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Pandora Hearts Kalendar 2012 Kalendar 2012, Manga, Pandora Hearts, Persönliches

Autor:  BiggestDreamer_
OMG, mein Pandora Hearts Kalendar ist heute angekommen.
Er war ja schon schön als ich Scans gesehen hab, aber es ist noch viel geiler ihn in den Händen zu halten ;///;

Ich freue mich schon sobald das nächste Jahr anfängt *w*

Rachel und andere Figuren <3 Figuren, Persönliches, Video Games

Autor:  BiggestDreamer_
Meine Figuren kamen heute <3
Ich freu mich so, die sind so toll *w*

Rachel is soooo riesig, total genial xD
Ich war ja richtig schockiert, aber sie is total hübsch *w*

Pandora Hearts DvDs und Kuroneko Figma ♥ Catherine (PS3), Pandora Hearts, Persönliches

Autor:  BiggestDreamer_
Meine DvDs sind heute gekommen samt der Kuroneko Figma <3
Ich habe stolze 4 Wochen drauf warten müssen, weil Vol. 1 der DvDs nicht auf Lager war und die Figur erst Ende August veröffentlicht wurde ;_;

Aber jetzt ist ja alles da <3
Und meine Laune is deswegen genial <3
Schade, dass sie meine andere Figur nimmer auf Lager hatten, sonst hätte ich mein 2. Paket vielleicht auch schon ;_;

Weitere Bilder unterm Spoiler-cut <3


(keine Ahnung warum das Bild quer liegt. Ich hab's schon 10 Mal gedreht und gespeichert :/ )

Ahja und weil ich letztens keinen Eintrag hierzu machte gibt es ihn halt jetzt^o^
Ich hatte mir vor einiger Zeit Catherine gekauft und auch schon einmal durchgezockt, hrhr.
Das Spiel ist wirklich genial <3
Jetzt freue ich mich noch mehr auf ein zukünftiges Persona 5 8D

Your Sims Personality Langeweile, personality, Test

Autor:  BiggestDreamer_

Score (0-10)

Personality Dimension


Neat (vs. Sloppy)
Neat, tidy Sims typically enjoy cleaning up the house or grooming themselves in front of a mirror. There's always something to be done around the house and they'll more often than not be found doing it; great for a house, but it can tire Sims out.

With their constant disregard of cleanliness and hygiene, sloppy Sims are content to simply "be." They tend to enjoy just about anything that doesn't require planning or cleaning up on their part.


Outgoing (vs. Shy)
Outgoing Sims are likely to jump headfirst into any situation. Charm and confidence are their best traits and when they're in a friendly mood they enjoy group activities most of all. Keep an eye on these characters, though; outgoing Sims can be too brash, and others aren't always so impressed.

Introspective and quiet, shy Sims often think about the world around them and write in their diaries rather than actually interact with anyone. It may be harder to break out of their shells, but if shy Sims take the time to get to know others they'll be delighted by the social world awaiting them.


Active (vs. Lazy)
Active Sims are almost always on the move but need a lot of food and sleep to keep up their hectic pace. They're apt to be happiest while breaking a sweat, an exhausting idea to most other Sims. An active Sim will usually get more enjoyment from watching sports on TV than reading a book.

Lazy Sims have been known to veg out on the couch for hours on end, so naturally, they don't need much sleep to sustain their constant lazying. They still enjoy socializing wiht other Sims and can be persuaded to get out of the house once in a while.


Playful (vs. Serious)
Playful Sims are more likely to find entertainment and fun in the world around them; they tend to be more curious than any other Sim. They may have a lighthearted nature, but they can wear themselves out with their antics, as well as get on their fellow Sim's nerves.

Serious, quiet, thoughtful Sims are more inclined to enjoy logic puzzles and good conversation, but they don't respond too well to chaos or silly behavior. Repairing broken items or working on an important project can keep serious Sims content.


Nice (vs. Grouchy)
Encouraging and generous, nice Sims tend to be easy to get along with and very positive. They'll listen to what other Sims have to say whether it's interesting or not and clean up after dirty roommates. If they don't watch out though, other Sims may take advantage of their good nature.

