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Already... @.@ Weihnachten, X-Mas, xmas

Autor:  Maverick
Time is flowing!! So, I barely had time this year to wish everyone a rockin' Xmas time.

I'm really really sorry for that, and especcially to everyone who sent me a comment and I hadn't get back, yet.. really sorry!

So, at least I decided to write that blog though it's rather unpersonal...

I remember the words Yoshiki said some time ago: that he wants a 25h day... 25 HOURS!? Only!? I mean, what can you do in that one more hour? e.e, add 25 new hours to the already eXisting 24 and it'll be great... hm... okay I'll dream on :/
So, anyhow, guess i'm somehow... well, confused starts to describe it - it's a little helter skelter here and I somehow have no idea what to start first and how it will go on in the next year.
But I'm looking forward to the Xmas time - at least I can have a little distance from everything here :)

Okay, guess I'll have a nice time with a certain KISS video I bought some weeks ago YAY!

Well, and I will barely be online the next few days - at least until 01/02. So far, I wish you all a nice time and hope you won't be too upset that I didn't answer till now ^^;; Damned gimme some more time... or a secretary... hell, yeah that would be cool...

So for now, I'll grab my luggage and I'm... to quote Chris Rea: Driving home for Christmas :P (LOL cami: I know that you 'love' that song, but I can't help but thinking of it... though, I'll rather GO home)


See ya then again!

Bye for now,

Datum: 22.12.2007 16:52
Oooh, I want an 24 + 25 hours day aswell! Count me in as a 49hour supporter! :)(And about a secretary I wouldn't complain, either :P Every student should have one...)

Well, I wish you a very happy and relaxing X-mas time! ^-^

Datum: 23.12.2007 17:53
öö; Secretary? Would this be a paid job then? |D
48 or 49 hour days would be perfectly fine! Time just flows too fast, that's all. <,<;

*cuddles Mavi* I wish you a merry Xmas as well! ^o^ Have fun and enjoy the meals! >3

Oh and it's not that I hate the song os sth like that. |D Just boring because I heard it too often.
°-° RiffRaff's Last Christmas is much better, muahaha!
Sexistisch? Ich?! So ein Unfug! °-°;;;

cami's Fanarts
Nicht schön, aber auch nicht selten! |D

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