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Prison island? You mean the KGB are holed up in Australia? destroy all humans, Quotes, Random

Autor:  Zetsubo
...because Zelu likes quotes~

Crypto: Cryptography? That's practically my middle name! Well, my only name.

Crypto: Prison island? You mean the KGB are holed up in Australia?

Crypto: What happened, uh... this gas is noxious. Smells like Pox's underwear. Don't ask me how I know that.

Crypto: My name is Luke... Crypto and I'm here to rescue you.

Crypto: This will be the greatest thing in your life since you found out that boil on your butt was just a marshmallow.

Crypto: The sensor cell connects to the focal plane; the focal plane connects to the plasma beam... I know you're waitin' for me to sing that damn song. Well, I ain't doin' it. I've got standards; they may not be high but I've got 'em. Also we couldn't get the rights.

Crypto: Oh sure! Giant lady-lizard grows a new femur anytime she destroys something! While Crypto has to go and drain vehicles like a sissy! Game designers....sheesh.

Orthopox: I shall continue my repairs on the saucer and then I shall... I don't know, order a virtual pizza or something. Brains,I hate this.

Orthopox: Crypto! You found all the Nexus Crystals! And I owe Gastro a fiver.

Orthopox: Oh sure point out that I'm dead again! It just gets funnier every 50th time you do it doesn't it?

Orthopox: Ah, Albion, the city that never sleeps and the locals never floss...

Orthopox: The saucer's sensor is picking up significant radiation levels all around you Crypto. Either Gastro's gout is acting up or there must be some fuel rods nearby.

Orthopox: That cinches it Crypto! You destroyed the Blisk Base. I've half a mind to put you up for a medal. But only half.

Orthopox: Never heard of... I'm Orthopox 13 man! The Orthopox 13! The conqueror of Zargon 5? The Hero of the battle of Tharsis Mons? The winner of the Xanthrax-47 cruelty award six years running? I'm the second most senior fleet commander in the entire Furon Navy! I was enslaving hyper-dimensional insectoids on the dunghills of Beedleblat while you were still in short pants! And you've never heard of me?

Orthopox: Crypto, let that creature have it with everything you got!
Crypto: Arkvoodle-dammit! What's the deal here Pox? The more stuff that thing knocks down, the more it regenerates!
Orthopox: Well it HAS to have a weak spot somewhere! Find it and hit it hard! You don't want to lose the big one in front of your little ninja groupies, do you?
Crypto: I don't give a damn about my little ninja groupies! I'M WORRIED ABOUT GETTING MY ASS STOMPED!

Orthopox: Crypto! The mothership has been destroyed, and I've been blown to smithereens! Luckily I was able to download a incredible copy of my perfect mind into this "Holopox" unit, just before the ship blew up!
Crypto: Wow, that IS lucky!

Crypto: Ninjas again?! Hello, it's 1969! What are ninjas doing in 1969?!
Orthopox: Just go with it! Besides, who doesn't love ninjas?

Crypto: I shoulda known, the drugs, the alcohol, the loose chicks, it all fits! It's obvious those hippies we're trying to lure me in so I could lose my guard! Nice try hippies, but I ain't just some low-life, I'M THE BEST! Don't worry, Pox, I'll wipe out those hippies for what they did to my guns! Oh, and you!
Orthopox: Don't worry, I highly doubt hippies had much to do with this.
Crypto: Oh...damn.

Orthopox: The scriptures say Arkvoodle will return when enough people believe in his image.
Crypto: You mean like Tinkerbell?
Orthopox: Er... something like that.

Orthopox: Here we are, scene 1. I looked pretty good that day.
Crypto: You're a [bleep] hologram, you look like crap.
Orthopox: Crypto, watch your language you [bleep] [bleep]!

Orthopox: I'm picking up a signal in the sea to the south-west.
Crypto: What kind of signal?
Orthopox: A radiation signal in gamma waves, transmitting directly from the creatures's tortured brain.
Crypto: Tortured?
Orthopox: Yes. It's almost as if it's saying "Kill me, kill me!"
Crypto: That's the most pathetic thing I ever heard. So you want me to hunt down this monstrosity and put it out of it's misery?
Orthopox: Actually, I want you to scan it's mind and find the source of it's congnitive distress, so we can get it some help, and over time teach it confidence and self-esteem.
Crypto: You gotta be kidding me.
Crypto: Alright alright, but how do I find it?
Orthopox: Uh... do I have I have to draw you a map?! You go to the spot marked on your radar and look for bubbles on the water. That's a sure sign that there's a MONSTER down there!

Crypto: Hey Pox, you ever noticed all those crates lying around... just ordinary crates... I mean if they were being used for anything I'd understand but... So Many Crates...
Orthopox: I think they got the hint Crypto.

Crypto: For God's sake Pox, the name of the game is Destroy All Humans, not 'play some record and keep the kids off drugs.'
Orthopox: Do you think you might be able to, maybe, for the next thirty seconds... Concentrate!

