Not as planned 1 - Katsuki Bakugo von Puraido (A/B/O Verse) ================================================================================ Kapitel 11: ------------ “Sooo … you have to apologize, Kacchan”, Deku started after a while. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, stroking through Katsuki’s hair. “What? Why should I?” he hissed. He felt instantly on edge again. “Because you basically terrorized them the past few days. Your scent was really stressful to some of them.” Eijiro told him. Katsuki pouted. He really didn’t want to apologize. He did nothing wrong. “You can turn it down a notch. Really! Everything will be easier from now on. After dinner we’ll talk with Ochako and Mina and we will find a solution for all of this, alright? But first you must apologize.” Izuku looked him deep in the eyes. He was very serious about it. Since when was Deku so demanding? It suited him, but it was confusing for Katsuki. He didn’t know how to handle him, if he was this way. Well, he never really knew how to handle Deku in the first place. “Hmmm, okay. I will apologize …” he grumbled. Both alphas smiled at him. “Good! Very good!” Eijiro exclaimed and patted Katsuki’s hair. His cheeks flushed and he looked down on the ground. The praise of an alpha felt so good … He shook his head and stood up. “Then lets go fucking down and get it over with” he still growled a little. When they came down, the others stiffened immediately. They waited for the bad smell, but it didn’t come. They looked towards Izuku and Eijiro and asked silently what had happened. Had they finally fixed the situation? Katsuki stood in front of the dinner table. He clenched his jaw and was really unwilling to apologize. Eijiro and Izuku looked at him and sighed. “Katsuki!” “Kacchan!” they said in unison. Katsuki growled and bowed his head a little. “I … apologize for the past few days”, he mumbled fast, as if speaking it loud and clear would burn his tongue off. “I won’t do it again …” The others were really, really surprised. Did Bakugo Katsuki just apologize? It was kinda half assed but it was an apology nonetheless. They would take it. Ochako and Mina were again the first to come forward. “Its okay, Katsuki. We are not mad, we were just confused.” Cheeks said. “We are happy that you feel better now. We all knew that it must be especially hard for you. We should have considered your feelings more” raccoon eyes stared him into the eyes. “When you have problems in the future, know that you can always talk with us.” “Yeah … about that …” he scratched his neck with one hand. “I want to talk to you two after dinner.” “Oh, sure!” Ochako looked concerned. She looked up to Izuku, who simply nodded, that it was okay. After that Katsuki made dinner for everyone. Shoto sat next to Izuku and Eijiro on the couch. They had moved over there, while they waited for dinner. “What was wrong with Katsuki?” the bi-colored boy asked. “Well, I guess he was jealous …” Eijiro stated. “That’s why we want to talk to Mina and Ochako later.” Shoto raised his eyebrows. “Jealous?” “Yes, we were surprised too” Izuku mumbled. “But I hope that everything will be okay from now on.” “Yeah, I am not sure if I could stand another wave of this …” Shoto grimaced slightly. The dinner was finally peaceful again and everyone enjoyed their time. After dinner, Izuku and Eijiro quickly finished the dishes, so they could be with Katsuki, when he talked to Ochako and Mina. Katsuki and the girls waited for them to finish, after that they all went into Katsuki’s room. He felt only a little uncomfortable, that so many people were here. Ochako immediately noticed the long lost pillow in Katsuki’s nest, but she chose not to mention it, she didn’t want to trigger him again. Katsuki sat down in his nest and took the Typhlosion plushie in his arms for comfort. He looked to the girls who stood at the side end of his bed. Eijiro and Izuku stood next to his desk. “So, what do you want to talk about, Katsuki?” Mina asked. She was really curious, what he had to say. “…” They all looked at him for some time, but he couldn’t bring himself to talk to them. He felt that his cheeks were really hot. The girls looked at him expectantly, but after he stayed quiet, they looked to the alphas. Izuku sighed. “Should I tell them, Kacchan?” the blonde just nodded, still too embarrassed to speak. “Uh, okay. Well, basically, the reason he was in such a bad mood the past few days, was, because he is jealous”, Izuku started. Mina’s and Ochako’s eyes widened. “Jealous?!” they both exclaimed simultaneously. They