The Price of Peace von chelle76 ================================================================================ Kapitel 34: Just In Case ------------------------ I DO NOT own Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs or Sei Jushi Bismarck, they are owned by their respective animation companies. The Price of Peace Chapter 33: Just In Case "Daddy!" the little boy says as he runs up to Colt, who eagerly scoops him up. Robin comes running after him, stopping when she reaches the pair. "Hey, baby," Colt says as he pulls her into the embrace and kisses her. "Hey yourself, Colt," she replies looking him over carefully. "You don't look as bad as the last time you got hurt at least." "I looked worse a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to some R and R, I'm healin' quickly," he replies as he gingerly sets Wil down. Much the same reunion is happening inside where Sarah and Tyler find Alex recuperating. Tyler is in Alex's lap and Sarah is kneeling beside the pair. "How long will you be in that brace, Alex?" Sarah asks concerned. Alex shrugs. "A few more weeks at least, he replies. "Dr. Izumi says it's not healing as fast as he thinks it should, but I think it's because I've been walking more than I should be." "How is Amanda doing?" Sarah asks. "Much better than when we arrived. She had just had the twins at that point. She's moving around a lot better now," Alex replies. "She and Elaine have the twins out on the back porch. I'm sure she wouldn't mind you coming out to say hello." "Saber isn't with her?" Sarah asks a bit surprised. Alex shakes his head. "No, he, April, and Fireball, are with Commander Eagle at the Outpost," he replies. "They are working on a new weapon. From what I've heard them say in bits of conversation, Saber seems to have taken to the new unit well. Much better than any of us had." "So he plans on fighting?" Sara asks. "If he has to, I think he will. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that," Alex replies as Tyler climbs down from his lap and starts to wander towards the stairs. Robin spots him as she enters the room and gets between him and the stairs, stopping him. "Tyler, you can't go up there without your mommy," she says to him as she turns him back towards Sarah, who is walking over to him. "Thanks, Robin," she says apologetically as she scoops up Tyler. "No problem, I'm used to having to stop Wil from getting into things. I was on my way out to see Amanda and the babies. Would you like to come too? The boys can run and play in the yard," Robin replies. Sarah nods as she sets Tyler back down and grabs his hand. "Sure. That would be good. Perhaps they can burn off some of this energy," she replies and the two women head towards the porch with their boys. Elaine hears the door and looks up and smiles. "Hello! I'm glad to see that you have made it," she says as the women walk up and the two boys run past her into the yard laughing and chasing each other. "Hello, Elaine, Amanda," Robin says as she and Sarah approach them. Amanda looks up and smiles. "Robin, Sarah, hello. I see the boys are doing well," she adds with a chuckle as they blow past her, startling Eryn and making her fuss. Amanda rocks her a little and she settles. Sarah takes a seat, and Robin grabs a chair and moves it closer to the women. "How are you feeling, Amanda?" Robin asks as she sits down. "Better than a few weeks ago. Getting over the surgery was rough. At least I can carry the little ones now and it not hurt like it did right after they were born," Amanda replies as Eryn squirms in her arms. "May I hold her?" Robin asks hesitantly. Amanda smiles. "Sure, if you don't mind coming to take her," she replies. Robin stands up and comes over and carefully takes the infant from Amanda, sitting down while holding her. "She's beautiful. What's her name?" Elaine gets up and offers Moria to Sarah, who carefully takes her and starts rocking her gently. "I'll go and fix some tea and bring out a snack for the boys," Elaine says after Sarah takes Moria. Amanda nods and Elaine heads off to the house. "You're holding Eryn and Sarah is holding Moria," Amanda replies to Robin's question. "They are both gorgeous, Amanda," Sarah says quietly. "You said you had to have a cesarean?" Robin asks. Amanda nods. "They didn't have room turn and I had started contractions and my water broke, so Dr. Izumi didn't have much of a choice. Everything went well though. They are both healthy. I'm grateful for that." "Was Saber in the room?" Sarah asks. "Yes. He was there the entire time. He kept me calm during the whole thing," Amanda says. "I was a bit upset when Dr. Izumi