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Lack of Sleep



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* 04/08/30

+ 06/01/02

Title: Lack Of Sleep

Author: Eki „on the road again“ Siamese

mail to: Enma-Cho@web.de

Fandom: Weiß Kreuz

Pairing: I just can’t resist: Ran/Ken

Warnings: [just sweeet shounen-ai], it’s all sappy, you know

Disclaimer: WK does unfortunately NOT belong to me. ;_;

Comment: O’ha, minna-chan! Summer holidays are almost over, so I thought it was time to train my English for the new school year. So sorry, that I take it out on you! But there are some good news, too! ^_^ You can keep my grammar mistakes!!

Enjoy Yaoi!


His hand roamed through his pocket, searching for something he could hold on to. His other hand was shaking, while he was observing the plan at the bus station for the right bus that would take him out of town to the Koneko’s flower deliverer outside Tokyo. Ran hadn’t been satisfied with the last delivery, so he had decided that Ken should go and talk to the men there.

Of course, he hadn’t lend him his car, so Ken, whose motorcycle was in repair, had to take the bus…

He tried to suppress the yawn, but it broke out and some school girls beside him started to giggle. He shot them an apologizing smile, but it came half-hearted. He was just too tired.

He hadn’t slept much lately. In fact he hadn’t slept a lousy hour in the last three days, always finding himself thinking of things you better don’t think of when you’re an eighteen year old ex-goalie-Weiß-assassin.

It was just… he couldn’t help it. Every time he laid down, hopefully closing his eyes to finally find some sleep, the thoughts where there, inerasable. And then he wasn’t able to find some sleep – the whole goddamned night.

He knew, he would just take an unwilling nap in the bus and miss the station where he had to get out… hell. He needed caffeine so badly!

Angry about his own weakness he decided to leave the bunch of people at the station, and headed, still followed by the giggles of those perky school girls, for the little café on the other side of the street.

Sure, Ran would be pissed off if he would ever find out that he had taken a break before he had even arrived at the market.

Well. Alright. Right now he couldn’t have cared less about an early death.

The café was very nice indeed, with big windows through which the sun shined brightly and little Japanese walls which separated the tables from each other for more privacy.

Ken smiled sweetly at the waitress as he sat down at a small table in a corner and made her accidentally blush beat red.

But that was just Ken – always kind, always sweet, always lovable and at the same time absolutely naïve and blind for the way he attracted other people with his ‘pure-sunshine’-personality.

With a lazy smile he ordered a cup of Latte Macchiato and two chocolate muffins, before he leaned back on his bench and forced his eyes to stay open, at least until he got the caffeine he needed.

Of course he fell asleep almost immediately, only waking when the young waitress shyly tried to get his attention because his order had arrived.

“Domo arigatou”, he whispered sleepily and took a sip from the no longer warm coffee. He made a face at that but nonetheless drank more of the needed caffeine-bringing drink.

Lazily he watched a tiny bit of dust flying around in a sunbeam and was about to drift away again, as he heard the voices. It was then that he was alert and sleepy no more.

“Ne, Aya-chan, what do you want to eat?”

Oh shit. He was doomed.

“Aah, I’ll have a soy latte and the pancakes – if that’s okay.”

“Sure, you’re invited, imouto-chan.”

Ken already thought about sneaking out through the kitchen’s back door but when he heard Aya-chans voice he calmed down. In front of his sister, Ran wouldn’t kill him. Or so he hoped.

Nonetheless he wondered what the red-head himself was doing here so early in the morning. Did Yohji take care of the shop all by himself? Omi couldn’t be helping him – he was in school.

The waitress rushed past him and smiled at the girl and the boy sitting at the table behind his back, which meant that they were separated only by thin paper-walls.

“May I take your order, please?”

“Waii, I’m taking the pancakes with muuuucho syrup and a soy latte and for o-nii-chan a biiig cup of black coffee and three bagels with sour-cream.”

“Hai”, The waitress rushed back to the kitchen and the siblings were left alone. Well – if you don’t count Ken who was ears-dropping behind their back.