Orthopox: And why don't you... torture some hippies?
Crypto: For information?
Orthopox: No, for prosperity. Of course for information you dolt! Now get out there and cause some trouble!

Crypto: Hey Poxy, what's it like being one of the floating dead?
Orthopox: It's quite peaceful actually. No distractions, certainly no violence or destruction. Frankly it's boring the phlegm off me. AHHHHHH! I WANT A NEW CLONE BODY!
Crypto: I almost feel sorry for the poor guy. Almost.

Crypto: Pox, we got a problem. Bongwater must be drinking his own revelade, because the Freak says he's planning to fumigate Bay City with giant blimps.
Orthopox: Great galaxies! That's so moronic it might just actually work!

Orthopox: Crypto, what if it's true? What if you are...The One?
Crypto: Well, I did take a red pill this morning.

Crypto: Hey Pox, it just occurred to me. Who's running the country while I've been away? hasn't anyone noticed the President Missing?
Orthopox: Well, you never did spend much time at the oval office anyway, so I installed a limited mechanism to keep the humans alive while you were away.
Crypto: what kind of mechanism?
Orthopox: oh just a limited functional machine. It smiles, waves, occasionally spouts inspiring patriotic speeches about world peace and other such nonsense.
Crypto: Heh, guess the Monkeys wouldn't know the difference
Orthopox: Actually, your Approval Rating has tripled since I made the switch.

White Ninja Leader: Sensei, tell us what to do. Show us a sign. Should we sacrifice evil temptress demon?
Crypto: Now what's all this crap about an demon temptress?
White Ninja Leader: We caught her stealing food from the, er...
Crypto: You kidnapped a women from the supermarket?
White Ninja: No! No! Of course not...well, yes, definitely. But you do it all the time, what about Miss Rockwell in first game?
Crypto: That's different!

Astronaut Carl Armstrong: That's one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind.
Astronaut Biff Aldrin: ...that's it? 'One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind? Seven months, and that's the best you can come up with?
Astronaut Carl Armstrong: You don't like it?
Astronaut Biff Aldrin: It sounds CRAP! It's like something I read off of the back of a cereal box!
Astronaut Carl Armstrong: I thought it sounded profound.
Astronaut Biff Aldrin: PROFOUND?!? You wouldn't know profound if it came up and hit in the head with a Camus novel! You even think Merv Green's a deep thinker!
Astronaut Carl Armstrong: Listen, mister. I've had enough of your lip!
Astronaut Biff Aldring: Oh, yeah? What're you going to do about it?
Astronaut Carl Armstrong: I'm going to pull the plug on this mission right now! Sorry, Houston, but I just can't work with this stuck-up jackass. I'm heading back to the shuttle.

I like ice cream. Random, real life

Autor:  Zetsubo

You like ice cream.
You like ice cream.
You love it.
You cannot resist ice cream.
Your existence is meaningless without ice cream.

...und die Welt ist wieder in Ordnung.
Ja. Fluffy und mir geht's gut ^^

Wie man mit Klebeband eine Laseranlage repariert... Arbeit, Random, Volkswagen

Autor:  Zetsubo
...und andere ähnlich spaßige Dinge kann man im Volkswagenwerk Wolfsburg erleben!

Buchen sie noch Heute und beginnen sie ihre Reise mit der Ankunft auf einem der idyllisch gelegenen Riesenparkplätze bei dem Tor ihrer Wahl! Möchten sie das Werk mit Blick auf die Autostadt betreten? Dann wählen sie Tor Ost und bewundern sie bei ihrer Fahrt über die Berliner Brücke gleichzeitig noch das alte Schloß Wolfsburg! Oder sind sie eher der Stadttyp, der das ganze Treiben der Heinrich-Nordhoff-Straße, kilometerlangen unterirdischen Tunneln und einem direkt am VW-Parkplatz angrenzenden Burger King genießen? Dann sind Tor 17, Tor Sandkamp und Tor 6 genau das Richtige für sie! Zudem können sie sich am Tor 6 auch noch spaßeshalber in die unendliche Schlange derer einreihen, die ihren Werksausweis anfertigen lassen wollen. Ein Spaß für die ganze Familie!! Sind sie jedoch eher der ländliche Typ und mögen den Anblick eines wieder verwilderten Flusses vor der Kulisse des Werkseigenen Kraftwerkes, dann ist Tor Nord direkt bei Kästorf ihre Wahl.

Egal für welches Tor sie sich entscheiden, die Freude des original Volkswagen-Parkplatzgedränges ist ihnen sicher! Und mit etwas Glück werden sie sogar Zeuge eines echten VW-Verkehrsunfalles, wenn ein betrunkener Schichtarbeiter nach der Nachtschicht wie ein Berserker über den Parkplatz brettert und einen der Fußgänger über den Haufen fährt, nur um im Nachhinein möglichst schnell das Weite zu suchen! Ja! Solche Action erleben sie hier mindestens einmal die Woche! Und wenn das nicht schon reichen würde, legen wir noch einen drauf! Geparkt wird hier nämlich grundsätzlich wie der letzte Mensch, und bei dem Anlegen des Parkplatzes wurde viel Wert darauf gelegt, die Parklücken möglichst schmal zu halten. Na? Klingt das nicht verlockend?

