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GaaraxDeidara yaoi



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Unwanted but needed

Gaara & Deidara (Yaoi)

1st. Chapter: Unwanted but needed

It was 10.30 am, Gaara was sitting in his bathtub and washing his hair. His head hurts. Yesterday the paper-stuff didn´t wanted to end. He fell asleep on his desk. Not what he would call comfortable. He yawned. „Oh my goodness, to be the Kazekage isn´t easy at all.“ He stood up and wrapped a towel around his hips. A knock at the door maked him turn around and ask „What the..- What do you want? I´m trying to relax!“ He shouted at the door »And I´m wearing nothing but a towel« he continued in thoughts. „Gaara-sama..It´s me, un.“ The person behind the door answered. „Dei-Deidara?“ Gaara whispered to himself. „Uhm... ok, come in, if you really want to.“ He said to the door. The door was opened and Die takes a look into the bathroom. Then he saw the Kazekage. Wearing nothing but a towel. He blushed. „Un...Should I come back later?“ He asks, trying to don´t look at Gaara and his towel. „No, just tel me, why is it so important, that you have to see me while I´m in the bathroom. If it isn´t I´ll remember myself that you are my enemy and then I´ll kill you.“ Gaara answered composed. Deidara looked shocked and stumbled back a few steps. „I...please...“ He stuttered. „What??“ Gaara asked a little bit out of nerves. „Don´t kill me, I..I just wanted to see you.“ Deidara whined. „Deidara, this is a bad situation for jokes and you know that.“ Gaara answers kinda angry. „This-This isn´t a joke, un! I´m not joking!“ Dei whined desperate. „Yeah, truly, remember, you tried to destroy my village, you kidnapped me and killed me. The only good thing you have done is reaping Shukaku out of my body. And that´s all you have done for me. And now you really want to tell me, that just came to visit me?“ Gaara pushed Dei away and ran into his room, then he shut the door in front of Dei´s nose. „Idiot!“ He shouted at Dei before the door closed finally.

„What does this Guy think who he is?“ Gaara says angriely to himself. „I know what he is, a liar. I hope for him, that I´ll never see him again!“ But what was this? A new feeling hat appeared. » Just wanted to see you....« Dei´s words were flowing around in Gaara´s head. »...Wanted to see ....YOU....« „Aaaaaarrrrgh!“ Gaara put his face into his hands, his nails were scratching over his head. Water fills his eyes. „No, not because of him. He´s just a guy. My enemy. NO!“ Gaara whined, then he breaked down, his back against the wall. „Gaara?“ A voice next to his ear shocked him. „What the hell-?“ it was Deidara. „Are you ok?“ He asks the redhead. „No! Don´t you see what you´re doing to me? I don´t need more pain in my life!“ Gaara shouted at him, desperately trying to keep his feelings under control. „What?“ Dei asked him. „Go away.“ Gaara whispered, still holding his head in his hands. „Can´t I help you? I just-„ „I Hate you! You make me sick! LEAVE!“ Gaara screamed desperate and angry. Dei was shocked. And confused. He just said a few words to the redhead. He stumbled back. He was shivering, »How could this happen to me?« He asked himself in thoughts. Then he whirled around and stumbled out of the room. Gaara looked at the door. He had stopped crying. But now that Dei was gone, he felt like Dei had left a hole, where his heard should have been. He stood up. Then he noticed a letter on his table. He opened it. The lines were passing by like wind. He stopped, unable to read the last line till the end. He closed his eyes, opened them again and read: „In love, Deidara.“ Gaara started to shiver, the letter fell down. „What have i done?“ He don´t know much about Deidara, he now felt sorry for him. Gaara took on some clothes and then without thinking about it, he jumped out of the window and started searching for Deidara.