“You know me well, don’t you…”,

Ken was amazed how soft Ran’s voice could sound when he wanted to. With his sister he always was like that. A fact that made Ken a little bit jealous of her, though he liked her ‘very mucho’ – how she would put it.

“Of course I do. And that’s why I’m skipping school today, only for you, waiii, because you sounded so serious on the phone.”

Ken practically *heard* Ran’s sweat-dropping.

“Oh, I’m SO grateful for that. No, I’m really sorry and you will have to work all the stuff up later…”, at this point, a disappointed sigh came from Aya’s side, “but you’re kind of right.”

“See? I knew it!” She became serious. “Tell me, o-nii-san, I want to help you. I promised you to be always there for you, like you did to me.”

Ran paused, seemed to smile but sounded sad when he spoke on. “A-Aya… you know you’re my best friend. So please – don’t hate me, don’t despise me, don’t judge me, when I tell you my problem…”,

“Go ahead already, you know I would never do that!”

“And I’m glad. But it’s not that easy…”,

“Ran…”, Aya sounded almost threatening.

“Okay, okay… it’s… well… how do I put this nicely… I’m… I’m… I’m in love!”

“Waii!” gushed Aya, “that’s great! And I feared it would be something terrifying… wait. That’s not your problem, right? Is she pregnant?”


“Just kiddin’, nii!” Aya laughed sweetly. “So, go on. Who’s the happy one? Tell me already so I can check’er out!”

“If it was that easy… Aya, this is going to shock you but… oh, geez… I’m not in love with a… a…”, he just wasn’t able to get the words out of his mouth.

“A woman.”

“… right….”,

There was a frozen silence on the other table and Ken was inwardly dying in his chair on his own. If Ran would notice him, realizing he had heard every single word, it wouldn’t even matter that he hadn’t gone to the delivery service… he was a dead man.


On the other hand – it was worth it. Ran was gay. A ‘warm brother’. A queen. A fag. A-

“I’m a homo. I think. Oh, shit, this is so- so-… Aya, I’m so sorry”,



“Don’t feel sorry, it’s alright.”


“I knew it, nii-chan”,

Ran’s voice cracked. “How…?!”

“I’m your sister. I love you more than anything in the whole wide world. I know you better than all the other people. Gee, I think I even know you better than you know yourself.”

“I’m… shocked.”

“Don’t be.”

“So… what do you say?”

“I only want to know one thing. Who is the chosen one, the one you’ve fallen for?”

“Oh, you’re not gonna believe me. I’m so dumb. How could I fall for…?!”

“Tell me, nii, though I think I already know.”


“Well – remember what I told you ‘bout five seconds ago? That stuff about knowing you better than you know yourself? It’s true. And if I’m right than you made a good choice.”

“Aya… I just don’t know what to do. It’s so hard to see him every day, watching him, longing for him. Hell, I work with him in the flower shop by daylight and I kill with him in the night. I have to rely on him like he does on me. I notice how I get distracted from my duties just because he’s around, I think I’m becoming a weak spot…”,

“Ssh… calm down or you’re going to hyperventilate… everything will be alright. And now you’re not longer alone, you know?” He heard the rustling of cloth, as if she stretched a hand out to touch him. “I’m by your side.”

The waitress came back, balancing the order on a tablet. “Your order”,

Ken leaned back while they were getting their food, trying to digest what he had just heard. Ran… gay… someone from Weiß… all that came so surprisingly. Ran always has had a great sexual attraction for him and if he had to be honest – he had a little crush on him… but he always seemed so a-sexual in his behavior, as if nobody interested him enough to care. The big deal was not that Ran was gay – it was the fact that he was in love!

“Is everything alright? Shall I bring you more coffee?” Lost in his thoughts he hadn’t realized that the waitress stood by his table. Fearing Ran or Aya would recognize his voice and detect him, he just smiled and shook his head.

When the girl was gone, he focused his ears back to the happenings behind him.

“Tell me about it, Ran. Tell me about – _him_.”

Ran coughed nervously. “I don’t think-”,

“Shush. Tell auntie Aya your deepest feelings. You’ll see you’ll feel better afterwards.”

He sighed. “If you think so.”

“Yup, I do very mucho so. Start already, Niii~!”