Grouchy Sims, despite their sour mood, can still be social creatures. They'll probably enjoy teasing a Sim as much as telling a joke. They don't seem to mind when other Sims overreact and they like playing a game as much as anyone else, but be warned: they tend to be sore losers.

Find out your Sim personality at PersonalityLab.org!

Erschreckend wie gut das passt xDDD

Day 30 of Pokémon/Digimon-Challenge 30 Days Challenge, Digimon, Langeweile

Autor:  BiggestDreamer_
Day 01: Your Pokemon dream-team?
Day 02: Which Digimon would you like to have for your own?
Day 03: Pokemon -Favorite Movie?
Day 04: Digimon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 05: Pokemon -Favorite video-game?
Day 06: Digimon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 07: Pokemon -Favorite Quote?
Day 08: Digimon -Favorite shipping?
Day 09: Favorite Pokeball?
Day 10: Favorite Crest?
Day 11: Pokemon -Favorite Manga Character?
Day 12: What do you think of Xros Wars?
Day 13: What do you think of Black and White/Best Wishes?
Day 14: Digimon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 15: Pokemon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 16: Digimon -Favorite Friendship?
Day 17: Favorite Contest outfit?
Day 18: Digimon -Favorite Siblings?
Day 19: Favorite Eevee-evolution?
Day 20: Digimon -Least favorite season?
Day 21: Pokemon -Favorite Friendship
Day 22: Digimon -What should have happened, but didn’t?
Day 23: Pokemon -Favorite Evil organization?
Day 24: Digimon -Favorite Villian?
Day 25: Pokemon -Favorite shipping?
Day 26: Digimon -Favorite Quote?
Day 27: Pokemon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 28: Favorite Goggle-head?
Day 29: Pokemon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 30: Digimon -Favorite Movie?

Day 30: Digimon -Favorite Movie?

Schande über mein Haupt, aber ich habe bis jetzt nur einen Movie gesehen und das war der von Savers.
Darum wähle ich auch genau diesen. Den Savers-Movie, dessen Name mir grad nicht einfallen will und ich zu faul für bin danach zu schauen.

Damit habe ich meine 30 Day Challenge überstanden. Ich brauch jetzt nur noch die von Persona bei Tumblr beenden, aber das dauert noch.

Bis demnächst <3

Mata ne,
Jun ♥

Day 29 of Pokémon/Digimon-Challenge 30 Days Challenge, Digimon, Langeweile

Autor:  BiggestDreamer_
Day 01: Your Pokemon dream-team?
Day 02: Which Digimon would you like to have for your own?
Day 03: Pokemon -Favorite Movie?
Day 04: Digimon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 05: Pokemon -Favorite video-game?
Day 06: Digimon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 07: Pokemon -Favorite Quote?
Day 08: Digimon -Favorite shipping?
Day 09: Favorite Pokeball?
Day 10: Favorite Crest?
Day 11: Pokemon -Favorite Manga Character?
Day 12: What do you think of Xros Wars?
Day 13: What do you think of Black and White/Best Wishes?
Day 14: Digimon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 15: Pokemon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 16: Digimon -Favorite Friendship?
Day 17: Favorite Contest outfit?
Day 18: Digimon -Favorite Siblings?
Day 19: Favorite Eevee-evolution?
Day 20: Digimon -Least favorite season?
Day 21: Pokemon -Favorite Friendship
Day 22: Digimon -What should have happened, but didn’t?
Day 23: Pokemon -Favorite Evil organization?
Day 24: Digimon -Favorite Villian?
Day 25: Pokemon -Favorite shipping?
Day 26: Digimon -Favorite Quote?
Day 27: Pokemon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 28: Favorite Goggle-head?
Day 29: Pokemon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 30: Digimon -Favorite Movie?

Day 29: Pokemon -Favorite Male Character?

Ganz klar....

