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staying alive is just ssssttaaaaaaayyyying.

Autor:  Michou
Pffftt, I'm never here, only when Gondor Ange_de_la_Mort calls for aid.

Anyway a few updates:
  • studying Japanese now, yay
  • got a bunch of friends
  • had up and downs with my weight, now going good again
  • haven't written anything anymore for a long time
  • joined numerous fandoms
  • got numerous ships and feels and jesus christ wept for me
  • basically
  • I remained the same through every change


Autor:  Michou
Bitch is still alive and kicking, still working and studying and writing.

Oh, and trolling.

yes yes yeah.

still going ape

Autor:  Michou

Everyday I'm wo-wo-working. Or more like, studying.

Diru 7th of August 7th of August, Dir en grey, Tivoli

Autor:  Michou
There are no words. I had a lot to spazz over but one morning after, only memories live vividly while the rest of me is just in a daze.

This man is like a sun to me. The whole fucking band was to die for <3 Thanks a lot for an amazing night!!

This is me, mrs. Fish

Autor:  Michou
PISCES - The Partner for Life
Caring and kind. Smart. Likes to be the center of attention. Very organized. High appeal to opposite sex. Likes to have the last word. Good to find, but hard to keep. Passionate, wonderful lovers. Fun to be around. Too trusting at times and gets hurt easily. VERY caring. They always try to do the right thing and sometimes gets the short end of the stick. They sometimes get used by others and get hurt because of their trusting. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good sense of humor!!! Thoughtful. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. Good friend to other but needs to be choosy on who they allow their friends to be. 5 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

All the tears.

Autor:  Michou
Belong to the Wonderful world of Harry Potter.

Ich hab gelacht, geweint, einfach nur gänsehaut und übelstes herzrasen gehabt.

Manche änderungen vom buch fand ich sehr gut, andere weniger.

Einfach nur...amazing. Auch wenn es sich jetzt anfüllt alsob ein grosser teil von mir weg ist ;A;


Autor:  Michou
I guess.

Please put me in your prayers tomorrow for a safe flight >/////<

In der Türkei hab ich wie immer weniger internet zu verfügung ùu Deswegen ein GOOD BYYEEEEE post xD

Hab alle lieb <3 rechtnet nicht mit karten xDD;

TakashimaKouyou, MrsJuliaNanba: Eure geschenke .A. Liegen hier...immer noch...ihr kriegt sie im August okay >M<!! (oder willst du deins gleich mitnehmen wenn du hier bist, Lilja?)

RxQueen: dnsiudhisduadubfdsygsd und deins auch...Wird in August abgeschickt .A.

So well yeah, bye <3

(Ich flieg morgen um 13:30 ab Düsseldorf Flughafen |DD Sow deluxe bb. But I'll miss The Red Clit who has to study >O!!)


Autor:  Michou
Weil relevanz und so xDD;

This had been coming on quite some time. Hab wach gelegen & über nicks nachgedacht, was mir so auf die nerven geht und dann über meinen nick nochmal so geschwelgt xD

Hab dann auch gedacht in was ich es verändern [s]will[/s]/wollte. Da kamen dann essen, trinken, farben, nummern. 

Aber ich mag meinen tumblr nick, deswegenndkajslhdyasfdasudskdj bambambam~

Okay, this thing they call sleeping, lets try that again shall we?

Gonna leave this here ùu

Autor:  Michou

Gegenstreitigkeit, veränderte meinungen wie belieben. Dark thoughts, lachen im bett, dann wieder schlimme gedanken. 

So thats how pisces live?

*überall herumzeig* *weil süss* Kitttyyyyy

Autor:  Michou

This is Lola ;A; Unsere neue hauskatze. SHE IS SO FUCKING CUTE.

lol each and every time

Autor:  Michou
I never thought about killing myself *snort* Really, not even close calls. When I say or write 'I don't wanna live anymore', it is never meant.

But I do wanna hit my head against the desk till blood comes out.
I do scratch my nails on my arms. I do grip my hair. I do cry and I fucking scream when I know no one bothers me.

ich bin einfach am ende mit meinem nicht vorhandenen latein.

Oh well tomorrow is a new day and I probably will be happy once more.

grey dress and books

Autor:  Michou

Hey spring <3

All smexy and dolled up tooooo the library XDD


Autor:  Michou

BUT OMFG BOYS BOYS BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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