told me he was going to have to cut them out. I thought something was really wrong, thankfully, there wasn't." "I don't think Alex would have been able to stay in the room. He is rather squeamish," Sarah says with a chuckle. Amanda laughs, "So I noticed when he was having to help me work on Erika. I had to keep telling him what to do." "He managed not to faint when I had Tyler, but there were a couple of times the nurse wanted to ask him to leave," Sarah replies. Robin laughs. "I suppose I can't complain, Colt did really well. I guess it helped that Wil came so fast that he really didn't have time to worry about anything," she says. The women relax and talk, watching the older boys play and run. Elaine comes out a little later with a cart with tea and cakes on it. "I brought some milk and biscuits for the boys," she says as she pours tea for the women and places a plate with a small cake on it by each of the women. Robin calls for Wil and Tyler, who come over and start munching eagerly on the offered treats. Elaine takes the infants and after placing them in a portable pin, she sits down across from Amanda. They are just about finished when a strange sound is heard in the distance. "What in the world?" Amanda says looking around trying to figure out what the sound is and where it's coming from. About that time, Colt and Thomas come rushing out of the house. "We need to get to the hidden basement, NOW!," Colt says as he limps over to Wil and grabs him protectively, before turning back towards the house. "What's going on?" Amanda and Robin ask obviously confused. "That noise, Milady, is an air raid siren. We need to go. Leave everything but yourselves here. I'll grab the crib for the wee ones. We'll grab a bag for them on the way through your bedroom," Thomas replies. Elaine jumps up and quickly grabs Eryn. Amanda grabs Moria and Thomas grabs the crib as Sarah corrals Tyler and they all rush towards Saber and Amanda's room and into the dressing room. Thomas opens the access to the passage and they file down as carefully as they are able. Once down there, he lights a small lamp. "Make yourselves as comfortable as you can. I am going to grab a few more supplies so that the kids have things to eat and everyone has something to sleep on. I'll be back shortly." "I'm comin' with you, Thomas," Colt says firmly. "We can get more things here and faster if there are two of us, and I need to get my com-link anyways," he adds halting the objections from Thomas. They turn and head back up the passage to get more supplies. "Okay Saber, I think we've got it about as good as we can," April says as Saber climbs out of the suit and walks over to where she, Fireball, and Commander Eagle are watching various computer screens. "The suit seems to move much better and with less effort now, April. I noticed that you've included some new guns within the suit as well," Saber says getting a nod from April. "I see that you've also upgraded the blaster. It appears to be of the same caliber as the one from the Tirpitz." "Actually, it's an upgrade of that blaster. We were going to change it out when they came back from that last mission, but obviously that never happened," April replies. "We have increased the firepower and the suit has a higher-grade armour than the Tirpitz was equipped with. I have thrown everything I can come up with into this suit, Saber. I don't want to lose anyone to the Outriders." Saber comes over and places a hand on her shoulder, "I know, April," he says quietly as he drops his hand to his side. "I just hope we don't have to use this thing. But I am glad to know that I'll be protected with the best you can offer should I need to fight." "We have also been training fighter pilots. They will act as a sort of cover for the pilot of the suit," Commander Eagle says. "Much the way the Outriders have done," Saber comments. "Interesting that we are using their tactics. Perhaps it will throw them off enough to give us an advantage should we engage them again." "That is my hope," the commander replies. "We also have a second suit that is nearly completed." "It should be done this afternoon," April adds. "A second suit?" Fireball and Saber both ask. April nods. "Yeah, we had enough parts that after we got the first one working better for you, I had the design team start building a second one. It should be nearly identical to this one." "But who would pilot it? So far Saber has been the only one that has had any luck with it," Fireball asks. "I was hoping you'd be willing to give it a go, Captain Hikari," Commander Eagle states. "You are in the next best shape of your crew. You are