Wenn sie den Spaß auf dem Parkplatz hinter sich haben, dürfen sie sich auf einen gediegenen Fußmarsch zu ihrer jeweiligen Wache begeben. Zusammen mit viel anderen Schichtarbeitern. Kaum ist das Tor passiert, geht die Gaudi jedoch ungebremst weiter. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes! Geben sie Acht vor den wild auf dem Werksgelände herumrasenden Fahrzeugen. LKWs, Busse, Neuwagen, alles kann sie dort in Windeseile über den Haufen fahren.

Wie gesagt. Ein Spaß für die ganze Familie.

Haben sie dann endlich ihre Halle erreicht und dem einzigartigen Umkleidengeruch den Rücken gekehrt finden sie sich an ihrem Arbeitsplatz wieder. Hier werden sie Dinge erleben, die sie nicht für möglich gehalten haben. Und sie werden lernen, dass Panzerband für die Reparatur von so ziemlich jedem noch so schweren Gerät verwendet werden kann. In den Pausenzeiten verbringen sie ihre Zeit mit hochmotivierten Schichtarbeitern in einer der luxuriös ausgestatteten Teaminseln oder besuchen den Speisesaal am anderen Ende der Halle. Wenn sie denn schnell genug sind, den Weg zweimal in ihrer Pause zu laufen.

Nun sind sie sicher von unserem unglaublichen Freizeitangebot überzeugt!
Also buchen sie noch Heute ihren Urlaub im Volkswagenwerk Wolfsburg und erhalten sie einen passierschein durch das Tor ihrer Wahl gratis dazu!!

Wer hat das Zelu in die Waschkaue gelassen?! Arbeit, Random, real life, Volkswagen

Autor:  Zetsubo
Ja, das frage ich mich jedes Mal, sobald ich die Umkleidekabine der Halle 42 im VW-Werk betrete ;P

Jepp. Richtig gehört. Das Zelutier geht zur Abwechslung mal wieder arbeiten. Und zwar verrichtet es eine Arbeit, die den Namen 'Arbeit' tatsächlich verdient hat! Mwahahar!! Und so wie es ausschaut, werde ich noch bis zumindest Dezember Arbeit haben. Yay. Endlich Ruhe vom Arbeitsamt X3

Nun ja. Meine frisch erworbene Tätigkeit nennt sich 'Produktionshelfer'. Und ich scheine da noch das Glück gehabt zu haben, in eienr der kleineren Hallen gelandet zu sein, un als Kunststoff-Futzke nicht die allerschwerste Arbeit verrichten zu müssen. Meine Füße verwesen durch das stundenlange Stehen trotzdem ziemlich gut. Mein frischer Werksausweis hat wie alle Werksausweise ein seltendämliches Foto drum drüber lachen. Gut. Wenn man sich morgens um sieben auf die Socken macht, um nicht zu lang an der Wache warten zu müssen nur um dann ganz plötzlich zu hören 'Und dann machen wir jetzt mal ein Foto...'... Joooo... Dann sollte sich niemand wundern, dass die Bilder scheiße aussehen XD

Anyhow.So montiere ich nun Armaturenbretter für Autos. Und werde mit knapp 14€ die Stunde auch noch ziemlich gut dafür bezahlt. Heh. Connichi, du kannst kommen >:3 ...errr... jo. Ob ich die Zeit finde, mein Cos zu nähen ist.... Errrr......... Ich versuch's. >___<

Und weil wir gerade beim Thema sind:
abgemeldet... Du schuldest mir noch 20€ ò_ó
Und weil's mir langsam zu bunt wird, kommen bald pro Monat 5% Zinsen drauf - also 1€ für jeden Monat, den ich auf mein Geld warten darf. Kann ja wohl nicht angehen hier... >_>

Ansonsten... Habe ich nun vier Tage frei, und freu mir'n Keks.

Have a nice day

...and I don't want you to mention biscuits EVER again. Invader Zim, Quotes, Random

Autor:  Zetsubo
...'cause they make me happy~


Dib: You picked the wrong planet to land on, Zim!
Zim: Wait a minute! What planet is this?
Dib: Earth.
Zim: Nope, this is the right planet.

Zim: An arm-gun-to-food-launch! Neat!
Dib: You really think so? Thanks! I was up all night working on it.
Zim: Well, it shows.
Dib: Oh, quit it!

Tallest Red: Zim? You're alive?
Zim: Yes, so very alive, and full of goo. Mission goo!

Zim: But, invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants! The pants command me. Do not ignore my veins!

Zim: Hello, friends. I am a perfectly normal human worm baby. You have nothing, absolutely nothing, to fear from me. Just pay no attention to me and we'll get along just fine.