Muss ich noch mehr sagen?
Wenn ja, dann müsst ihr euch 'n anderen Eintrag von mir durchlesen, da hab ich groß und breit was über N gesagt xDD

Morgen letzte Frage <3
Mata ashita,
Jun ♥

Day 28 of Pokémon/Digimon-Challenge 30 Days Challenge, Digimon, Langeweile

Autor:  BiggestDreamer_
Day 01: Your Pokemon dream-team?
Day 02: Which Digimon would you like to have for your own?
Day 03: Pokemon -Favorite Movie?
Day 04: Digimon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 05: Pokemon -Favorite video-game?
Day 06: Digimon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 07: Pokemon -Favorite Quote?
Day 08: Digimon -Favorite shipping?
Day 09: Favorite Pokeball?
Day 10: Favorite Crest?
Day 11: Pokemon -Favorite Manga Character?
Day 12: What do you think of Xros Wars?
Day 13: What do you think of Black and White/Best Wishes?
Day 14: Digimon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 15: Pokemon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 16: Digimon -Favorite Friendship?
Day 17: Favorite Contest outfit?
Day 18: Digimon -Favorite Siblings?
Day 19: Favorite Eevee-evolution?
Day 20: Digimon -Least favorite season?
Day 21: Pokemon -Favorite Friendship
Day 22: Digimon -What should have happened, but didn’t?
Day 23: Pokemon -Favorite Evil organization?
Day 24: Digimon -Favorite Villian?
Day 25: Pokemon -Favorite shipping?
Day 26: Digimon -Favorite Quote?
Day 27: Pokemon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 28: Favorite Goggle-head?
Day 29: Pokemon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 30: Digimon -Favorite Movie?

Day 28: Favorite Goggle-head?

Mhm, Google-head. Argh, okay. Dann halt nicht Masaru.
Mein fave Google-head ist Kanbara Takuya. Ich fande ihn schon immer voll cute und er war so optimistisch xD
Mehr hab ich nicht zu sagen^^

Mata ashita,
Jun ♥

Day 27 of Pokémon/Digimon-Challenge 30 Days Challenge, Digimon, Langeweile

Autor:  BiggestDreamer_
Day 01: Your Pokemon dream-team?
Day 02: Which Digimon would you like to have for your own?
Day 03: Pokemon -Favorite Movie?
Day 04: Digimon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 05: Pokemon -Favorite video-game?
Day 06: Digimon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 07: Pokemon -Favorite Quote?
Day 08: Digimon -Favorite shipping?
Day 09: Favorite Pokeball?
Day 10: Favorite Crest?
Day 11: Pokemon -Favorite Manga Character?
Day 12: What do you think of Xros Wars?
Day 13: What do you think of Black and White/Best Wishes?
Day 14: Digimon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 15: Pokemon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 16: Digimon -Favorite Friendship?
Day 17: Favorite Contest outfit?
Day 18: Digimon -Favorite Siblings?
Day 19: Favorite Eevee-evolution?
Day 20: Digimon -Least favorite season?
Day 21: Pokemon -Favorite Friendship
Day 22: Digimon -What should have happened, but didn’t?
Day 23: Pokemon -Favorite Evil organization?
Day 24: Digimon -Favorite Villian?
Day 25: Pokemon -Favorite shipping?
Day 26: Digimon -Favorite Quote?
Day 27: Pokemon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 28: Favorite Goggle-head?
Day 29: Pokemon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 30: Digimon -Favorite Movie?

Day 27: Pokemon -Favorite Female Character?

Mhm, ich denke das wären Misty & Jessie *too lazy for Japanese names*
Misty habe ich schon als kleines Kind sehr gemocht. Sie war entschlossen und hat ihren Friends immer geholfen.
Schade, dass sie später wegen anderen Mädels abgesetzt wurde =_=
Ich wette ich würde Pokémon immernoch mitverfolgen, wenn sie beibleiben würde <.<;
Und Jessie weil.....sie einfach Jessie ist. Ich liebe sie. Irgendwo ist sie ziemlich hinterhältig und gemein, aber ich mag sie trotzdem xD