able to get around without an aid of any kind and I've seen you working out, so I think in a bind, you could handle it." "Captain Hikari?" Both Fireball and April say at once. "Yes, I have had both Mr. Hikari and Mr. Wilcox enlisted as the rank of Captain. It is something that is long overdue," Commander Eagle replies. "Saber is now a Colonel, and Amanda has been titled as a Captain as well. April has been assigned the rank of Major." Fireball looks between the people standing there and nods, casting a questioning glance towards Saber who shrugs accepting the statement. He then looks to April, "If you think I can do it, then let's try it out. Can I try this suit?" "If you'd like," April replies. "But, you would need to get one of the thermal suits like Saber is wearing to wear under your normal suit." "Thermal suit?" he asks confused. "Wouldn't that make it harder to move around?" "Not as hard as you would think, actually," Saber says. "It's rather thin, and it helps keep your body temperature regulated." "Come over here," April says waving him over to a set of lockers. She pulls out a couple of suits and holds them up, "Try one of these. I think you'll be surprised." Fireball hesitantly takes one of the suits and goes into another room and changes, coming back out in the suit and his normal uniform suit with his helmet in his hand. "You're right, I can barely tell I'm wearing that other suit," he says with a hint of surprise in his voice. "Go on and climb in. I'll set up the targets once you're out of the hangar, Fireball," April says and he activates the suit and starts for the open practice area. About an hour later, he returns to the hangar and climbs out, limping slightly. "How'd I do?" he asks as he comes over to the trio. "Much better than before. You're almost as accurate in the suit as you are out of it," April replies satisfied. "Well, at least you won't have to do this alone, Saber," Fireball says glancing over to him. Saber nods. "Aye, and for that I'm glad. Just try and not over do it. If you can't walk, it will make it a bit more difficult to help fight if we're needed," he says, getting a nod from Fireball in reply. "Let's all take a break and get something to eat, shall we?" April says cheerfully. "Yeah, I'm starved," Fireball replies as they all head back into the main building of the Outpost. A couple of hours later, April, Fireball, and Saber are walking back to the hangar when the alarms go off. "What the?" Fireball says giving his companions a wary glance. "Let's go and find the commander. He should be heading towards the command center near the hangar," Saber says. The other two nod and they take off running towards the command center. Upon entering, they see Commander Eagle ordering several soldiers to launch in the fighters. As they disperse, he spots them and he waves them over. "I think the time has come, I'm afraid," he says looking to Saber and Fireball. "What is going on, sir?" Saber asks trying to gauge the situation. "Our scouts have spotted numerous Outrider fighters, a battleship, and a renegade unit heading towards here." "Here? This colony?" Saber asks taken aback. "In this general direction. I can't be sure whether they have discovered the outpost, or if they came from someplace the other side of here and are enroute to Cavalry Command. Either way, we need to act. If we wait to see what they are planning, civilians could be in more danger than they are now. I have had the local officials activate their air raid sirens, so that people are filing to shelters." "Better to be over prepared than to be caught off guard," Saber states with a sigh. "We have launched some fighters from here, and we have some battleships and more fighters coming from Cavalry Command. I want you two to hold off on launching, but be ready to go at a moment's notice," the commander says. "Yes sir," both Fireball and Saber reply. Saber goes to speak, but Commander Eagle interrupts him, "Colt has contacted me and they are all in the hidden basement. They have supplies, bedding and things for the babies. They are all as safe as they can be, Saber." "Yes sir," Saber says, his eyes still showing his concern. As a distraction, he turns his attention to the various screens and begins listening to the multiple conversations on the com-link channels. Fireball comes over and places a hand on his shoulder. "They are as safe as if they were in Cavalry Command itself, Saber. As long as Amanda and Elaine live, no harm will come to your children. And Thomas will guard all of them with his life," Fireball says quietly. "And you know Amanda can handle herself if need be," Fireball