Deidara endet up 1 mile outside of the village, on a little lake. He picked up a few stones and threw them into the water. „Damn! I´m so stupid. To go to him, without a doubt, if he would like me like I do to him, I hope the letter wasn´t too much for him, un.“ He said angry about himself. „I´m glad that I haven´t told him about my real feelings for him. If I would have told him about my love to him, I think he would have killed me.“ Deidara whined, desperately searching for a way out of this desaster. „Ahem...“ Deidara turned around, really shocked. It was the redhead. „Oh shit...no... how long have you been standing there, un?“ Deidara asked him blushing hard. „Long enough to hear you whining about this „desaster“.“ Gaara answered without a smile. The opposite of a smile. His face looked like a face made out of stone. „So...we´re alone, kill me now. It would be an honour for me to be killed by you, un.“ Deidara whispered, his face down to the sand. „Go ahead and throw my life away, un.“ Then he was really surprised, when he was hugged by Gaara. „It would make no sense, to kill you now.“ He whispered in Dei´s ear. „Why not? Do you want to tease me, so that I´ll kill myself? Sooner or later, you gonna hate it, un.“ Deidara whispered slowly, trying to stop the tears. „I know, but I don´t want to tease you, come on, there are some questions I wanted to ask you.“ He took Deidara´s hand and pulled Dei with him. Deidara was so confused by this, that he just followed Gaara into the city. Gaara didn´t said anything, while they were running through the streets. He stopped at a restaurant and caught places in a corner. Gaara ordered something to eat and drink and then he gave Dei the first smile, he had ever given to him. „First I meant what I said about hating you..“ He started, then, Dei was going to cut the sentence off, he threw in a „ Let me finish, please.“ And Dei shut his mouth again. „....But then I realized, that was wrong. Please take this... however you´ll call it – dinner or date or whatever – as an apologize from my side. What I will say now, is, what I really mean. I never meant to hurt you. And one more thing, I will tell you after you ate a little bit. I hope it tastes well, it looks delicious...“ He pointed at the meal, a waiter had put on the table, a few seconds before. „T-thanks, Gaara-sama.“ Dei answered, blushing hard again.

While eating, Gaara´s head was full of thoughts about the situation. Then he noticed that he was looking at Deidara a few times, while eating. He blushed a little and tried to be concentrated on eating. His hand was laying on the table. Suddenly, he felt Dei´s hand laying on his own. Gaara looked at him, Dei blushed. „The thing, I wanted to tell you is, that I don´t know nothing about love. How ti feels or how to fall in love with somebody.“ Gaara whispered at Dei while taking his hand back to him. The feeling, the touch had released, was like his hand burned, but another feeling felt like Gaara could fly. That confused him. „It´s all so difficult and confusing. You are my enemy, but even if I should, I could never kill you, after all you´ve done to me. I feel like in the next second, my head will explode.“ Gaara stood up and payed for the meal. „I think, I´ll go home. Maybe you can come back later. Tomorrow or so.“ Deidara followed him outside. Then, he stopped in front of the restaurant. Rain was falling. „Ha....The sky looks like it has the same mood as me. Goodbye, Gaara, un.“ He leaned forwards and gave him a little kiss on his cheek. Then he disappeared into the dark streets of Suna and left behind a confused and lonely Gaara. The redhead turned around and shuffled along vthe streets, whith hanging shoulders and a hanging head. Now his mood was as dark as the sky. He wandered through Suna for hours and hours. His clothes were wet, it was cold and the rain was still falling, like it´ll never stop. Suddenly he heard a scream. He looked up and saw four men, surrounding a fifth man. The four men were lauging and shouting at the man in their middle. „What are you? You look like a girl! What the hell are you?“ Someone screamed and threw a Kunai at the man. He fell down, the knife stuck in his arm. 2 other Kunai´s followed and one of them stroked his chest. Blood splashed around. Then, another man tried to throw a Kunai at him, but suddenly, he was chatched in sand. „Desert Coffin!“ Gaara screamed. The men were shocked, under their eyes, the sand broke every bone in the man´s body. A rain of blood fell down on them. „Leave this village or I´ll kill you all!“ Gaara said calmly. The men turned around and stubled into the dark. Gaara squated down next to the bleeding man. He had blonde, long hair. His black cloak with the red clouds was dirty and blood-drained. „What the-?“ Gaara whispered shocked. It was Deidara. „Deidara? Can you hear me?“ He asked. No reaction. Gaara picked him up and ran to his house. He opened the door and lay him down on his bed. Gaara took off Dei´s cloak and shirt, so that he could take a look at the wounds. He gasped. A long, deep cut went on from his left shoulder and down to his right hip. Gaara jumped up, stumbled into the bathroom, opened the first-aid kit and pulled out some badages. He filled up a bottle with water and started to clean the wounds with some flax-cloth. He worked until sundown. Then he sat donw on a chair with a glass of sake in his right handf. „Oh my god.“ Gaara moaned. And then, he lay his head on the table and fell asleep.

