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<3 <3, loveless, Michiyuki, Q_Q

Autor:  Hemsworth


Loveless Ending (english fandub!)

(um dat video schauen zu können, auf webbie drücken xD)



Till there are no more...
Constraints holding us
Down with such an embrace...
Doesn't matter you'll never become one,
Felt there was no way...
Even if deep inside you feel that it is right
You will only be brought pain of memories.
Will you please bind the two together to become one...

We are not dreaming the same dream we dreamt in our past.
If you feel like wavering take my hand and we'll go,
Towards the harsh light of the dawning sky we'll walk....
Till we can no more
If the words of truth are out there
Can they be found?
In the reality of this world hidden in lies?
We will hide inside the shadows of our silent night...
Even at this moment....
The two of us are one...




boarr, die englische version is so schön! QAQ (und das is ne FANDUB! OAO voll professionell und alles QAQ *luv*)

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