GIR: GIR, reporting for duty.
Zim: What does the G stand for
GIR: I don't know. (Begins screaming and hitting humself)

Dib: And what about his horrible green head?!
Zim: Insolent fool boy! It's a..skin condition.
Dib: And he's got no ears! Is that part of your "skin condition," Zim? No ears?!
Zim: [looking sad] Yes.

Dib: [in Zim's thought bubble] See you AND your parents tonight, Zim! And by the way, it's not called "Parent Teacher Night." It's called Zim Doom...Doom Zim...Zimmy...Doom night. [chortles] Watch out for that puppy.
[Zim trips over the puppy]

GIR: I love this show.

GIR: Do we have to go right now? I wanna watch the Scary Monkey Show.
Zim: [darkly] Oo, that monkey.

Zim: How could you not know?! I just upgraded your guidance system!
GIR: Oh. I left that at home.
Zim: You left what at home?
GIR: The guidy chippy thingy.
Zim: You! Why would you do that?!
GIR: To make room for the cupcake!

Zim: Be alert GIR. On this planet, we are surrounded by danger and MADNESS!
GIR: Ooh I like madness!

Zim: [to bus driver] You expect me to pay to ride this filthy machine??! Have you the brain worms?!

Zim: I want to congratulate you, Keef, on a job well done. You have been a most convincing friend, but now that the world seems satisfied with my knack for companionship, I don't think I'll be requiring your services any longer. Our mission together is done, good job soldier, be gone with you.

Zim: What are you doing, GIR?
GIR: Nothing...
Zim: Nothing...or something?
GIR: Oh, I can't take it, you're too smart for me. Keef is planning a s'prise party for you after skool. He gonna bring all the kids because he loves you! [crying] That boy loves you so much! [stops crying] I'm makin' the cake!
Zim: He's bringing all the children here? Do you realize what this means?
GIR: Yes! Wait a minute...no.
Zim: It means the mission is in jeopardy!
GIR: Aw man!

Zim: I'm not in your TV. I'm transmitting from…inside your body! Spooky, yes? At this very moment I'm inside a microscopic submersible somewhere in your disgusting belly attached to your arm control nerve!
Dib: Arm control nerve?
Zim: Yes. Arm control nerve.
Dib: In my...belly?
Zim: Yes.
Dib: Humans don't have arm control nerves!
Zim: Do not question me! I control your arms!


Zim: Hmmmmmmm...ahhhhhh. The stink of clean. Another win for the Irken army. Clean, lemony-fresh victory is mine!

Zim: Ah! You're disgusting!
GIR: Awww, somebody needs a hug!

Zim: Sirs! I apologize for not reporting in, but— excuse me.
[Zim sprays some germs offscreen]
Zim: ...all is going well, nothing too big to report, aside to the usual- oh, WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT ONE!!
[Zim sprays again and empties it]
Zim: The disinfectant, it's almost gone! All hope is lost if I don't find more! Clever! I won't give up! I'll destroy you! And you! And you! And yoooouuu!
[Zim cuts the transmission]
Tallest Purple: Did that scare you too?
[Tallest Red nods]

Ms. Bitters: Zim!
Zim: [saluting] Sir!
Ms. Bitters: There's a pigeon on your head. You've got head pigeons. Get to the nurse before they spread to the other children!

Dib: I suppose you've got a heart in there?
Zim: Six of them.
Dib: Intestines?
Zim: Large or small?
Dib: Spleen?
Zim: In three different colors.

Zim: Human law enforcing machine. Markings: Lighty flashy things on top. Defensive capability: minimal.
[The police car explodes]
Zim: Explodes on impact with giant weenie. Evaluation: Pathetic! Pathetic Earth vehicle!

Zim: Ruined. Ruined! Irken engineering reduced to...this! Surely that was no human bee! Once I take care of the humans, I will begin my war against...the bees!

Zim: GIR! I've been captured!
Gir: YAY!
Zim: No, that's bad GIR!
Gir: YAY!

Dib: What does identifying blotches have to do with finding our careers?
Ms. Bitters: Oh, you poor doomed child.

Ms. Bitters: Zim, the machine says that the only career you are suitable for is-
Zim: Yes, yes! Lord of humans! I will rule you all with an iron fist!
Ms. Bitters: No, Zim. The machine has assigned you a career in fast food preparation.
Zim: Then I will prepare food with my iron fist! Then I will work my way up to ruling you all with my fist! [to Melvin] You! [shakes fist in Melvin's face] Obey the fist!

Dib: Cyb-arachno-rama? Spider Robots? Do spiders have robots?

Zim: My business... is done!
Dib: Who takes three hours to go to the bathroom before lunch, Zim?
Zim: Nonsense! I had much to do. So much!

Zim: I will leave you to your...
GIR: [whispering to Zim] Moosey fate!
Zim: Eh...
GIR: [whispering] Say moosey fate!
Zim: ...Your moosey fate!

