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Videos: CMV
Von: QRuMe (SevenSeasonsCosplay)
Datum: 13.02.2014, 13:44
Länge: 4:31 Minuten
Thema: Vocaloid
Kategorie: Cosplay
Beschreibung: ↓ !please read description! ↓

Hey Guys!
That's our very first live action ^.^
We re-upload it now after we improved it a little bit.
Don't be surprised because of the "CuteCupcakePro" -sign on the wall, it's the name of our first channel and we didn't want to change this scene so...yeah...
However, we hope you like it and have fun! x3


► © original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftX15vsv5Xg
► ©-right music: nico nico douga.
► ©-right video: SevenSeasonsCosplay
► ©-right charakters: Vocaloid


contact us:

► facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CuteCu...
► animexx:
► e-mail:


Thank you for reading!
please like and subscribe us!

~ SevenSeasonsCosplay ♥

Von: QRuMe (SevenSeasonsCosplay)
Datum: 13.02.2014, 13:39
Länge: 6:08 Minuten
Thema: Vocaloid
Kategorie: Cosplay
Beschreibung: ↓ !please read description! ↓

Here is our Onii Yuukai Live action! ^^
We hope you like it.
Please watch in HD!
Thank You! ♡

► ©-right music:
【ボカロ妹連盟】 御兄誘拐 【替え歌PV】
【Vocaloid Sisters United】 Onii Yuukai 【English Sub】
► ©-right video: SevenSeasonsCosplay
► ©-right Charakter: Vocaloid

► Hatsune Miku - Kurumi ☆
Kagamine Rin - Yuka ❀
Megurine Luka - Sas ♫
Shion Kaito - Kiui ✽
► Camera - ☆, ❀, ♫ & ✽
► edit - Kurumi ☆
contact us:

► facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Seven-Se​asons-Cosplay/300234800121845?ref=hl
► animexx: http://animexx.onlinewelten.com/mitglie​der/steckbrief.php?id=732733
► e-mail: sevenseasonscosplay@aol.de

Thank you for reading!
please like and subscribe us!

~ SevenSeasonsCosplay ♥

Von: QRuMe (SevenSeasonsCosplay)
Datum: 12.02.2014, 17:16
Länge: 2:42 Minuten
Thema: Vocaloid
Kategorie: Cosplay
Beschreibung: ↓ !please read description! ↓

Hey guys, we're back! x3

We're sorry for being inactive, but we had some big problems for a while. (for example, our video editing program broke and we had'nt enough time to film something)
Well, this cmv wasn't planned and just made for fun, but we thought it's still better than nothing and uploaded it. ^.^
Don't worry, there will be more cmv's and live actions soon, and we'll also finish the cmv we made a trailer for.
Please watch in HD. ^^
Thank You! ♡

► ©-right Musik:
Hatsune Miku - Shiroi Yuki no Princess wa
► ©-right Video: SevenSeasonsCosplay
► ©-right Charakter: Vocaloid

► Hatsune Miku - Kurumi ☆
► Camera - Sas ♫
► edit - Kurumi ☆
contact us:

► facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Seven-Se​asons-Cosplay/300234800121845?ref=hl
► animexx: http://animexx.onlinewelten.com/mitglie​der/steckbrief.php?id=732733
► e-mail: sevenseasonscosplay@aol.de

Thank you for reading!
please like and subscribe us!

~ SevenSeasonsCosplay ♥

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