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Von: Roman_Pataki (Edi Edhutschek)
Datum: 27.02.2012, 08:07
Länge: 4:15 Minuten
Thema: Convention
Kategorie: Trailer/Teaser
Beschreibung: This is the new season teaser for our current slogan "Taking Care of Bu$iness - The Edhutschek Empire". The purpose of this video is to show you, in a usual funny way, what is our opinion and motive about the new motto.

I do this under a little time pressure since the "Japan City" was just around the corner and I wanted to ensure a premiere there.
So this clip includes also a couple of stock images and material from our video archiv.

I hope you will like our new slogan as much as we do and hopefully we can see each other on one of the many Conventions this year.

So long, take good care of your business and have a great time!

Edi Edhutschek

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