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Singt mir mir!!

Autor:  akaspirin
Siiiiingt mir mir!!

(Melissa Etheridge - Angels Would Fall)

The rope that's wrapped around me
Is cutting through my skin
And the doubts that have surrounded me
Are finding their way in
I keep it close to me
Like a holy man prays
In my desperate hour
It's better that way

So I'll come by and see you again
I'll be such a very good friend
Have mercy on my soul
I will never let you know
Where my mind has been

Angels never came down
There's no one here they want to hang around
But if they knew
If they knew you at all
Then one by one the angels
Angels would fall

I've crept into your temple
I have slept upon your pew
I've dreamed of the divinity
Inside and out of you
I want it more than truth
I can taste it on my breath
I would give my life just for a little death

So I'll come by and see you again
I'll be just a very good friend
I will not look upon your face
I will not touch upon your grace
Your ecclesiastic skin

I'll come by and see you again
I'll have to be a very good friend
If I whisper they will know
I'll just turn around and go
You will never know my sin

Mein Lyric der Woche >< *sing sing sing*
Verwünscht, ich verschreib mich dauernd.
Dies ist nur ein Beipsiel, dass ich mich verschriebe, ich werde nix verbessern, hoooh! XD

Like a virgin~ touched by the very first guy~ XDDD

Autor:  akaspirin
Ja, es sollte eigentlich time heißen. Eeeeeeeegaaaaaal. XD
Mhm, die YuGiOh-Werbungen da rechts sind ja... tooooooll *_* Jetzt freu ich mich~ Da hat man immer was zu kucksen~ nihi~
Lalalaaaaaalöö XD
Ich bin komisch drauf Ü_Ü
Nyanya XD

Smilie-Geschichte - Fortsetzung

Autor:  akaspirin
(now i´m your friend *sing*) ^o^ =.= (i guess so)
(so we must stand next to another) &#8594; ^O^ =o= (really?)
(and... nearer...) &#8594; ^.^ =_= (mhm...)
(and nearer...) &#8594;^.^ =_= (mhm...)
(and neeeearer.......) ^.^o_o/ (mhm...?)
(friends cuddle!) /^.^/\o_O;/ (wah?)
(and REALLY GOOD friends...) >&#9660;> &#8594;&#8594;&#8594;&#8594;&#8594;&#8594;>////< (WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!)
(What happend?) ó.ò// [he had build a wall]&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362; <O< (I ALWAYS knew, that you´re gay!!)
(Wh... What? You... You don´t like me anymore, do you?) ToT [he has made graffiti on the wall]&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#9794;&#9794;=&#8224;&#8362;&#8362; \<_< (...)
(Whaaaa, you´re so nasty... *crys*) ;O;~ &#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362;&#8362; \\>.> (bya bya! *goes*)

to be continued

Wieder 2 in Mathe x33

Autor:  akaspirin
So, jetz habsch auch ´ne 2 in der Arbeit. *froi* Ich bin so gut XDD *happy* Und mein Freund hat sogar ´ne 3 *_* *sich auch für ihn freu*
Lalala~ *happyhappyhappy*
Und heute hatte ich keine Schule =P

2 in Mathe XD

Autor:  akaspirin
Hach ja, Parabeln. Ich hätte ´ne 1 haben können, aber wen störts, hrr... 2 ist toll =3 *happy desu*
Aber am 7. schreiben wir ´´ne Arbeit, die 2 war ja nur ein Test ... Hrm...

Danke Cesia >///< *knuddl* *tests mach ohne ende* XD

Autor:  akaspirin
Cesiaaaaa~! Ich hab jetz auch den Uke/Seme Test gemaaa~cht!! Und ich bin Uke XD *sich klein fühl*
Hach, Ayase |3~ (oder so)
Ich kenn Yami gut XD *9 von 10 fragen richtiiiig!*

Lalalala~ wieder 9 von 10 X3 (Pita ten XD)

Hohoho! 10 von 10! Ich liebe D.N.Angel! XDD

12 von 15 richtig - so´n doofes Anime/Manga Quiz *hasst diese dinger* XD

Ja, das wars erstmal. Ich mach irgendwann mal wieder weiter XD
Aka~chan~ X3

Ein Chinese hat mich im ICQ angesprochen!!

