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Einzelposting: Herr der Ringe Namentests

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_36458/-1/12338291085325/

Von:    Silver-DragonX 05.02.2009 11:25
Betreff: Herr der Ringe Namentests [Antworten]
Rasse Vor+Nachname nur Vorname
Hobbit Merarry 'the small'Boffin, Mererry 'Broadbelt'
Warden of Westmarch Mugwort, Warden
of Westmarch
Elb Clulyan, king of the Noldor Nadda Aranwion
Zwerg Gili son of Rorin Tigen the deathless
mensch Reonry King's Company Vomyr of the Strangers
Zauberer Curumo, Lord of the West Tharkûn, the Doomsman
of the Valar

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