adds with a smile. Saber chuckles and nods. "Aye, that she can. And in defense of the children, I'd almost be afraid of her myself," he replies with a small smile. Fireball chuckles. "Yeah, I saw how she defended you, so I can only imagine how fierce she would be defending your children," not someone I'd want to piss off. Saber laughs outright at the comment and Fireball looks at him curiously. "What's so funny?" "You just reminded me of something that Amanda said to me not long after we met," he replies. "What's that?" Fireball asks curiously. "She asked me if she knew about red-headed tempers. I told her no. She laughed and said that it isn't wise to piss a red-head off. That they tend to have ferocious tempers, or something to that effect." Fireball laughs. "Would you say that you've found that to be true?" he asks amused, watching Saber's face for a reaction. "I'd say she proved that she has a temper fairly quickly as I recall," Saber replies. "Oh?" "Do you not remember the morning after Sean attacked her and I left before I said something far too harsh for the situation?" "So that's what happened? You snapped at her and she called you on your attitude?" Fireball asks, while trying not to burst out laughing. Saber nods. "Pretty much. I was not used to someone being so callous back to me." Fireball and Saber both laugh so much that April walks over to them with an amused look. "What's so funny?" she asks looking between the two curiously. "Just talking about how Amanda would defend the children if it came down to it with her life, and how I would not want to be on the receiving end of that fight," Fireball says as he tries to catch his breath. April looks between the two as they regain their composure and shakes her head. "You two are strange." "What?" they both ask innocently. "I think it's about time for you two to launch. The renegade unit is trying to break past the fighters. We've started losing people," the commander says bringing everyone back to the seriousness of the situation. The two men sober up quickly and nod. "Yes sir!" they reply and each head to their suits. "Can you two hear each other in your helmets?" April asks. "Yeah," they reply simultaneously. "I hear you just fine too, April," Fireball quips. "Same here, April," Saber says. "Good. Keep in constant contact with each other. I will also be able to hear everything you say, so if you need something, just speak up. You can talk as if you were in your saddle units. No extra buttons to hit. I kept the suits on a different frequency, so that nothing else can interfere with your signal. If the battleship starts to do something, I'll warn you," April says. "Got it, April," they both reply. "Okay then I guess you're ready to launch. Be careful out there," April says, allowing some fear to come through in her voice. They both hit a sequence of keys and then leave the hangar and take off towards the battle. A short time later, Colt and Thomas return. Each carrying a large duffel bag and a smaller bag. When they reach all the way inside the basement, they plop the bags down with a thud, and then Thomas goes and closes the door, sealing off the basement from the house. "Well, we've gotten everything we can for now," Thomas says. "The sirens are still going off, but I didn't see anything immediately close. Let's hope that the officials are just erring on the side of caution, and that we aren't under a full attack." "I spoke with Commander Eagle on the com-link," Colt says as he comes over and sits down next to Robin and Wil. "He said that the air raid sirens are a precaution, but that Fireball and Saber would be going out shortly. That no one was under direct attack as of yet, but that the Outriders had a battleship, a ton of fighters and a renegade unit heading in this general direction. It's possible they are actually headed for Cavalry Command and not here, but because of there being an outpost here, he didn't want to run the risk of it being attacked and the civilians being caught off guard." "Hence the reasons they set off the sirens?" Thomas asks. Colt nods, "Yeah. I think it was a good idea." "Yes, it's better to have the citizens be prepared. You can protect more lives that way," Amanda says as she gives an involuntary shiver. "Are you cold?" Elaine asks, looking at her carefully. "I'm fine, Elaine," Amanda replies almost automatically. Elaine gives her a wary look and starts to say something, but thinks better of it. Instead, she turns to Thomas, "Would you mind helping me set up the pen and place a blanket in it. The babes will need a warm place to sleep." "Of course," Thomas replies and he and