Zim: But I chose this particular worm hole especially for the occasion. You see, at the end of this wormhole lies: A ROOM with a MOOSE!!
Dib: AAAAAHHHH- Wait a minute! Did you say, a room with a moose?
Zim: Yes. Your fear is overwhelming, no?
Dib: Um...no. What's so scary about a room with a stupid moose? I mean, yeah, that's a big moose, but really-
Dib: Nuh-uh!


[Ultra-Peepi, altered by Zim's device, breaks out and starts destroying the city]
Dib: Anything you'd like to confess?
Zim: Of course not. Don't be silly.

GIR: Must obey the taco man!

Zim: I don't think you understand how serious this is! Tacos are not worth ruining the mission. I am your master, and you will obey me! Obey me! ...Pleeeaaase?
GIR: Maybe you're right...maybe I'll get a giant burrito too!

Krazy Taco Worker: So that's three tacos, one burrito, and one medium "GIR take us back to the base right now." Would you like a drink with that?

Zim: Shut your noise tube, Taco Human!

Zim: A hunter destroyer ma-
GIR: What is it?
Zim: A hunter destroy-
GIR: What is it?!
Zim: ...A hunter destroyer machine.

GIR: Wait...if you destroyed Dib in the past, then he won't ever be your enemy, then you won't have to send a robot back to destroy him and then he will be your enemy, so then you will have to send a robot back...
[GIR's head explodes]


Dib: The pig...it haunts me...

Dib: You can hide, Zim, but you can't...hide!

Zim: These pigs are for science! SCIENCE!

Zim: GIR! Come to the observatory!
GIR: Yes?
Zim: What have you done to the telescope?
GIR: Nothin'.
Zim: You haven't touched it?
GIR: Nope.
Zim: Something is broken and it's not your fault?
GIR: I know...I'm scared too...

Zim: The Earth is safe! I did it, GIR! Now let's go destroy it!
GIR: Yay!

GIR: Tell me a story about giant pigs!

Zim: I laugh at your pitiful attempt at spying! Here I go. [laughs]
Dib: Go on! Laugh! But one day, you'll be sitting in your house feeling all safe and secure, and then you'll look over and I'll be there, doin' stuff!
Zim: Stuff?! In my home?! Never! You'd have to find some kind of flaw in my security net! Since that could never possibly happen, you'll have to do your "stuff" elsewhere! [pauses] You haven't discovered some kind of a flaw, have you?
Dib: Let's just say your home defenses could use some tightening...

Zim: GIR! Why was there bacon in the soap?!
GIR: I made it myself!

Dib: You can't make me look! I'll just shut my eyes!
[Dib closes his eyes]
Zim: Oh, you'll open them. You have to breathe sometime.

Zim: GIR! Stay away from that power-amplifier. You're sending out deadly waves of stupidness.

[Zim is being held captive by aliens who look like earth babies]
Zim: Noogums! I should have known.
Schnooky: Do not call me by that name! It is demeaning to the proud and fierce race of the Nar-Gh'ok to be dubbed "Noogums."
Zim: What should I call you then?!
Schnooky: Schnooky! Gh'ok Space Sergent Schnooky!

GIR: Awwww, I wanted to explode.

Dib: And once I get in there I'm...man, am I gonna do something.
Gaz: I'm trying to draw a little piggy. Can't you see I'm trying to draw a little piggy?!

Dib: Don't you care that Zim is trying to destroy all mankind? Huh?
Gaz: But he's so bad at it.

GIR: I'm guarding the house!
Gaz: Where's Dib?
GIR: [turning to duty mode and producing weapons from his head] None may pass! You are an intruder!
Gaz: [angrily] Where's Dib?
GIR: [retracts weapons] He's down there!

Zim: You can't escape by teleporter, little Gaz. I cut the power! Your pitiful attempt to escape is nothing but a PITIFUL FAILURE! Stupid, stinking humans!
Gaz: Doesn't this spaceship have any escape pods?
Zim: Of course; they're right over there. Stupid, stinking humans.

Dib: Gaz, taste me! I'm delicious!

Zim: Fool! You think I would share the cure with you?! I'll find a cure and keep it all to myself, and then watch you transform more and more into what you really are deep down in your heart.
Dib: Deep down I'm bologna?
Zim: ...Yes.
Dib: That's just dumb.
Zim: Dumb like a moose, Dib, dumb like a moose!

Dib: Now what, Zim? What's your next plan?
Zim: Let's run screaming.

Ms.Bitters: Class, today's horrible lesson is about something horrible. Open your horrible textbooks to page 2038.

Dib: Sorry...I'm late...horrible nightmare visions...
Ms. Bitters: It's called life, Dib. Sit down.

Zim: Where are we?
Dib: Some kind of alternate universe. It's based on my imagination somehow.
Zim: And you brought me here?! You sickening, troublesome human!
[Zim activates his robot spider legs and approaches Dib treateningly]
Dib: Hey! The only way out is through my head! Anything happens to me and you're stuck here forever!
[Zim retracts his robot spider legs]
Zim: Curse yoooouuuu! Wait- I can still do stuff to your legs, right?
Dib: I guess, but- wait! No!
Zim: Curse yoooouuuu!

