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Ein englischsprachiger Dialog.. durchlesen xD

Autor:  Amber87
mein kumpel und ich hatten da den gedanken engslich zu schreiben....

dinchan87: yeah im a girl a widdergirl Xd
shartym: widdergirls are soooo cute
dinchan87: widderboys are so....big *nach oben lug*
dinchan87: errmm high is nother word for that^^
shartym: so...you dont like them?
shartym: *laugh*
dinchan87: sure... then anyone is bigger than me^^'''
dinchan87: i know that#
dinchan87: my english is horrible
shartym: thats life honey
shartym: u'r english is pretty good
dinchan87: that im the smallest of the family? i have cosins tehre are younger than me T_T
shartym: what a pitty
dinchan87: wuäääh i want to kill myself now *jump into water*
shartym: noooooo
shartym: *jumps after her*
dinchan87: *fall to the earthside*
dinchan87: *open her wings*
dinchan87: and fly into the sky~~*
shartym: *looking very dumb*
dinchan87: oh you fall...
dinchan87: she shows to the earth
dinchan87: which u fall...
dinchan87: a very loudly knack and he lies on the street
dinchan87: *come to the street and tip u on* eerrm u alive?
shartym: i thought there was water...
dinchan87: the wind the wind the holy chidlren.. took u away from the water...
shartym: it hurts
dinchan87: here is a hansaplast for u
shartym: damn wind, damn children
shartym: *standing up*
shartym: thank you hun
dinchan87: *give u the hansplast*
dinchan87: *okay das war grad grammatikalisch falsch...*
shartym: *put the hansaplast on to the broken leg*
dinchan87: what the leg?!
dinchan87: *she mixxed up a gipsmixture and put it on the leg*
shartym: *holding you tight and giving you an sweet good night kiss* i think we have to run *looking on his leg* hmm...i think we have to go to bed
dinchan87: oh yes.... we talk about on evenign yeah? *give u a kiss*
shartym: i hope so, wish you were here ;)
shartym: *sing*
dinchan87: so what do u do with me when i am here *bibber*
dinchan87: errmm i must go tu bed...*shit whtas gedanken in englisch o.o.*
shartym: *looking at you* what a strange reaktion...
shartym: reaction
shartym: why u are shivering?
dinchan87: u a male guy .... male do u understand?
dinchan87: my spirit is confus
shartym: and this is frightening you?
dinchan87: not really
shartym: but?
dinchan87: it...event not all the day^^''
dinchan87: *i hope u can understand the sentence*
shartym: so...you are sometimes afraid of me?
dinchan87: not afraid
dinchan87: we must only more about us.. me about u and u about me^^ first freinds :)
dinchan87: argh im too confus
shartym: you forget a word...we must only know more...
dinchan87: jo the more.. that had i mean
dinchan87: *schönheitsfehler*
dinchan87: *gedanken wieder schneller wie tippen*
shartym: *schmunzelt* mach Dir mal keine Sorgen
shartym: ;)
shartym: Du scheinst ein bischen schlecht von mir zu denken *g*
dinchan87: nein bin nur vorsichtig *g*
shartym: ahso
dinchan87: ^^'' sry frau muss da mehr aufpasssen wie man
dinchan87: +n
dinchan87: trotzdem darfste vorbeikommen *g+
shartym: *grins* das halt ich grad mal für ein gerücht ;)
shartym: dass is lieb von Dir
shartym: hey, ich bin harmlos
dinchan87: da siehste mal wieviel vertrauen ich zu dir habe^^
shartym: *auf Uhr guckt* ups...jetzt aber ab mit Dir ins Bett
dinchan87: aye aye capitano ^o ^'' *PS: hab schon mal was böses erlebt von daher*
dinchan87: also dann gute nacht erzhäl ich dir morgen wenn de wilslt^^
shartym: wenn Du mal drüber reden willst
shartym: ok, schlaf gut...und ich hab auch ned immer schöne Sachen erlebt ;)
shartym: wir hören uns, viel Spaß in der Arbeit
dinchan87: no commnt...... but i know what do u mean.. goood nioght
dinchan87: dir auch^^
shartym: good night hun


Autor:  Amber87
jetzt beginnt die zeit wo ich anfange ernsthaft für die Abschlussprüfung zu lernen.. hoffentlich funzt das O.o...