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-cracky short stories-


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Hot - Cold

Title: Hot - Cold

Rating: G

Pairing: Fuji/Yukimura

Visiting the hospital had become a weekly pastime for Fuji Shuusuke he enjoiyed a lot. He mostly went there on Saturdays, after morning practice. He spent the afternoon chatting with Tachibana about everything ans nothing in particular. Sometimes he brought some cake, but mostly just stories about Seigaku and everything else he had heared here and there. It was quite fun telling the newest rumors and, of course, needling Tachibanaabout news of his own. Yes, needling Tachibana definetely was fun. Fuji could spend hours doing that.

Around noon time he then bid the Fudomne captain farewell. But he didn't leave the hospital after that. When he had time, he went upstairs, to the next floor and visited another 's what he did this particularly hot day,too. Tachibana had gotten other visitors, so he had excused himself around twelve today. Not before he had managed to rile up Kamio quite a bit, though.

"You're early." Yukimura greeted him, putting away his book.

"Do you mind?" Fuji grinned. "I felt as if I were not very welcome anymore down there, today." He explained, noting the title of the hardcover volume on the nightstand. He raised an eyebrow. 'The sword and the Crysanthemum', a highly interesting work on Japanese philosophy, ideology and common worldviews Fuji himself had wanted to read, but sadly had not had the time to. This was the English version.

"It's too hot to stay on the roof." Yukimura told him. "Not a single cloud and no gust of wind to cool you down, either."

Fuji nodded. The curtains on the window were drawn shut to keep out the glaring sun.

"Want something to drink?" Yukimura asked. Beside the book sat a clear glass jar, containing what looked like cold tea and shimmering, floating ice cubes. Two empty cups were there, too.

Fuji graciously accepted one of them, pouring himself and Yukimura some of the refreshing liquid.

"So what did you do, now?" Yukimura then asked, eyes shining with slight mitchief as Fuji set down the jar.

"Oh, nothing big, I was just testing a theory..."

"A theory?" Yukimura smiled.

"Well, I overheared the other day Momoshiro talking about about how Fudomines Kamio-kun turned the same shade as his pretty hair if you managed to really get to him." Fuji took a brief sip from his tea.

Yukimura bent foreward sightly. "That I would have love to see!"

Fuji nodded, eyes opening slightly for a moment. "Oh, it really was a sight to behold, that's fore sure. I almost pity Tachibana-san, having to calm him down again..."

Yukimura snorted. "Right."

"Mhm, what do you think, Seiichi-san...?" He left the question unfinished, thoughtfully jingeling the ice cubes in his alost empty cup, then he drained the remaining tea from it and went over to the window. Stepping through the curtains and drawing them apart slightly, he shielded his eyes from the sun with the hand holding the cup while he opened the window and sat down on the windowsill. He bent outwards a bit, then smiled. The window, two to the left and one down, was still open.

With a swift move of is wrist, he threw an ice cube. I bounced off the windowsill down there and inside, shattering. A second later, a still red-faced Kamio stuck his head out.

"Having fun?" Fuji asked sweetly. he only recieved a glare and an indignant huff before the redhead returned to whatever he had been doing.

"Seems, Tachibana-san thinksthe red suits him as well." Fuji reported.

"I can imagine that. Would you please close the window? It's getting hot in here." Yukimura replied.

Fuji did as he was told, the returned to sit on the edge of the bed Yukimura was still lounging on.

"There should be something to help that, you know." He fished a new ice cube out of hid cup. He helt it up to looks at it briefly the bit it in half, sucking on one piece while he held out the other to Yukimura. "Those are nice..." he told him, sliding the piece into Yukimuras palm. The cool, wet ice indeed felt good on Yukimuras skin. "Mhm." he agreed. He contemplated it for a moment, then shrugged and ate it. "It tastes like you." Yukimura commented after a second.

"Does it bother you?" Fuji asked, slowly swirling the rest of the ice around in his cup.

Yukimura just laughed, reached over and stole an ice cube. "Not at all..."


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