Dib: My head's not big! Why does everyone say that?

Dib: Maybe my head IS big...

Host: Are you an alien?
Zim: [shouting] LIES! THIS FILTHY EARTH BOY LIES! I mean no.

GIR: Then a giant squirrel came and ate Dib's big greasy head. Then he flew back to his home planet and fought all the bad guys.
Host: What does that have to do with anything?
GIR: Me 'n the squirrel are friends.

Host: I've come to the conclusion that Dib is crazy. This one, definitely crazy. I feel sorry for the ugly green kid, but there's a good chance he's crazy too!
Zim: But not an alien?
Host: Nope. Just crazy.
Zim: Okay.

Prof. Membrane: As we all know, every source of energy requires fuel. So, I got to thinking, why has no one invented a power source that needs no fuel? Why?!?! I made the Perpetual Energy Generator, or, as I call her, PEG. Tonight, I activate it. If it works, we never have to worry about power again! If it doesn't, it'll send out a wave of doom that will destroy all life on Earth!

Dib: Wow. I'm boring! Do I always explain everything like this?

GIR: Why iiisss his head so big? Whyyy's his head so biiig?

Zim: Uh-huh, that's the sawdust.

Zim: Who are you!?
Poop Dog: I am-
Zim: Who are you!?
Poop Dog: I am-
Zim: Who are you!?
Poop Dog: I am Poop Dog!

Ms. Bitters: Children, your performance was miserable. Your parents will all receive phone calls instructing them to love you less now.

Zim: Computer! Give me all the information you have on the FBI.
Computer: The FBI is a government law enforcement agency.
Zim: Continue.
Computer: Insufficient data.
Zim: Insufficient data! Can't you just make an educated guess?
Computer: Okaaaaaay...uh...founded in 1492 by, uh...demons, the FBI is a crack law enforcement agency designed to...uh, I dunno, fight...aliens?
Zim: I knew it! This is baaaad! This is so baaaad!

Tallest Red: Welcome planetary conversion team! Welcome to Blorch, the latest addition to the Irken Empire, and most importantly, the first planet to fall victim to our latest effort at universal conquest, Operation Impending Doom II!
Crowd Member: Almighty Tallest rocks!
Tallest Red: Now we erase the remaining organics on Blorch, paving the way for…I dunno, maybe a parking structure planet?
Tallest Purple: Yeah! Parking Structure Planet!

Zim: Truly I am amazing. How could they not cheer the very sight of my progress? Still, I am becoming impatient with my incredibly subtle infiltration of this planet, and am growing ever hungrier to be the destruction of the humans. Destruction is nice!

Hologram: My people worked themselves into extinction making our planet a working vessel!
Zim: Why would you do that?
Hologram: Because it's cool.
GIR: *nods* Mmm-hmm.

Zim: Mission accomplished, my Tallest! I have rid this solar system of Mars!
Tallest Purple: I thought you were trying to destroy the Earth.
Zim: Oh! Yes. That! You heard wrong! This time I was trying to get rid of Mars. You know, just a little warm up before I destroy the humans! Yeah, see, I'll do Earth next! I'm an unstoppable death machine, you know.

Blue-eyed Alien: You have fallen for our clever trap!
Green-eyed Alien: He sure did pa!
Zim: You threw me in a sack!

Green-eyed Alien: We will begin by fusing you to this other human.
Zim: That's no human, that's a gopher!
Blue-eyed Alien: Silence!

Tallest Red: So, you're saying the humans are dumb, yet...tall. How is that even possible? How can anything tall be dumb?
Tallest Purple: [with his mouth full] Yeah, huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can you imagine, huh? Huh? Huh?

Dib: Chickenfoot, come back! You're not a freak, you're just stupid!

Reporter 1: You mean Chickenfoot was a fraud all along?
Dib: This just proves that paranormal studies isn't a bunch of crazies believing in anything! We also disprove the frauds!
Reporter 2: I'll bet this means Bigfoot is a fraud too!
Reporter 1: And UFOs!
Reporter 2: And hobos!
Dib: No wait! Those are real! Except the hobos. Wait, no. They're real. I...I guess. But- what's wrong with you people?!

[The Tallest are examining the Megadoomer]
Tallest Red: The Megadoomer Combat Stealth Mech!
Tallest Purple: I don't like it.
Tallest Red: We didn't build it so you could like it. This one's going to Planet Meekrob to help Invader Tenn conquer it.
Tallest Purple: Well, I should like it.
[They move on to a room full of malfunctioning SIR units]
Tallest Purple: Malfunctioning SIR Units! Hey! These things are dangerous! Anyone using these things could really get hurt! [pauses] Send them to Zim.
Tallest Red: [gasps] But they'll destroy him!
[Both laugh uproariously]
Tallest Purple: Ah, let's go eat food.

GIR: [gasps] It's got chicken legs!
Zim: Yes...chicken legs. It also possesses a new generation distortion cloaking system. You know what that means?
GIR: Ooooooooohhhhh! [flips out then stops]
Zim: That means it turns invisible!
GIR: I had no idea.

