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Einzelposting: Was würden sie nie sagen?

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_170978/-1/11834004860535/

Von:    -Neya- 02.07.2007 20:49
Betreff: Was würden sie nie sagen? [Antworten]

Toph: *pushes a plate with meat across the table* Here.
Sokka: I'm not hungry.


Katara: I'm an Airbender too. *jumps of a rock* I can fly!!!


Zuko: Do you think i should make Make Up on my scar?
Iroh: *uses red lipstick* Make what always you consider to be correctly. *mumble* Damnit, where is the... *lookin' for mascara*


Aang: *sigh* Why must I rescue always the other? It really goes on my nerves! *grumble*
Katara: It's okay Aang... but... can you help us now?
Aang: One day, I will be the victim!!! *tramps with the foot up*
Sokka: *dangles in the air* Yeah, take your time to calm down.


*hust* Nyo, mein englisch ist grottig, sorry .__."
°*+~♥~+*° Hitachiin-Twins Hikaru & Kaoru °*+~♥~+*°
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