Deidara woke up and gasped. A numb pain rushed through his body. He tried to get up but fell back into the bed, he was laying in. „W-where am I?“ He whispered to himself. There were bandagas around his upper body. Then he noticed Gaara, sleeping on a table, he had blood on his hands and in a bowl next to him were some bloody flax-cloth swimming in bloody water. He remembered, what had happened, when he went through the rainy streets of Suna. He had bumped into some men. That was all he could remember. A wave of pain made him shiver and he moaned in sufferring. Then the darkness catched him. He screamed, while every nerve begged for the end of this suffering. The last thing he saw until he fell back in a deadly sleep was Gaara´s milk-white face and his eyes looking scared into his. Then nothing.

Words were flowing through his head. In moments of awakeness, he saw Gaara sitting next to his bed, holding his hand. When the darkness opened it´s fangs again, he heard the redhead singing quietely. Then, Deidara opened his eyes, the pain had gone mostly and only a numb knocking was left in his arm and chest. Gaara´s head lay on his stomach. He fell asleep when Dei stopped shaking and screaming two hours agou. „G-Gaara-sama?“ Deidara whispered and stroked over his head. Gaara mumbled something but continued sleeping. Deidara smiled. But suddenly, Gaara´s eyes opened and he yawned. „Hey.“ Deidara whispered smiling. Gaara stretched and smiled tiredly at Dei. „So you feel better?“ He asked, looking at the bandages. Dei´s blood penetrated through them. „Yeah... thank you for saving me.“ Deidara answered. „Glad that I could be of help after what I´ve done to you.“ Gaara whispered frozen. Dei looked at him, realizing that the suffering hasn´t gone, it just had changed it´s face. „I have to change your bandages, it´ll bleed again. Can you stand up?“ Gaara asked him while picking up fresh bandages from a table next to the bed. „Y-yeah, I think so.“ Deidara answered confused and a little bit blushing. He felt uncomfortable. Gaara took off the blood-drenched bandages. Blood was running down Dei´s upper body. He gasped, his chest looked like someone tried to cut him in two pieces. „This...this looks bad.“ Deidara whispered. „it looks more worse than it is.“ He answered, concentrated on cleaning the wound. When gaara touched his body, Dei felt like his skin burned. He blushed hard. „What´s up?“ Gaara asked Dei, realizing how red he got. „N-nothing... I´m fine.“ Dei whispered, trying to don´t look at him. Gaara smiled a little teasy. He touched Dei´s chest and moved down to his hip. „N-no, stop it, please.“ Deidara whispered with a smothered voice. „So you don´t like it? Or does it make you lose control?“ Gaara whispered grinning evily. „Both... And you said you won´t tease me. Why are you so unfair to me? Do you like it, to see me suffer like that, un?“ he whined. A tear run down his face. Suddenly, darknes surrounded him and he fell into Gaara´s arms. „Dei!“ A voice screamed in his head. Then nothing. Darkness. Pain. Suffering.