GIR: I'm gonna EAT you~!

Zim: I've put up with you long enough, Dib! Now fight an enemy you cannot see!
Dib: You're right there!
[Zim gasps, then scoots over. Dib points at him again]
Dib: There! Your mighty Irken cloaking device cloaks the robot, but not you.
Zim: LIES! Now behold the doom cannon!
Dib: I can't. It's invisible.
Zim: But you can see me?
Dib: That's what I said.
Zim: Oh, that's stupid!
Dib: Really stupid.
Zim: You dare agree with me? Prepare to meet your horrible doom!

Countess von Verminstrassor: You dare question me, question my methods?! You, who stands to benefit the most from my work?! You disgust me!
Ms. Bitters: What a nice lady.

Zim: Yes, yes, so you blame me for your horrible life, blah, blah, blah, BIG DEAL!
Tak: This is about taking your mission Zim. Not Revenge!
Zim: You're after revenge?!
Tak: NO! It's not about revenge! It's about taking what's rightfully mine. I should have been an invader! I should have been part of the great assigning! I shouldnt have to be stealing this planet from YOU!
Zim: You're after my robot bee!!
Tak: NO!

Zim: It's over, Tak! The earth is mine to devastate! And I already promised the moon to GIR.

Gaz: Are there any video games around here?
Zim's Computer: No. Not really.
Gaz: I guess I'll help save the earth, then.

Dib: You're just jealous that...
Zim: This has nothing to do with jelly!

Zim: Once I have tainted the human's meat supply with filth, the planet will be ripe for the taking. Soon the name of Invader Zim will be synonymous with... DOOKIE! GIR! Bring me cows.
GIR: [in duty mode] Yes sir! [out of duty mode] I like dookie!
Zim: [voiceover] Sometimes I'm scared to think of what goes on in that insane head of yours...
GIR: [looks out at the cows in the field. In his mind, they turn into Weenies wearing tuxedoes and top-hats]
Dapper Weenies: [in GIR's mind] Dance with us, GIR! Dance with us into oblivion!

Zim: GIR! What have you done?! This isn't information retrieval! Are you insane?!
GIR: [in duty mode] I have captured the enemy for meat testing. Praise me! Praise meeeee!!

GIR: [in duty mode] The knowledge, it fills me. It is neat.
Zim: GIR! You've drained enough humans today!
GIR: [in duty mode] Data canister is not yet full!
Zim: I command you to get out of here before we're noticed...some more.

Zim: Curse you, snacks! Curse yooooouuuu!

[GIR has Zim pinned to a wall and is about to shoot him with lasers]
GIR: [in duty mode] For the good of the mission...
Zim: GIR, you were my servant once. Remember?
GIR: [in duty mode] Yes. I didn't like it.

Dib: Why did you choose me?
Meekrob: You're the worthiest, Dib. And no one else had a head large enough to accommodate such power.

Zim: It's been nice working with you GIR, now self destruct.
GIR: Finally! Hehehehehehe...
[GIR explodes]

Zim: With my mighty fists of horror and unstoppable cruelty, I am the tool of destruction, vengeance, and fury!

Zim: Skoodge? I thought the Almighty Tallest killed you!
Skoodge: Yeah, but I'm okay now.

Zim: Why is my computer coughing...?

GIR: [being used as a catapult for an accelerator to speed up the explosion] But if the big 'splodey goes fast, won't it get all bad?

Zim: SILENCE! i don't pay you to contradict me!!
Zim's Computer: You don't pay me at all.

Young Prof. Membrane: Oh, boy! I asked Santa for twelve cases of Uranium 238. Yay!
[Prof. Membrane opens a present. Tube socks shoot out from the present and fill the room]
Young Prof. Membrane: Nooo! Santa has let me down! I will turn my back on him and devote a portion of my life to destroying Santa! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Zim: The Tallest fail to realize that I'm inviting them for front row seats for the end of all mankind. My latest plan-
Zim's Computer: The latest plan is about to explode.

Zim: Go home and shave your giant head of smell with your bad self!
Dib: Okay... There's all kinds of things wrong with what you just said.

Lard Nar: That's The Massive out there. My people designed most of that thing, so I know how powerful it is... We're gonna die!! Whose idea was this?!
Spleenk: Uh, mine. Sorry about that...

Tallest Red: Identify yourself.
Lord Nar: [disguised deep voice] We are the Resisty! And we have come to-
Tallest Purple: Whoa, whoa whoa. Did you say the Resisty?
Lord Nar: Yes the Resisty! And we have come to-
Tallest Purple: That's a stupid name.
Lord Nar: [regular voice] See! I told you it was stupid! Why do I keep listening to you?
Spleenk: I don't know.

Tallest Purple: What ARE you DOING?!
Tallest Red: I'm running a manual diagnostic. [points at crewmember] YOU! Save the DONUTS!!

Zim: GIR! Another mutant biting thing!
GIR: Yes, vermin lord!