Autor:  akaspirin
Hi ihr!! >/////<
Mich hat gestern ein Bishie angesprochen, ein Chinese von 18 Jahren. Er ist total nett und scheint kein Perverser zu sein XD Ich mach mal ein Teil vom Log hier rein.

aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:20 ?
Davy 21.01.20 16:20 have a chat
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:21 okay
Davy 21.01.20 16:23 u from Germany?
sorry,u know have poor English because i'm from China.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:24 Yes, I´m from Germany, so I can´t speak English very well, too! ^^;
Davy 21.01.20 16:24 i'm sorry to hear that but do u know much about China?
Davy 21.01.20 16:25 i mean i know a little about Germany.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:26 No, I don´t know much about China... only a little, like you ^^
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:26 like you about Germany, I mean
Davy 21.01.20 16:29 in my history book i learnt Germany is a great country. u go to school ,don't u?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:30 Of course ^^
Davy 21.01.20 16:31 i geuss u go to junior school.
have u ever listened to the Chinese music?
Davy 21.01.20 16:32 i'm eager to listen to your Germany music too.
Davy 21.01.20 16:32 some pop music.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:32 In my history book is nothing about China. I don´t know why...

Yes, I do.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:33 German pop music? I hate it *lol* Okay, not hate, but I don´t listen to it...
Davy 21.01.20 16:33 noting??oh,i'm very disappoint to hear that.
Davy 21.01.20 16:34 frankly speaking,German pop music is not famous.
Davy 21.01.20 16:35 but the car like volkswagen is very very strong!
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:36 Yeah, and I think it´s good. I think it´s a strong car, too.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:38 And no wonder, that german pop music isn´t famous. It´s not good.
Davy 21.01.20 16:38 but i want to know about u learn what in your history book?America?England?France?the all developed country?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:40 About France, the revolution. In the moment whe learn about Napoleon.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:41 we, I mean
Davy 21.01.20 16:43 we learn too.and the west countries how to develot their econemy. and here is a song from a Chinese pop group,do u like to listen to?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:43 of course I want!
Davy 21.01.20 16:43 hit it,please
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:45 One moment, please ^^;
Davy 21.01.20 16:45 ok
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:47 Ah! I hear it!
Davy 21.01.20 16:49 cool?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:49 It´s a beautyful song! And the voice is cool.
Davy 21.01.20 16:50 yeah!i like it badly!
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:51 Me too ^^
Davy 21.01.20 16:52 and here is another!
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:52 What´s the name from the singer?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:53 thanks ^.^
Davy 21.01.20 16:53 i can't speak is in English because the name of the group is like a poem
Davy 21.01.20 16:54 the name of the first song is : having u all my life
the second is :Run!
Davy 21.01.20 16:55 and can u send me some songs u like badly please?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:56 Yes, I think, but I can only send songs per ICQ.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:57 because I don´t know any sites with music...
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:57 Is it okay?
Davy 21.01.20 16:58 i'm sorry to hear that
u listen to music by cds?
Davy 21.01.20 16:58 like all the westerners?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 16:59 Yes, but I listend to Mp3-Player, too.
Davy 21.01.20 17:00 i see
do u have a boy friend?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:00 No, I haven´t.
Davy 21.01.20 17:00 sorry
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:01 why sorry?
Davy 21.01.20 17:02 u are young
http://www.7mao.com/ here are a lot of Chinese beautiful pop music. u can listen to them by hiting
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:04 Oh, thx! I search for a homepage, where you can download the music I like =3
Davy 21.01.20 17:05 why not get me into your puppy group.
Davy 21.01.20 17:06 sorry,i got a mistake.:-!
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:07 What´s a puppy group?
Davy 21.01.20 17:07 hail-fellow group.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:07 And what´s THIS? ;D
Davy 21.01.20 17:08 noting,i can't explain it in English.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:10 I translate "hail" and "fellow" in german, but I still don´t know what you mean. Sorry!!
Davy 21.01.20 17:10 friends
Davy 21.01.20 17:11 we are funny,aren't we.
a Chinese and a German chat with their poor English,haha
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:12 Yeah, we are funny! *lol*
Davy 21.01.20 17:13 can u speak Japanese?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:14 A little - I mean, really a LITTLE - bit. ^^;
Davy 21.01.20 17:14 better than me.
Davy 21.01.20 17:15 what's the time?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:15 But I have forgot it... *lol* It´s 5.15 pm
Davy 21.01.20 17:16 i see here is 0:16 22nd Jan
Davy 21.01.20 17:17 have u ever seen the film Shrek ?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:18 I see! o.o Why are you still on computer? *lol*
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:18 I have, but only the first part.
Davy 21.01.20 17:18 i'm not sleepy. i saw it,and i moved!