Elaine set up the pen. Colt starts passing out blankets, pillows, and cushions to the others, and sets up a toy tent for the two boys. "This tent is just for you two," he says to the boys, who are staring at it wide-eyed. He hands them each a sleeping bag and pillow. "Tyler, do you know how to lay out a sleeping bag?" he asks the older boy. "Yes. My daddy showed me how to camp," Tyler responds proudly. Colt smiles and nods. "Good, then I want you to show my son, Wil here how to lay out his sleeping bag and pillow. Do you think you can do that for me?" Tyler nods and Colt smiles. "Good. I'll leave you in charge of the tent okay?" "Yes sir!" Tyler replies happily as he drags Wil into the tent after him. Soon the two are sprawled out on top of the bags and laughing. The adults turn to other preparations, satisfied that the boys are now occupied for at least a little while. A couple of hours pass and Amanda is sitting close to the pen on a small blanket and a pillow, watching the children sleep. Without realizing it, she has pulled out her necklace and is subconsciously fingering the ring on the chain beside her coat of arms completely lost in thought. "Are you all right, Lady Amanda?" Elaine asks coming over and sitting beside her. Amanda looks up startled out of her reverie. "I don't know," she replies, barely a whisper, tears threatening to fall at any moment. Elaine gives her a sympathetic look and takes Amanda's closest hand and squeezes it gently in a show of support. Amanda returns the gesture and sighs, sorting out her thoughts. "What if he doesn't come back, Elaine?" she says quietly, her voice breaking as she voices her fear. Elaine sits quietly for several minutes watching the babies, thinking before she speaks, "Then you will do your best to make sure your that children remember him and his sacrifice. You must live, even if he doesn't. Otherwise, his sacrifice would be in vain, Lady Amanda." Elaine stops and studies Amanda's face. "It is your duty as his wife and the mother of his children," she adds quietly. Amanda takes a deep breath and wipes away the tears from her face that she had not realized she had shed. "I pray it doesn't come to that, but I will do my best, no matter the outcome," she replies so quietly that Elaine strains to hear her. Looking around, she notices that a blanket has been hung to ration off an area of privacy for her. "Why is the blanket there?" she asks aloud. "Thomas thought that you would like a little privacy. Especially when you have to feed the little ones," Elaine replies quietly. Amanda nods. "Thank you. I know I could not do this without the two of you," she replies honestly. "Do you think that Saber and Fireball are okay, Colt?" Robin asks him quietly as they watch the fire, daring a glance in Amanda's direction. Colt is silent for a minute or so. "I think they will do their best to return to us," he finally replies. "As for their current situation, like what they are doing right now, I don't know," he says quietly. "Couldn't you call them on the com-link?" she asks. "Yeah, but if they are fighting, it could be a distraction," he replies. "Not something I want to be held accountable for." "Point taken," Robin says quietly. "Lady Amanda," Thomas asks as he walks over to where she and Elaine are sitting. "I brought your sword down from your room. I have my pistol as well," he says after placing sword beside her. "I thought it better to be prepared, just in case." Amanda looks down and nods slightly, "Good thinking, Thomas. I had not thought about the sword. I've not worn it since I've been unable to carry it during my pregnancy. I should keep it nearby now, especially in light of recent events." "It also serves to mark you as head of the house while Saber is away. There are those that might try and take over the estate should something happen to Master Saber. You are it's rightful heir, as are the babes. Best to be prepared to defend it if necessary," Thomas says as he comes and sits beside Elaine. Amanda studies the older couple closely for several minutes, noticing the fatigue that they refuse to show. "I am eternally grateful for all that the two have you have done for me, but especially all that you have done for Saber. Without you, I'm not sure he would be where he is." Thomas comes over to where Amanda is and sits beside her and takes her hands, "Milady, we had long ago sworn loyalty to his family. He is like a son to us. We were never blessed with our own children, so knowing that we are able to do him this service, and in turn be of service to you, makes our job something we can be proud of." Hosted by Animexx e.V. (