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Einzelposting: Favo Episode^^

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_150533/-1/12476268134888/

Von:    JacJac 15.07.2009 05:04
Betreff: Favo Episode^^ [Antworten]
I actually do love all episodes... but the funniest are:
ep1... the last 2 Minutes are hilarious!!! (oh... did I spell that right?)
Then when they went to the Beach the last 5 minutes I guess... *romance romance romance* and yeah... But all ep are awesome... and I love Tamaki's little Emo-Corner... I always have to laugh soooo damn hard... OMG I just love it...^^
and ep 15, 16 and 21... I actually do love the idea of Hikaru x Haruhi haha <3
Zuletzt geändert: 15.07.2009 22:37:16

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