Davy 21.01.20 17:19 by their true love,do u believe true love?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:19 Yes, of course I do! I write storys about it, but in German...
Davy 21.01.20 17:21 i want to read it,can i?though i know i can't understand but i can use the Translating Software
Davy 21.01.20 17:22 the donkey is funny, isn't he?
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:22 oh, now I must search *lol*
Yes, you´re right! It´s funny!
Davy 21.01.20 17:22 and Shrek is so simple,full of courage and strong!
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:23 Yes.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:27 I don´t find any storys. They are at home, and I´m here by my father. My parents live apart.
Davy 21.01.20 17:29 i see.i wish u could send to me by email one day.
Davy 21.01.20 17:30 my email is 250251252@qq.com
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:30 on monday (for u on tuesday *lol*)
Davy 21.01.20 17:30 ok 3Q!
Davy 21.01.20 17:30 thx
Davy 21.01.20 17:31 i think i have to go to sleep.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:32 I think, too x3 My little sister want to know, how old are you
Davy 21.01.20 17:33 guess!:-)
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:33 She think you´re 13. And I think you´re older than 13 *lol*
Davy 21.01.20 17:34 13!! my dear!i think you are right!
i'm 18 already!:-P
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:36 Ok XD *drop* I thought you werw less than 17 or so...
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:36 *were
Davy 21.01.20 17:36 hehe,u are a little girl.
Davy 21.01.20 17:36 compared with me.
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:37 So, have a nice sleep!! ^.^
I know ^^;
aKaSuMi 21.01.20 17:37 Only 14 ... *drop*

Ja XD Meine kleine Sis hat gesacht, ich dürfte das Gespräch nicht ins Internet stellen, ohne seine Erlaubnis, lol XD Aber ich hätte das, was sich da aus dem Gespräch ergibt, eh erzählt. Also ist es im Grunde eigentlich egal. Und holt euch die Lieder! Die sind wirklich gut!
Im Moment dürfte es bei ihm 16.53 sein. Lol, er ist gestern wegen mir bis 3.00 Uhr aufgeblieben XD Bei mir wars grad mal 21.00!! XD
Ich denke er ist nett. Mein Gefühl betrügt mich nicht XD Ich hatte das Gefühl einen netten Menschen in meine ICQ-Liste zu machen. hohoho! XD
Oh Mann >>; Naja. Is ja auch egal. Bin im Moment bei meinem Vater. aber ich muss den Stoff nachholen, den ich in der letzten Woche verpasst habe... *krank war* Ich muss immer noch Tabletten schlucken, und das ist einer der Dinge im Leben, die ich wirklich nicht ab kann >>;;;
Nya =3~
Dann ... wusele ich mal weiter im Internet rum~
*alle knuddl*

Der Hustinetten-Bär....

Autor:  akaspirin
plus den Charmin-Bär... was gibt das? Genau: Yaoi. Hrm.

Wääääh~ Sleepers ;_; (Jetzt grade auf Pro 7 *es ist Werbung*)

Autor:  akaspirin
Der Film ist trauriger als ich dachte *hoil* Nya~
Muss ihn erstmal zu Ende sehen... waaaaah~
Weiß nicht ob ichs durchhalte ;_; Mal sehen...
Bis... irgendwann... nächste Werbung oder so \ö_ö/

Eine Smilie-Geschichte....

Autor:  akaspirin
\\^.^ (dance)
\^.^/ (dance)
^.^// (dance)
... (silence)
o,o// (shock)
o.O// (shockshock)
OO// (shockshockshock)
OoO// (shockshockshockshock!)
(wusch...) ==|_| =ÖoÖ// (fear!)
(i´m alone...) |ó.ò| <.< (really?)
(be my friend) ^.^ ö.ö (maybe)
(c´mon!) ^o^ o,o (I´m thinking...)
(...) ^_^ ö.o (I think it´s okay.)
(yaaaay!!)~=/^O^/ \OO/