at Kaoru. "What does she want?"Kaoru still looked at Shun's siter worried. "An autograph..."Kaoru responded. "Could.You.All.Please.Get. Out.Of.'ere!"Shun seethed with anger. "But I..." his siter wanted to insist. "Out!"Both women hurried out of the room and Shun sank back moaning while Kaoru was still gazing after them. "So that was your family?" he asked amazed. "Wait till you meet my father." Shun growled. "I'm sorry for that." Shun said in a low voice, holding Kaoru close to himself. "Doesn't matter. Don't apologize." Kaoru kissed Shun gently. "I was really looking forward to see you family." He sniggered. "I suppose we should get up then, shouldn't we?" "Ano, have you seen Kaoru yet?" Kyo asked Shinya politlely. "No." Shinya snarled, not even looking at Kyo. Kyo left the room again and sighed silently. "My Shinya..."Suddenly someone patted his shoulder. "What about 'Your Shinya'?"Die asked, grinning. "Hey, Mr. Superlover, where's Totchi?" Kyo asked. "Taking a shower." Die went on grinning. "And a sexy little thing like you shouldn't stand here moping. What's up on Shiny and you? C'mon... tell me..." Kyo shove his hand away, slightly angry. "Let me be, would you?"He turned away and hurried up the stairs, nearly knocking off Toshinya, who just came along. Die frowned. "What the hell..."Suddenly, a loud knock on the door was heard. Die stalked over to the door and opened it. He looked down a bit on a young girl with big suitcases, who was standing in front of him now. Her blond hair was dishevelled and her cheeks were red, but her big, green eyes twinkled. Die gazed speechless. "Hi!"Die gulped. "Erm... hi." She threw her suitcases into the doorway and stepped forward, shutting the door loudly. Suddenly, Mya's head plopped out of a door. "Hi, Mya-chan!!!" The girl waved. "Oh, my god...!"Suddenly, the girl rushed past Die and threw herself towards Mya, embracing her tightly and kissing her stormy. Die's jaw dropped, as did Toshiyas, who came down the stairs. "Mya-chan... I've missed you soooo much... and... I just had to come along, I've been so silly and all I wanted was to apologize and make everything how it was before we parted."The girl kissed Mya again. "My god... Sheila... I'd never expected you here! What the hell do you want?" The girl plouted. "So you aren't happy I'm here? You could tell me you aren't pleased to see me again. And I thought you'd miss me? Besides - who are all this weird guys?"She waved towards Toshiya and Die. "WEIRD??" Toshiya jumped down the stairs. "Whom do you call 'weird'?"She seized him up with arched eyebrows. "Just because you're looking like a bitchy drag queen doesn't mean you have to behave like one."Toshiya gazed at her speechless. "Um...Sheila... of course I'm happy to see you again, luv, I was just surprised... come in, dear. Please..."She led Sheila into the living room, and left a startled Die and an angry Toshiya. "That girl..." - "Luv?"Die arched one eyebrow and gazed at Toshiya. Shinya sat cuddled up into the armchair, when Mya shove Sheila into the room. Shinya straightened when he spotted the two and tried to wink some tears away. "Oh... Mya-chan... erm..."He stopped when his gaze fell on Sheila. "Who's that girl...?" Mya hastened to Shinya. "None of your business. Say... what's up? You know you can tell me."Shinya shook his head. "Shouldn't bother you. Just some of my silly problems."Mya stroke his back and suddenly, Shinya wrapped his arms around her and sobbed. "Kyo and me... we're breaking apart, I know it..." Mya gazed at Shinya and Sheila frowned. "Tell me if I shall leave you alone."Mya whirled around. "No, no, it's just... He's got problems with his boyfriend..." Sheila arched her eyebrows. "Is there anybody in this house who ISN'T drag queen?" Shinya glared. "Who's that bitch?" Mya nearly fainted. "Whom do you call bitch, slut?" Sheila responded quietly. Shinya jumped to his feet, seething with anger. "Never call me slut again..."- "I'm just honest!"