Drabble-Marathon von cayra (-cracky short stories-) ================================================================================ 4 - High school days -------------------- Title: High school days Pairing/Characters: Tanakacest, Yuuta, Mizuki Rating: PG Theme: twins -- Yuutas jaw hit the floor. "...Mizuki-san...what happened to my room?!" he finally managed to ask. "Ah, I needed a place for the set-up of the photo shooting for my new fashion style. I wanted to call it 'High school days'...You don´t mind, do you?" Yuuta gulped. He wasn´t sure if he should object or simply faint. High school days! His dorm room was completely rearranged. He absently wondered where the hell Mizuki-san had gotten those frilly sheets, but that thought didn´t last long to the view of the Tanaka twins on them, cuddling and wearing clothes no sane high school girl, and definetely no boy would wear. 'Bondage faeries' would have been a more fitting description. "What do you think, Yuuta-kun?" the psychodesigner, err, Mizuki-sempai asked. "Uhmmm..." "Maybe we could ask some other people to pose for the second set? Maybe Atsushi-kun or..." Yuuta fled. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)