[Dib and Zim are on opposite sides of the road]
Dib: ZIM!
Zim: WHAT?
Dib: ZIM!
Zim: WHAT?
Dib: ZIM!
Zim: WHAT?
Zim: [struggling to hear Dib] ...THAT'S VERY NICE OF YOU!
Dib: AROUND...
GIR: SAMMICH! [head opens and a sandwich flies out, hitting Dib and knocking him against the wall]
[Zim laughs maniacally]
GIR: I had a sammich in my head! [they walk away]
Dib: Laugh now, space monster! But my weapon is so powerful, it- buys rubber pants!

Zim: No, GIR! You can eat later!

Dib: Zim! I don't know what your plan is, but I'm going to stop you!
Zim: I am infecting the city with genetically mutated vermin, but you'll never know!
Dib: You just told me.
Zim: [screaming] YOU'RE LYING!

Greg: Thanks for calling the FBI, my name is Greg, how may I help you?
Dib: I have an emergency! There's a kid who's-
Greg: [laughing] Hey, wait. You're... Dib, right? Did you ever get that ninja ghost out of your toilet?
Dib: Yes, no thanks to you!

Zim: Hey. These aren't bad. What's in 'em?
GIR: There's WAFFLE in 'em!

Zim: AHHHH! The flesh-eating demon squid has escaped again and created an army of cyborg zombie soldiers to do its evil bidding!

GIR: These got peanut and soap in 'em!

Nick: Augh! It's horrible! Horrible! Army of cyborgs rendering Zim's very flesh! The carnage, it makes me so happy! Hehe!

Gir: Guess who made waffles!
Zim: I'm not going to eat-
Zim: ENOUGH!! I shall try some already! [takes a bite] Well...they don't seem to be making me sick. You know, I think this will be a good way to build a tolerance to the human's FILTHY food! Okay, GIR. I will try-
Gir: Hehehehehehe! [runs to get more waffles]
Zim: And as soon as I'm done with these waffles, I shall discuss my evil plan!

Zim: GIR, your waffles have sickened me. Fetch me the bucket!

Zim: The Dib- the Dib! I don't care how delicious he is, he's evil! They'll destroy the base! There's only one thing to do!
GIR: You gonna make biscuits? You gonna make biscuits? You gonna make biscuits? You gonna make biscuits?
Zim: No, GIR. Never. I never want you to mention biscuits ever again.

Dib: Why was there ham in my pocket?

Prof. Membrane: Kids, I'm glad we could have this dinnertime recording together. Now, Gaz, if you could just put that can of beans in the proton oven! Be sure to take them out of the can or the explosion will destroy all human life!

Gaz: Hey, you're getting pieces of wall in the food!


Zim: Now do you understand my latest and most brilliant plan for earth conquest, GIR?
GIR: I'm gonna eat that fish.
Zim: No, GIR. The fish is part of the plan.

Administration Droid: Do not be alarmed. The student president has experienced a failure in spirit. A new election will be held immediately. Volunteers? Volunteer?
Zim: Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Pick Zim! Zim is me! Zim is me! Zim shall rule! Pick Zim! Zim! Me! I am Zim!
Administration Droid: Zim. Analysis: moron. Suitable. Candidate 2 needed. Volunteers?
Dib: But Zim's criminally insane! That's not good!
Administration Droid: Dib. Analysis: annoying.

Ms. Bitters: The candidates will now speak. And then be quiet! And then I go away from you all.

Ms. Bitters: I can only survive so long in the sun.

Zim: Gashloog gets to take a break without exploding! Why not me?
Sizz-Lorr: Because I hired him! You're here as punishment for almost annihilating our civilization!
Zim: Am I the only one who is impressed by that?

GIR: ...and then my master flew to the moon on a rocket of flamin' cheese! I like cheese! Cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese...

Dib: Can I ask you something? What are your species' main weaknesses? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
Tallest Purple: Who's that large-headed kid?
Tallest Red: I don't know, but his head is large.
Dib: [clears throat] Excuse me, alien scum? Gimme your planet's coordinates!

P.s.: Mittwoch bekomm ich meinen neuen PC ^^;

Entfernen sie die Verpackung vollständig (inkl. Folie)... Random, real life

Autor:  Zetsubo
Als ausgebildeter Gestalter und logisch denkender Mensch ist mir natürlich bewusst, dass Aufdrucke auf Verpackungen von vorne bis hinten durchdacht sind und nichts per Zufall auf eben diese gedruckt wird.

Aber seien wir ehrlich: 'Gebrauchsanleitungen', die mit solchen Worten beginnen und in 10 verschiedenen Sprachen auf der Packung existieren lassen einen doch arg an der Zukunft unserer menschlichen Rasse zweifeln. Denn grundlos wird es da nicht stehen...

Ich denke, ich könnte mir Sorgen machen... Aber so wirklich hänge ich ja nicht am Fortbestand der Menschheit ^^;

In diesem Sinne: ACHTUNG! Die Pizza kann sehr heiß sein!

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