- "Bitch!" - "Slut!"The two stared at each other and Mya thought they'd just kill each other every moment, when suddenly an annoyingly happy Kaoru entered the room. "Hi, guys!" He waved and Sheila rolled her eyes. "Another one? Is there a nest of them here?"Mya grabbed Sheila's arm before Kaoru could respond anything and dragged her out of the room. Kaoru looked at Shinya, who had clenched his fists. "Who was that girl?"Kaoru asked, interested. "Hum?"Shinya gazed back at Kaoru big-eyed. "I asked you who that girl was?" Shinya shrugged and scratched his head. "Um... I have no idea, to be honest." "What should that be?"Mya snarled at Sheila, who looked surprised. "What do you mean?"she asked friendly. "You turn up, without even warning me and pretend that there has nothing happened, abuse my friends and the badn I'm managing and you ask me what has happened? I know you're forward, but that was too much!"Sheila's look turned even more surprised. "Does that mean you didn't get my telegraph?" - "Which telegraph?" Mya asked back. "We're snowed in. I didn't get any post at all!"Sheila blinked. "Then I apologize for turning up so surprisingly. But I had to see you. It's nearly Christmas and that's when I miss you most. I wanted to clear all misunderstandings."Sheila explained in a now calm and friendly voice. "There are no misunderstandings. You left me. End of the story." Sheila shook her head. "You left me. You went here and left me alone. You knew I couldn't come along. Not yet. You just disappeared and broke up with everything we built together. Leaving only an address." Mya hissed. "Why didn't you write, then? Or phone?" Sheila looked a bit remorsed. "I... I lost the address. You know I'm losing everything. And it just wouldn't show up. None of our friend knew where you were. I couldn't follow you and you showed no interest. There wasn't one single letter or phone call! It seemed you just forgot me! So don't put the finger on me for not writing! You were breaking contact!"Mya gazed at Sheila shocked. "I... I didn't know. I thought you were pouting and didn't want contact with me. I was angry, too. You weren't understanding at all. Going to Japan was my chance. The only chance I got. I wanted you to come along but your silly job was more important to you than me!"Sheila clenched her fists. "Like you! You wanted me to go to some country I don't know, I don't even know the language or costumes. To leave behind my family and friends, my career just for you to be happy! That's not fair, either! You never thought about what leaving you meant for me! Did you forget what made our relationship special? Didn't you want me with you? Never?" Sheila's voice turned into a whisper. "Always. I always wanted you with me, you know. Long before you actually showed interest for me. But you hurt me. And perhaps _" Mya stared on the ground, not really knowing what to say. "Perhaps it wasn't mean to be."- That's shit, and you know it, Miriam. Look, if we were meant to be together at all, everything had been easier. We know each other since how long exactly?"Mya looked at her earnest. "10 years, 3 months, 26 days."She took a look at her watch and thought a bit. "13 hours, 5 minutes and... 7 seconds exactly." Sheila checked her watch also. "14 hours and 3 minutes." She rectified and looked at Mya sad. "Drop that all, Mya. Do you still love me?"She bit her lip in expectation. Mya looked at her as if she asked the silliest question on earth. "Of course I do. I never stopped."Sheila bent her head to one side. "Then what are we talking about this at all? I love you, too. If I didn't do, I would've never been able to speek to you as freely as I did. Would you be so kind to kiss me right now and here?"Mya smiled and leaned forward. "Only if you apologize to Shinya."Sheila plouted. "Mh... okay. But only because it's you." Sheila grinned and flingered her arms around Mya neck. "C'mon..." she breathed and Mya kissed her gently, leaving all doubts behind to be cleared later. Much later. Comments: I'm a bad writer, I'm a bad writer...! hits her head on the desktop These scene is creepy! The story's boring! Thanks a lot for reading this, whoever. Yeah, I hope Sheila's not too mean for you. Deep down at the bottom fo her heart she's a really nice girl. But she has a problem with drag queens. You'll get out, why, later. And - surprise, surprise! Everything is getting even more soapier! -> look forward to chapter 7: The girl and the guitar Hosted by Animexx e.V. (