„Wake up, Dei! Please wake up! I didn´t meant to push up your suffering. Don´t leave me!“ Gaara whined crying. „G-gaara. It´s ok. I take your apologize. We suffer because of our bonds. That´s just nature, un.“ Dei whispered weakly. „But you don´t know how I feel. The same feelings, the same weakness I feel for you.“ Gaara looked at him. Now he felt tears running down his cheek. „Wounds of the body may heal, you can help them with medicine. But for wounds of the heart, there is no medicine and sometimes they´ll never heal.“ Gaara whispered. „Oh Gaara-kun.“ Gaara whispered, his voice full of tears. Dei leaned forwards and hugged him. »But there´s one thing that could heal a wound of the heart. It´s love, Gaara« Gaara thought. He remembered the day when his uncle Yashamaru told him about love, a few hours before he tried to kill him. „Love.“ He whispered in Dei´s ear. Suddenly, Deidara digged his fingers in Gaara´s back. „Urgh.“ He moaned. Then he jumped out of the window. „D-don´t try to find me, please, it might be dangerous to try, un!“ He shouted at Gaara, then he disappeared into the darkness. Gaara was shocked. And confused. Without thinking, he started searching for Dei. And he found him, but before he catched him, he stubled and fell down. Blood started to run down his ellbows and knees. But he didn´t really noticed it. He cut Deui´s way off and faced him. „What the hell are you doing?“ Gaara asked him angrily. „Go out of my way, please, I don´t want to...“ Dei started, then he noticed the blood on Gaara´s hands. „W-what is this? Blood? Show me your hands, please.“ Dei asked him, a red shine in his eyes. Totally confused, Gaara showed him his handfs. Then he gasped. Dei took his right hand and licked away the blood. „What the hell-?“ Gaara whispered. »He´s a vampire!«. He moaned, overwhelmed with feelings. » I can´t help me, but I like this.« He thought. He pulled out a kunai and cut his left arm. Blood splasehd out of it. „What... what are you doing?“ Dei asked him tangled. His mouth red by blood. „Here, take this.“ Gaara whipsered quietely. „So...you like that?“ Dei asked him while licking Gaara´s bloody arm. „I...I don´t know if I like it, it´s a good feeling, but already confusing.“ He opened his cloak and cut his chest, the blood that splashed out of it, run over Dei´s face. Dei moaned a little, a blood red shine appeared in his eyes. Gaara´s blood was thundering in his ears. He grinned a little, his eyes closed. An odd sound from his throat made Dei look up from Gaara´s chest. „Ha-ha. You look so relaxed, like I would give you a massage.“ Dei grinned. He looked so scary, with a maniac look in his eye, blood rinning out of his mouth and over his chin. His hands on Gaara´s hips were bloody, too. Then, Gaara surprised him, when he whiped away some blood from his chin and tasted it. „Hm... not bad.“ Dei could see his throat whip, when the blood ran down it. Dei picked up the kunai and moved it under his chin, on the right side of his neck. „Wha-?“ Gaara wispered confused. „I want you to feel you, licking my blood away.“ Then he cut his neck. Blood started to ran down his neck and into his clothes. Gaara leaned forwards and pressed his mouth agains Dei´s neck. Dei moaned relaxed in Gaara´s ear. „Now I know, how you felt when I licked your blood away. Please...Don´t stop.“ But Dei usually didn´t had to say that. Gaara wouldn´t have stopped, his eyes closed, blood running over his chin. Then, suddenly, Gaara bite Dei´s neck, his teeth had grown fast. „Ha....now you´re like me.“ Dei whispered smiling evily. „Yeah... But I don´t make you as faint as you make me... You look so... something between scary and hot.“ Gaara´s voice vibrated shivering. He had already blood in his mouth and his throat. „But everything good has an end. I have to keace, now. I´ll come back tomorrow or in a few days, un.“ And then, he jumped backwards, smiling at Gaaram when he disappeared into the night. Now that Dei had gone, the pain thundered through his veins. He got on his knees, holding his arm and chest. »I---should go home...« He tried to get up on his feet again. Gaara stumbled through the streets, it was close to midnight, so nobody saw him. He reached his home, opened the door.... And fell down on the floor.

When he woke up, the sun had raised. But he wasn´t at home. It was a white, clean room. He turned his head to the left and saw a few medicine bottles on the table, standing next to the bed. „The...the hospital.“ He whispered to himself. He closed his eyes again. „I´m so done.“ He moaned.... „So... you are awake, un?“ Someone asked. Gaara opened one eye weakly. Then he gasped. „Dei... Deidara.“ Deidara leaned forward and smiled. „You don´t seem to be lucky about seeing me.“ Gaara looked at Dei, insecure if he was joking. „Hell, I am not lucky to be in the hospital, How could I`? The questions, how can I avoid annoying questions about my wounds?“ he put his hands on his face and shaked it. „Oh, that´s not a problem, nobody knows, that you´re here.“ Deidara grinned. „What the fuck-?....Nobody knows I´m here, right? You took me here.“ Gaara fell back into his pillow. „Hu.... Ok, now I feel a lil bit better.“ He closed his eyes and fell asleep fast.

-End 1st. Chapter-


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (4)

Kommentar schreiben
Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Luke
2007-12-10T19:20:31+00:00 10.12.2007 20:20
endlich geschafft zu lesen
du kannst echt gut englisch
mich wundert es, dass ich sogar alles verstanden hab

das kappi war toll
gaara kann so fies sein zu dei ><'
he´s an evil X3
Von:  Lynija
2007-07-15T19:46:31+00:00 15.07.2007 21:46
Hey there!

It´s good. Sometimes it´s not really strucked but it´s good. Good work Gaara.
I look forward to read the others.

Von: abgemeldet
2007-06-06T07:34:05+00:00 06.06.2007 09:34
Ich fand das Kapitel sehr gut, jedenfalls das, was ich übersetzen und auch verstanden habe.^.^
Das zweite les ich geich.

Viele liebe Grüße!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Von: abgemeldet
2007-06-06T07:32:49+00:00 06.06.2007 09:32
Ich fand das Kapitel sehr gut, jedenfalls das, was ich übersetzen und auch verstanden habe.^.^
Das zweite les ich geich.

Viele liebe Grüße!!!!!!!!!!!!!