looked at each other and then to Katsuki. “Yeah, he found out that we sometimes cuddle” Eijiro said. “And he doesn’t like it that you are always so close to me” Deku added. The girls blinked in confusion. “I-is that true?” Ochako asked. Katsuki growled, hiding his embarrassed face in the plushie. The two girls were dumbfounded. They needed some time to process this. Bakugo Katsuki was jealous that they hung out and cuddled with their friends? “B-but … why?” Katsuki pulled the legs closer to his body. It looked very cute and childlike; Izuku thought for a second, he blinked heavily when he realized what he had thought. “Deku is my childhood friend and Eijiro is my best friend. I don’t like the thought of someone taking them away from me.” He confessed after a long while. Ochako gasped, she brought a hand to her mouth. “Also … I was … scared that they wouldn’t want anything to do with me, now that I am an omega.” He murmured into the plushie. They suddenly smelled a sad omega scent. “Oooh, I am sorry, Katsuki!” Ochako moved closer to him and hugged him. “I didn’t know how that would make you feel.” “Yeah, I am sorry too. I didn’t mean to take Eijiro away from you, or anything. I just needed the comfort sometimes.” Mina apologized. She also moved closer and hugged Katsuki after Ochako was done. They both released calming scents to cheer Katsuki up. “We don’t want to take anything away from you.” Ochako reassured him. “And if you want to be near Deku, then I don’t mind. I mean, he has a pretty amazing smell, so I totally get, why you want to be near him. I mean … I really don’t want to take him away from anyone, really … I just … just want to be close to him from time to time, too.” She started rambling a bit and Katsuki could see her blushed face. “I-I mean, I hope you understand me … I mean Deku and I are friends too, so it’s natural to want that, right? To be close to him I mean?” Her voice got higher with every word. “Ochako, breathe!” Mina chuckled. “But yeah, I totally get her. I mean, Eijiro and I don’t cuddle that often. Mostly after a really stressful day. I need that sometimes to calm down. So maybe – and I think that is what Ochako also wants to say, we can share Izuku and Eijiro with you. I mean, none of the other omega called dibs on them so far, and we don’t mind right?” She looked to the brunette girl. “Yeah, that would be good, right? I mean, Izuku and Eijiro are big enough for the three of us, yeah?” She smiled brightly. Izuku and Eijiro looked at each other. Were they just discussion how they could share them with Katsuki? They both shrugged simultaneously. Katsuki considered that for a minute. He didn’t want to share them, but he knew that they were friends of Deku and Eijiro too, so it wasn’t possible to keep them away. He let out his breath slowly. “Fine. If you are willing to share then so am I.” “Yay!” The girls jumped a few times out of happiness. “Then we have a deal. We share Deku and Eijiro, so no one has to get jealous!” Ochako smiled brightly. “Woah, don’t we have a say in this?” Izuku asked. “Yeah, I mean … we are kinda important people in this” Eijiro chimed in. The three omegas looked at the two alphas. They seemed to have completely forgotten, that they were in the room too. “So? What’d you think?” Mina asked, a bit nervous. Eijiro looked over to Izuku. The greenette just shrugged. “It’s fine by me, if you don’t have a problem with it.” “No, not really.” He said. Their gazes returned to the omegas. “We agree. I don’t see a problem with sharing.” “Me neither” Deku added. “Yay!” Ochako and Mina exclaimed again. “How about a group cuddle session to celebrate?” the pink girl proposed. She looked at Katsuki. “Well, only if you okay with that too. This is your room and your nest after all.” Katsuki thought about that for a second. “Only if I am in the middle” he said. “Deal!” Mina cheered, she grabbed Eijiro’s arm and pulled him towards the nest. He laughed a little and sat on Katsuki’s right side, Mina was next to him. Ochako pushed Izuku to the nest and he sat left of Katsuki, with Ochako on the other side. The alphas put their arms around the omegas. “Group cuddles are the best cuddles!” Mina was really happy at the moment. Ochako agreed with her loudly. Katsuki agreed in silence with her. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all. He had a flustered feeling in his stomach. It felt really nice, if he was honest. He smiled a little, while he listened to the cheerful chatter of the two female omegas. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (