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Autor:  Hoshi-chan

Getaggt von -Hachiko

Beantworte die folgenden 12 Fragen und tippe deine Antworten in die Flickr Suche.
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(3 columns, 4 rows = 3 Spalten, 4 Reihen) einfügen.

01. Wie lautet dein Vorname?- Esther
02. Was isst du am liebsten? - Eis
03. Auf was für eine Schule gehst du/bist du gegangen? – Heinrich Emanuel Merck
04. Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? - Schawrz
05. Wer ist dein Celebrity Crush? – Ike (fire emblem)
06. Was trinkst du am liebsten? - Limonade
07. Welches ist dein Traumurlaubsland? - Japan
08. Was ist dein Lieblingsdessert? -  Torte
09. Was möchtest du sein, wenn du erwachsen bist? – Schriftstellerin
10. Was magst du am liebsten am Leben? - Freunde
11. Ein Wort, das dich beschreibt? - gutmütig
12. Dein Username? - Fuji


Vocaloid~ Boss Death

Autor:  Hoshi-chan
In this deep gloomy maze
The demon smiles
“Good thing that you came”he says..
Like he cares how I feel

I'm going to save this world
I'm going to save that princess

I don't care about those things anymore

I just want to destroy you
with all my strength
Let's finish this
and end this little fantasy
Peace comes
Everyone praises me
Then I'm a nuisance
Isn't that what being a hero's all about?
I can't go back

It doesn't matter which of us dies
We don't care which of us falls

The dualism of Good and Evil
Are nothing but categories created by egoistic humans
What kind of governing brings you happiness?
As long as there's an enemy they could stay as one
But they don't even notice that

Peeling apples with a blade that could destroy mountains
Waiting for us is that kind if twisted life
keeping the light in furnace using
fire that could burn away oceans
is this what power is?

I don't know anymore

I don't care if the land disappears
I don't care if I disappear

Nothing really matter anymore

What I wanted to protect was the silent morning
And the warm soup made by my mother
When I cried alone in the prairie
I still had a heart

But I realized the things most dearest
Will never return to me

I destroy you
with all my strength
What binds me
is this cursed little fate
Once peace comes
Without saying anything
Isn't that what a hero is?

I can't go back

It doesn't matter which of us dies
We don't care which of us falls
Even if I die
Even If the land disappears
Even if I disappear it doesn't matter