Drabble-Marathon von cayra (-cracky short stories-) ================================================================================ Sleepwalking ------------ Title: Sleepwalking Rating: G Genre: angst...kind of Character: Jirou I sleep a lot. I sleep at every possible opportunity, and it's pretty hard to wake me up, too, I've been told. But I don't mind that. Why don't sleep when there's nothing to stay awake for? Sometimes I have to, but it becomes tedious very fast. Sometimes I just vent all that spare energy, but you know, if you sleep too much, you just get more tired. Maybe I would make te effort to stay awake if I found some purpose in my life, something really important. There is always tennis, but that's not that completely fulfilling, fun or not, there's something missing. So when a match is over, I feel myself slipping again, drifting away from reality to that hazy realm of dreams I can't really remember. Sometimes I don't know anymore what's real, when you're dreaming you don't know you are, right? It's all becoming one, fuzzy at the edge, and when I'm wandering one world I don't remember the other. I just feel it, at the corners of my conciousness, tugging. Most people think it's pretty funny I can't stay awake for a long period of time. I even fall asleep when I'm with my friends. Well, I miss most of these friendship things, napping in a corner while they talk or are left on the train because they forget to wake me. Sometimes I nap on one of them, which they tolerate, but I think it annoys them. For most of my teammates I am just that fluffy sleeping thing that is just THERE and occassionally had a bouncing fit. They think it's cute, but I just can't help it, I'd go crazy otherwise. And sometimes I bounce and play tennis. It's my most aprecciated quality. I'ts not that different for me. When I'm awake, they are just there. Sometimes I wish I knew them better. But as it is, I just continue on letting the world slide by. Aimlessly, without any hold to keep me there, occasionally touching with other people, but not reaching them. Will there ever be something to touch me, keep me, someone? Will there be a time I will know which world is real and won't need the other one anymore? I don't hope, I don't know how to. I just wait. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)