Keine Bilder, da zu faul xD

Mata ashita,
Jun ♥

Day 26 of Pokémon/Digimon-Challenge 30 Day Challenge, Digimon, Langeweile

Autor:  BiggestDreamer_
Day 01: Your Pokemon dream-team?
Day 02: Which Digimon would you like to have for your own?
Day 03: Pokemon -Favorite Movie?
Day 04: Digimon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 05: Pokemon -Favorite video-game?
Day 06: Digimon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 07: Pokemon -Favorite Quote?
Day 08: Digimon -Favorite shipping?
Day 09: Favorite Pokeball?
Day 10: Favorite Crest?
Day 11: Pokemon -Favorite Manga Character?
Day 12: What do you think of Xros Wars?
Day 13: What do you think of Black and White/Best Wishes?
Day 14: Digimon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 15: Pokemon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 16: Digimon -Favorite Friendship?
Day 17: Favorite Contest outfit?
Day 18: Digimon -Favorite Siblings?
Day 19: Favorite Eevee-evolution?
Day 20: Digimon -Least favorite season?
Day 21: Pokemon -Favorite Friendship
Day 22: Digimon -What should have happened, but didn’t?
Day 23: Pokemon -Favorite Evil organization?
Day 24: Digimon -Favorite Villian?
Day 25: Pokemon -Favorite shipping?
Day 26: Digimon -Favorite Quote?
Day 27: Pokemon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 28: Favorite Goggle-head?
Day 29: Pokemon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 30: Digimon -Favorite Movie?

Day 26: Digimon -Favorite Quote?

Und ihr denkt, ich könnte mich da an irgendwas erinnern?
*copy-paste von einer Seite die ich noch nie zuvor gesehen hab, aber die ein paar Quotes hat*
Davis: Did you see that? I got a noogie, that means I'm one of the guys now.
DemiVeemon: I have a question. If you're one of the guys now, does that mean you used to be one of the girls, and how come you never told me about it? I wish you humans would just make up your minds.

Das klang jetzt ganz LOL. Darum das. Nicht, dass es mein L-Zitat ist, aber wie gesagt, mir fällt nix ein LOL

Day 25 of Pokémon/Digimon-Challenge 30 Days Challenge, Digimon, Langeweile

Autor:  BiggestDreamer_
Day 01: Your Pokemon dream-team?
Day 02: Which Digimon would you like to have for your own?
Day 03: Pokemon -Favorite Movie?
Day 04: Digimon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 05: Pokemon -Favorite video-game?
Day 06: Digimon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 07: Pokemon -Favorite Quote?
Day 08: Digimon -Favorite shipping?
Day 09: Favorite Pokeball?
Day 10: Favorite Crest?
Day 11: Pokemon -Favorite Manga Character?
Day 12: What do you think of Xros Wars?
Day 13: What do you think of Black and White/Best Wishes?
Day 14: Digimon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 15: Pokemon -Most Attractive Boy?
Day 16: Digimon -Favorite Friendship?
Day 17: Favorite Contest outfit?
Day 18: Digimon -Favorite Siblings?
Day 19: Favorite Eevee-evolution?
Day 20: Digimon -Least favorite season?
Day 21: Pokemon -Favorite Friendship
Day 22: Digimon -What should have happened, but didn’t?
Day 23: Pokemon -Favorite Evil organization?
Day 24: Digimon -Favorite Villian?
Day 25: Pokemon -Favorite shipping?
Day 26: Digimon -Favorite Quote?
Day 27: Pokemon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 28: Favorite Goggle-head?
Day 29: Pokemon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 30: Digimon -Favorite Movie?

Day 25: Pokemon -Favorite shipping?

Wahrscheinlich bin ich die Einzige, aber ich shippe diese zwei total.

Kojirou/Musashi oder wäre es eher Musashi/Kojirou.
Ich kann es nichtmal genau erklären, aber die zwei ham so 'ne gewisse Dynamik die ich sehr mag.
Ich hab sie schon als Kind immer gerne zusammen gesehen ♥

Morgen geht's weiter mit 'ner Digimon-Frage <3

Mata ashita,
Jun ♥

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