“Ok-Okay… well, first of all… I think he’s very beautiful.”

“Alright. Next point.”

“I think he’s the most beautiful human being I’ve ever seen in my whole life – uhm, sorry, beside you, Aya.”

“That’s better”, She laughed.

“I like his personality. He’s so sweet and caring. Indeed he cares too much, I think and I hate to see him weep for others. He comes into the room and the sun rises, he’s sparkling and he doesn’t even know it. He does so much for others and I admire him for that.”

“Hmmm… Nii-chan, that sounds wonderful. I hope I’m going to find someone like that for my own.”

While Ken was still wondering who he was talking about, Ran kept talking.

“It’s cruel living with him without being allowed to touch him. I want to take him in my arms, cradle him, take him to my bed and snuggle him nights and nights… uuh… forget the last point, please.” He said when he realized what he’d just said to his little sister.

“Aww… Ran wanna make baaaabies…!” she laughed and Ran tried to calm her down but she kept mocking him.

“Would you just stop that, please! You promised to help me!”

She went silent. “How can I help you? Shall I take him to my bed instead of you?”

“Very funny, Aya…”, the red-head murmured. “I have no clue…”,

He heard the sounds of moving furniture and money be thrown at the table and ducked into his corner. He couldn’t risk it to be discovered, now that they were almost gone.

He sweared soundlessly. He still had no clue who the lucky person was, Ran was in love with. Couldn’t be Yohji or could he? Or Omi?! That was like fucking little children!

But God seemed to have a nice day. When they were almost at the door, he heard Aya say: “Hey… will you ever tell Kenken?”

His eyes flew open as did his mouth and he just sat there, even when they were gone a long time. He just sat there, staring at the walls. Just sat there…


When Ran stepped into the living-room after his shift was over and he has closed the shop, Ken was back, sitting on the sofa already, flipping through the pages of a magazine.

“You’re back.”


“How did it go? Will he take the crap back he sent us?”


Aya crunched his nose. Something was up, he could feel it tingling through his whole body. And it felt like something bad.

“Ran, could you sit down please, just for a minute?”

“Uhm… okay.”

He sat down on the edge of a chair in front of Ken.

“No, not there.” He pointed to the place right next to him. “Here, please.”

Ran began to feel uneasy. “Uhm… sorry, Ken, but I have to go now…”,

He fled to the door. Shit, damn him and his sick feelings!


The next moment Ken whirled him around and stood so close to him he thought he was going mad. His stirring smell seemed to be all around him, seemed to clutch to his hair, seemed to take his hands and place them on Kens shoulders.


“Ran… come nearer. Just one step…”,

“I can’t… you’re already standing on my feet”, It wasn’t even a whisper. He doubted he said it out loud.

In the end it was Ken who took a step nearer and flung his arms around him. And it was Ken who kissed him, took his breath away, freed him from his shirt and forced him to his room though there was no force necessary.

But it was Ran who cradled him in his arms, took him into his bed and – not only – snuggled him for what seemed to be the whole night.

Only when the first sunrays reached the bed in which the exhausted men lay, entangled in their arms and their happiness, Ran dared to speak.

“Have to work…”, His words sounded slurred and he felt like he could sleep for a month or so – not without Ken by his side, of course.

“Naw… not today… Yohji… Omi…”,

“Omi has school today”,

“Dun care…”,

“C’mon, Ken, we have to get out of bed…”,

Suddenly at the word ‘bed’ Ken felt awake. “No. You stay here, understand?”

Ran pouted up to him when the brunette rolled over to lie on his chest to keep him from leaving the warm sheets. “Ken, we have at least to get breakfast… I’m starving, you know…”,

Warm fingers stroked up and down Ken’s torso and the boy nearly purred. Suddenly he grinned and pressed a warm and sloppy kiss on Ran’s willing mouth. He felt all flushed with sheer bliss all of sudden. It seemed like he would finally be able to get some sleep, now that the cause of his sleepless nights was here in his arms. But on the other hand – perhaps BECAUSE his love lay here in his arms he would never be able to get enough sleep again… but – who the heck cared?

“I’ll be taking care of that. I guess you like your coffee black?”


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